Demonstrations in the Netherlands against the war on Iraq

demonstration poster
March 22nd: Demonstrations against the war on IraqMARCH 22ND: DEMONSTRATIONS AGAINST THE WAR ON IRAQ
On Saturday March 22nd at 13:00 in Amsterdam, starting on Dam Square there will be a second national demonstration against the war on Iraq.
The "platform tegen de ?Nieuwe Oorlog?" condemns a war against Iraq. The platform sees the use of military violence in the Middle East as a great danger, for the citizens of Iraq who have long suffered under the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein and international sanctions, but also for the entire Middle East and the rest of the world. The demonstrations are primarily intended to pressure the Dutch government to move towards resolving the conflict through peaceful means. On March 18th the Dutch government declared its political, although not military support of the war.
The demonstration is an expression of the opinion of the majority of the Dutch people who do not want a war.
There are a number of other actions announced for this week, among which the arrest of Bush and his extradition to the International Court of Justice on Wednesday. There are weekly demonstrations in cities such as Arnhem, Eindhoven, Deventer, Nijmegen, Enschede and Beverwijk. See overview of actions here. As soon as the war breaks out, Day X, there will be numerous actions all over the Netherlands.