Young Finnish Human Shield Stays In Baghdad Jari Tuominen - 15.03.2003 03:00
According to Finnish media sources, Finnish voluntary human shield Teijo Virolainen(22) have decided to stay in Iraq, despite the fears of getting killed in the process, if USA attacks Iraq. The decision undoubtly shows a great courage, since sametime many of the other human shields have left Iraq by heading back to home, many due to financial reasons. Reporters asked him of whether if he was happy about the present situation, and whether if he was ready to do this after so many years of studying at the schools, he told the reporters that it is much better to die in Iraq for a cause, than as retired and without no true reason for own existance on earth after all. "I have a great feeling in my heart, that right now something important is happending in Iraq, and I've concluded that I must follow my heart on this case," Teijo Virolainen told to the MTV3 news. "Attack on Iraq just for the sake of oil cannot be justified - everyone should be able to see the true reason behind the Iraq issue, which strongly appears to be about controlling the Iraq's oilfields." Teijo continues. He concludes that "preventing the war is primarily important", and is willing to risk his own life to reach the goal. Some sources say, that he spent his entire study loan on his Baghdad trip, atleast this seems to match with the seemingly expensive trip to Iraq. When asked of what he would do when the assaulting tanks would appear in the horizont, he answered "I would walk in front of these tanks, and try to resist them according my all remaining possibilities." Jari Tuominen Sources: - Young Finnish human shield protects Baghdad electric plant (English) - Suomalainen ihmiskilpi Irakissa (Finnish) E-Mail: Website: |