bijeenkomst dierenrechten-activisten bilbao luit jan - 11.02.2003 16:02
van 1 tot 3 mei wordt er in bilbao een bijeenkomst gehouden van dierenrechtenactivisten om ervaringen uit te wisselen en om (internationale) samenwerking te stimuleren. Dear friends, We would like to inform you about the AR gathering that will take place on the 1, 2 and 3 of May in Bilbao (Basque Country - Spain). Itīs main purpose is to look for the setting of an ideological core that allows different organizations, associations, groups or individuals to work in search for a common objective: ANIMAL LIBERATION. We would like to ask anyone that agrees with animal liberation to come to this gathering. IT IS FUNDAMENTAL TO CREATE A UNITED, STRONG AND WELL ORGANIZED MOVEMENT. ANIMALSī FUTURE AND THEIR LIBERATION DEPENDS EXCLUSIVELY ON OURSELVES. There will be different talks, discussions and workshops; we will try to make good use of time. National and International organizations will be present. The next time, we will send you a detailed program of the activities. Please, send us a confirmation that you have received this e-mail so that we can keep you informed and if you know someone that may be interested, please, send us her e-mail address to keep her informed too. We will send you more detailed information in the next e-mails. THE GATHERING IS ORGANIZED BY: RIGHTS FOR ANIMALS (DERECHOS PARA LOS ANIMALES) AND THE ANTISPECIST GROUP OF BILBAO (GRUPO ANTIESPECISTA DE BILBAO). POST CODE 14.454, E 28080-MADRID. E-Mail: |