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strike-free.org - 12.01.2003 14:35

Nobody will ever find out the real criminals behind the scenes.

Nobody will ever find out the real criminals behind the scenes. A system of fraud, deceit and homicide covered under the disguise of US national security. To crack this system could be the begin of an civil war and the collapse of an powerful and dangerous state. They never won't allow it.

What Did The Insider Know?

Interview with former German Defense Minister Andreas von Buelow
[Source: Tagesspiegel, Jan. 13] PARTIAL TRANSLATION

Q: You seem so angry, really upset.

Von Buelow: I can explain what's bothering me: I see that
after the horrifying attacks of Sept. 11, all political public
opinion is being forced into a direction that I consider wrong.

Q: What do you mean by that?

Von Buelow: I wonder why many questions are not asked.
Normally, with such a terrible thing, various leads and tracks
appear that are then commented on, by the investigators,
the media, the government: Is there something here or not?
Are the explanations plausible? This time, this is not the case
at all. It already began just hours after the attacks
in New York and Washington and--

Q: In those hours, there was horror, and grief.

Von Buelow: Right, but actually it was astounding:
There are 26 intelligence services in the U.S.A.
with a budget of $30 billion--

Q: More than the German defense budget.

Von Buelow: --which were not able to prevent the attacks.
In fact, they didn't even have an inkling they would happen.
For 60 decisive minutes, the military and intelligence agencies
let the fighter planes stay on the ground, 48 hours later,
however, the FBI presented a list of suicide attackers.
Within ten days, it emerged that seven of them were still alive.

Q: What, please?

Von Buelow: Yes, yes. And why did the FBI chief take no position
regarding contradictions? Where the list came from,
why it was false? If I were the chief investigator
(state attorney) in such a case,
I would regularly go to the public, and give information
on which leads are valid and which not.

Q: The U.S. government talked about an emergency situation
after the attacks: They said they were in a war.
Is it not understandable that one does not tell the enemy
everything one knows about him?

Von Buelow: Naturally. But a government which goes to war,
must first establish who the attacker, the enemy, is.
It has a duty to provide evidence.
According to its own admission,
it has not been able to present any evidence
that would hold up in court.

Q: Some information on the perpetrators has been proven
with documents. The suspected leader, Mohammad Atta,
left Portland for Boston on the morning of Sept. 11,
in order to board the plane that later hit the World Trade Center

Von Buelow: If this Atta was the decisive man in the operation,
it's really strange that he took such a risk of taking a plane
that would reach Boston such a short time before
the connecting flight. Had his flight been a few minutes late,
he would not have been in the plane that was hijacked.
Why should a sophisticated terrorist do this?
One can, by the way, read on CNN (Internet)
that none of these names were on the official passenger lists.
None of them had gone through the check-in procedures.
And why did none of the threatened pilots
give the agreed-upon code 7700 over the control stick to the ground station?
In addition: The black boxes which are fire and shock proof,
as well as the voice recordings, contain no valuable data--

Q: That sounds like--

Von Buelow: --like assailants who, in their preparations,
leave tracks behind them like a herd of stampeding elephants?
They made payments with credit cards with their own names;
they reported to their flight instructors with their own names.
They left behind rented cars with flight manuals in Arabic
for jumbo jets. They took with them, on their suicide trip,
wills and farewell letters, which fall into the hands of the FBI,
because they were stored in the wrong place
and wrongly addressed. Clues were left like behind
like in a child's game of hide-and-seek,
which were to be followed!

There is also the theory of one British flight engineer:

According to this, the steering of the planes
was perhaps taken out of the pilots' hands, from outside.

The Americans had developed a method in the 1970s,
whereby they could rescue hijacked planes
by intervening into the computer piloting
[automatic pilot system]. This theory says,
this technique was abused in this case. That's a theory....

Q: Which sounds really adventurous, and was never considered.

Von Buelow: You see! I do not accept this theory,
but I find it worth considering. And what about
the obscure stock transactions?
In the week prior to the attacks,
the amount of transactions in stocks in American Airlines,
United Airlines, and insurance companies, increased 1,200%.
It was for a value of $15 billion.
Some people must have known something. Who?

Q: Why don't you speculate on who it might have been.

Von Buelow: With the help of the horrifying attacks,
the Western mass democracies were subjected to brainwashing.
The enemy image of anti-communism doesn't work any more;
it is to be replaced by peoples of Islamic belief.
They are accused of having given birth to suicidal terrorism.

Q: Brainwashing? That's a tough term.

Von Buelow: Yes? But the idea of the enemy image doesn't
come from me. It comes from Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel
Huntington, two policy-makers of American intelligence
and foreign policy. Already in the middle of he 1990s,
Huntingon believed, people in Europe and the U.S.
needed someone they could hate--
this would strengthen their identification
with their own society. And Brzezinski, the mad dog,
as adviser to President Jimmy Carter,
campaigned for the exclusive right of the U.S.
to seize all the raw materials of the world,
especially oil and gas.

Q: You mean, the events of Sept. 11--

Von Buelow: --fit perfectly in the concept
of the armaments industry, the intelligence agencies,
the whole military-industrial-academic complex. This is in fact
conspicuous. The huge raw materials reserves of the former Soviet
Union are now at their disposal, also the pipeline routes and--

Q: Erich Follach described that at length in {Spiegel}:
``It's a matter of military bases, drugs, oil and gas reserves.''

Von Buelow: I can state: the planning of the attacks
was technically and organizationally a master achievement.
To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes
and within one hour, to drive them into their targets,
with complicated flight maneuvers!
This is unthinkable, without years-long support
from secretapparatuses of the state and industry.

Q: You are a conspiracy theorist!

Von Buelow: Yeah, yeah. That's the ridicule heaped
[on those raising these questions] by those who would prefer
to follow the official, politically correct line.
Even investigative journalists are fed propaganda
and disinformation. Anyone who doubts that,
doesn't have all his marbles! That is your accusation.

Q: Your career actually speaks against the idea
that you are not in your right mind.
You were already in the 1970s, state secretary
in the Defense Ministry; in 1993 you were the SPD
[Social Democratic Party] speaker
in the Schalk-Golodkowski investigation committee--

Von Buelow: And it all began there!
Until that time, I did not have any great knowledge
of the work of intelligence agencies.
And now we had to take note of a great discrepancy:
We shed light on the dealings of the Stasi
and other East bloc intelligence agencies
in the field of economic criminality,
but as soon as we wanted to know something
about the activities of the BND [German intelligence]
or the CIA, it was mercilessly blocked.
No information, no cooperation, nothing!
That's when I was first taken aback.

Q: Schalck-Golodkowski mediated, among other things, various
business deals abroad. When you looked at his case more closely--

Von Buelow: We found, for example, a clue in Rostock,
where Schalck organized his weapons depot.
Well, then we happened upon an affiliation of Schalck in Panama,
and then we happened upon Manuel Noriega,
who was for many years President, drug dealer,
and money launderer, all in one, right?
And this Noriega was also on the payroll of the CIA,
for $200,000 a year.
These were things that really made me curious.

Q: You wrote a book on the dealings of the CIA and Co.
In the meantime, you have become an expert
regarding the strange things
related to intelligence services' work.

Von Buelow: ``Strange things'' is the wrong term.
What has gone on, and goes on, in the name of intelligence services, are true crimes.

Q: What would you say determines
the work of intelligence services?

Von Buelow: So that we don't have any misunderstandings:
I find that it makes sense to have intelligence services....

Q: You don't think much of the earlier proposals
by the Greens, who wanted to dismantle these agencies?

Von Buelow: No. It is right to take a look
behind the scenes. Getting intelligence about the intentions
of an enemy, makes sense. It is important when one tries
to put oneself into the mind of the enemy.
Whoever wants to understand the CIA's methods,
has to deal with its main tasks, {covert operations}:
below the level of war, and outside international law,
foreign states are to be influenced, by organizing insurrections,
terrorist attacks, usually combined with drugs and weapons trade,
and money laundering. This is essentially very simple:
One arms violent people with weapons.
Since, however, it must not under any circumstances come out,
that there is an intelligence agency behind it,
all traces are erased, with tremendous deployment of resources.

I have the impression
that this kind of intelligence agency spends 90% of its time
this way: creating false leads. So that, if anyone suspects
the collaboration of the agencies,
he is accused of the sickness of conspiracy madness.
The truth often comes out only years later.
CIA chief Allen Dulles once said:
In case of doubt, I would even lie to the Congress!

Q: The American journalist Seymour M. Hersh,
wrote in the {New Yorker,} that even some people in the CIA
and government assumed, that certain leads had been laid
in order to confuse the investigators.
Who, Herr von Buelow, would have done this?

Von Buelow: I don't know that either. How should I?
I simply use my common sense, and--
See: The terrorists behaved in such a way to attract attention.
And as practicing Muslims, they were in a strip-tease bar,
and, drunken, stuck dollar bills into the panty of the dancer.

Q: Things like that also happen.

Von Buelow: It may be. As a lone fighter,
I cannot prove anything, that's beyond my capabilities.
I have real difficulties, however,
to imagine that all this all sprung
out ofthe mind of an evil man in his cave.

Q: Mr. von Buelow, you yourself say
that you are alone in your criticism.
Formerly, you were part of the political establishment,
now you are an outsider.

Von Buelow: That is a problem sometimes,
but one gets used to it. By the way,
I know a lot of people, including very influential ones,
who agree with me, but only in whispers, never publicly.

Q: Do you still have contact with old SPD companions,
such as Egon Bahr and former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt?

Von Buelow: There are no close contacts any more.
I wantedto go to the last SPD party congress, but I was sick.

Q: Can it be, Mr. von Buelow, that you are a mouthpiece for
typical anti-Americanism?

Von Buelow: Nonsense, this has absolutely nothing to do
with anti-Americanism. I am a great admirer of this great,
open, free society, and always have been. I studied in the U.S.

Q: How did you get the idea that there could be a link
between the attacks and the American intelligence agencies?

Von Buelow: Do you remember the first attack
on the WorldTrade Center in 1993?

Q: Six people were killed and over a thousand wounded,
by a bomb explosion.

Von Buelow: In the middle was the bombmaker,
a former Egyptian officer.
He had pulled together some Muslims for the attack.
They were snuck into the country by the CIA,
despite a State Department ban on their entry.
At the same time, the leader of the band was an FBI informant.

And he made a deal with the authorities:
At the last minute, the dangerous explosive material
would be replaced by a harmless powder.

The FBI did not stick to the deal.
The bomb exploded, so to speak, with the knowledge of the FBI.
The official story of the crime was quickly found:
The criminals were evil Muslims.

Q: At the time Soviet soldiers marched into Afghanistan,
you were in the cabinet of Helmut Schmidt. What was it like?

Von Buelow: The Americans pushed for trade sanctions,
they demanded the boycott of the Olympic games in Moscow....

Q.... which the German government followed...

Von Buelow: And today we know: It was the strategy
of the American security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski,
to destabilize the Soviet Union from neighboring Muslim countries
They lured the Russians into Afghanistan,
and then prepared for them a hell on earth, their Vietnam.
With decisive support of the U.S. intelligence agencies,
at least 30,000 Muslim fighters were trained
in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a bunch of good-for-nothings
and fanatics who were, and still are today, ready for anything.

And one of them is Osama bin Laden. I wrote years ago: `
`It was out of this brood, that the Taliban grew up
in Afghanistan, who had been brought up in the Koran schools
financed by American and Saudi funds,
the Taliban who are now terrorizing the country and destroying it

Q: Even though you say, for the U.S.
it was a matter of raw materials in the region,
the starting point for the U.S. aggression,
was the terrorist attack which cost thousands of human lives.

Von Buelow: Completely true. One must always keep this
gruesome act in mind. Nonetheless, in the analysis of political
processes, I am allowed to look and see who has advantages
and disadvantages, and what is coincidental. When in doubt,
it is always worthwhile to take a look at a map,
where are raw materials resources, and the routes to them?
Then lay a map of civil wars and conflicts on top of that
--they coincide. The same is the case with the third map:
nodal points of the drug trade.

Where this all comes together, the American intelligence services
are not far away. By the way, the Bush family is linked to oil,
gas, and weapons trade, through the bin Laden family.

Q: What do you think of the Bin Laden films?

Von Buelow: When one is dealing with intelligence services,
one can imagine manipulations of the highest quality.
Hollywood could provide these techniques.
I consider the videos inappropriate as evidence.

Q: You believe the CIA is capable of anything,
[wouldn't stop at anything].

Von Buelow: The CIA, in the state interests of the U.S.,
does not have to abide by any law in interventions abroad,
is not bound by international law;
only the President gives orders.

And when funds are cut, peace is on the horizon,
then a bomb explodes somewhere. Thus it is proven,
that you can't do without the intelligence services;
and that the critics are {nuts,} as Father Bush called them,
Bush who was once CIA head and President.

You have to see that the U.S. spends $30 billion
on intelligence services, and $13 billion on anti-drug work.
And what comes out of it?

The chief of a special unit of the strategic anti-drug work declared, in despair, after 30 years of service,
that in every big, important drug case,
the CIA came in and took it out of my hands. (Rosalinda: Michael Levin)

Q: Do you criticize the German government
for its reaction after Sept. 11?

Von Buelow: No. To assume that the government
were independent in these questions, would be naive.

Q: Herr von Buelow, what will you do now?

Von Buelow: Nothing. My task is concluded by saying,
it could not have been that way [according to the official story]
Search for the truth!

Von Buelow: No. To assume that the government
were independent in these questions, would be naive.

Q: Herr von Buelow, what will you do now?

Von Buelow: Nothing. My task is concluded by saying,
it could not have been that way [according to the official story]
Search for the truth!

Crew & Passenger Lists
Attack Aircraft 11 Sept 2001
None Include Any Arab or Hijacker Names


American Airlines Flight 11, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center with 86 people on board, none of whom were alleged hijackers or Arabs


John Ogonowski, 52, of Dracut, Massachusetts, was the pilot of Flight 11. A lifelong aviation buff, he joined the Air Force after graduating from college and flew planes at the close of the Vietnam War. He joined American Airlines in 1979.
First Officer Thomas McGuinness, 42, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, was Flight 11's co-pilot.
Barbara Arestegui, 38, was a flight attendant from Marstons Mills, Massachusetts.
Jeffrey Collman was a flight attendant.
Sara Low, 28, was a flight attendant from Batesville, Arkansas.
Karen Martin was a flight attendant.
Kathleen Nicosia was a flight attendant.
Betty Ong, 45, was a flight attendant from Andover, Massachusetts.
Jean Roger, 24, was a flight attendant from Longmeadow, Massachusetts.
Dianne Snyder, 42, was a flight attendant from Westport, Massachusetts.
Madeline Sweeney, 35, was a flight attendant from Acton, Massachusetts.


Anna Williams Allison, 48, of Stoneham, Massachusetts, was the founder of A2 Software Solutions. ,
David Angell, 54, of Pasadena, California, was the creator and executive producer of the hit NBC sitcom "Frasier."
Lynn Angell, 45, of Pasadena, California, was the wife of "Frasier" creator and executive producer David Angell.
Seima Aoyama
Myra Aronson, 52, of Charlestown, Massachusetts, was a press and analyst relations manager for Compuware Corp.
Christine Barbuto, 32, of Brookline, Massachusetts, was a buyer for TJX Cos.
Berry Berenson, 53, of Los Angeles, California, was an actress and photographer.
Carolyn Beug, 48, of Los Angeles, California.
Carol Bouchard, 43, of Warwick, Rhode Island, was a Kent County Hospital emergency room secretary.
Robin Caplin was from Natick, Massachusetts.
Neilie Casey, 32, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, was a merchandise planning manager for TJX Cos.,
Jeffrey Coombs, 42, of Abington, Massachusetts, was a security analyst for Compaq Computer.
Tara Creamer, 30, of Worcester, Massachusetts, was a merchandise planning manager for TJX Cos.
Thelma Cuccinello, 71, was a Wilmot, New Hampshire, resident with 10 grandchildren.
Patrick Currivan
Andrew Curry Green was from Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
Brian Dale, 43, of Warren, New Jersey, was an accountant and attorney with Blue Capital Management.
David DiMeglio was from Wakefield, Massachusetts.
Donald Ditullio, 49, was from Peabody, Massachusetts.
Albert Dominguez, 66, was a baggage handler for Qantas Airways in Sydney, Australia.
Alex Filipov, 70, was an electrical engineer from Concord, Massachusetts.
Carol Flyzik, 40, was from Plaistow, New Hampshire.
Paul Friedman, 45, from Belmont, Massachusetts, was a consultant for Emergence Consulting.
Karleton D.B. Fyfe, 31, of Brookline, Massachusetts, was a senior investment analyst for John Hancock.
Peter Gay, 54, of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was a Raytheon Co. vice president of operations for electronic systems based in Andover, Massachusetts. He had worked for Raytheon for more than 28 years.
Linda George, 27, of Westboro, Massachusetts, was a buyer for TJX Cos.
Edmund Glazer, 41, of Los Angeles, California, was the chief financial officer of MRV Communications.
Lisa Fenn Gordenstein, 41, of Needham, Massachusetts, was an assistant vice president, for TJX Cos.
Paige Farley Hackel, 46, was a spiritual adviser from Newton, Massachusetts.
Peter Hashem, 40, was an engineer from Tewksbury, Massachusetts.
Robert Hayes, 37, from Amesbury, Massachusetts was a sales engineer with Netstal.
Ted Hennessy, 35, was a consultant for Emergence Consulting in Belmont, Massachusetts.
John Hofer
Cora Holland, 52, of Sudbury, Massachusetts, was with Sudbury Food Pantry.
Nicholas Humber, 60, of Newton, Massachusetts, was the owner of Brae Burn Management.
John Jenkins
Charles Jones, 48, was a computer programmer from Bedford, Massachusetts.
Robin Kaplan, 33, of Westboro, Massachusetts, was a senior store equipment specialist for TJX Cos.
Barbara Keating, 72, was from Palm Springs, California.
David Kovalcin, 42, of Hudson, New Hampshire, was a Raytheon Co. senior mechanical engineer.
Judy Larocque, 50, of Framingham, Massachusetts, was the founder and CEO of Market Perspectives.
Jude Larson, 31, was from Los Angeles, California.
Natalie Larson was from Los Angeles, California.
N. Janis Lasden, 46, of General Electric was from Peabody, Massachusetts.
Daniel John Lee, 34, was from Los Angeles, California.
Daniel C. Lewin, 31, was the co-founder and chief technology officer at Akamai Technologies Inc.
Susan MacKay, 44, of Westford, Massachusetts, was an employee of TJX Cos.
Chris Mello, 25, was a financial analyst with Alta Communications from Boston.
Jeff Mladenik, 43, of Hinsdale, Illinois, was the interim president at E-Logic.
Antonio Montoya
Carlos Montoya
Laura Lee Morabito, 34, was the Qantas Airways area sales manager in Boston. She lived in Framingham, Mass.
Mildred Naiman was from Andover, Massachusetts.
Laurie Neira
Renee Newell, 37, of Cranston, Rhode Island, was a customer service agent with American Airlines.
Jacqueline Norton, 60, was a retiree from Lubec, Maine. She was traveling with her husband, Robert Norton.
Robert Norton, 82, was a retiree from Lubec, Maine. He was traveling with his wife, Jacqueline Norton.
Jane Orth, 49, of Haverhill, Massachusetts, was retired from Lucent Technology.
Thomas Pecorelli, 31, of Los Angeles, California, was a cameraman for Fox Sports and E! Entertainment Television.
Sonia Morales Puopolo, 58, of Dover, Massachusetts, was a retired ballet dancer.
David Retik was from Needham, Massachusetts. He was a general partner of Alta Communications.
Philip Rosenzweig of Acton, Massachusetts, was an executive with Sun Microsystems.
Richard Ross, 58, of Newton, Massachusetts, headed his own management consulting company, the Ross Group.
Jessica Sachs, 22, of Billerica, Massachusetts was an accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Rahma Salie, 28, was from Boston.
Heather Smith, 30, of Beacon Capital Partners was from Boston.
Douglas Stone, 54, was from Dover, New Hampshire.
Xavier Suarez
Michael Theodoridis, 32, was a consultant from Boston.
James Trentini, 65, was a retired teacher and assistant principal from Everett, Massachusetts.
Mary Trentini, 67, was a retired secretary from Everett, Massachusetts.
Mary Wahlstrom, 75, of Kaysville, Utah, was traveling with her daughter, Carolyn Beug.
Kenneth Waldie, 46, of Methuen, Massachusetts, was a Raytheon Co. senior quality control engineer.
John Wenckus, 46, was a tax consultant from Torrance, California.
Candace Lee Williams, 20, was a student from Danbury, Connecticut.
Christopher Zarba, 47, of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, was a software engineer at Concord Communications.


American Airlines Flight 77, from Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon with 56 people aboard, none of whom were alleged hijackers or Arabs.


Charles Burlingame of Herndon, Virginia, was the plane's captain. He had more than 20 years of experience flying with American Airlines and was a former U.S. Navy pilot.
David Charlebois, who lived in Washington's Dupont Circle neighborhood, was the first officer on the flight.
Michele Heidenberger of Chevy Chase, Maryland, was a flight attendant for 30 years. S
Flight attendant Jennifer Lewis, 38, of Culpeper, Virginia, was the wife of flight attendant Kenneth Lewis.
Flight attendant Kenneth Lewis, 49, of Culpeper, Virginia, was the husband of flight attendant Jennifer Lewis.
Renee May, 39, of Baltimore, Maryland, was a flight attendant.


Paul Ambrose, 32, of Washington, was a physician who worked with the U.S. Department of Health.
Yeneneh Betru, 35, was from Burbank, California.
M.J. Booth
Bernard Brown, 11, was a student at Leckie Elementary School in Washington.
Suzanne Calley, 42, of San Martin, California, was an employee of Cisco Systems Inc.
William Caswell
Sarah Clark, 65, of Columbia, Maryland, was a sixth-grade teacher at Backus Middle School in Washington.
Asia Cottom, 11, was a student at Backus Middle School in Washington.
James Debeuneure, 58, of Maryland, was a fifth-grade teacher at Ketcham Elementary School in Washington.
Rodney Dickens, 11, was a student at Leckie Elementary School in Washington.
Eddie Dillard
Charles Droz
Barbara Edwards, 58, of Las Vegas, Nevada, was a teacher at Palo Verde High School in Las Vegas.
Charles S. Falkenberg, 45, of University Park, Maryland, was the director of research at ECOlogic Corp.
Zoe Falkenberg, 8, of University Park, Maryland, was the daughter of Charles Falkenberg and Leslie Whittingham.
Dana Falkenberg, 3, of University Park, Maryland, was the daughter of Charles Falkenberg and Leslie Whittingham.
Joe Ferguson was the director of the National Geographic Society's geography education outreach program in Washington.
Wilson "Bud" Flagg of Millwood, Virginia, was a retired Navy admiral and retired American Airlines pilot.
Dee Flagg
Richard Gabriel
Ian Gray, 55, of Washington was the president of a health-care consulting firm.
Stanley Hall, 68, was from Rancho Palos Verdes, California.
Bryan Jack, 48, of Alexandria, Virginia, was a senior executive at the Defense Department.
Steven D. "Jake" Jacoby, 43, of Alexandria, Virginia, was the chief operating officer of Metrocall Inc.
Ann Judge, 49, of Virginia was the travel office manager for the National Geographic Society.
Yvonne Kennedy
Norma Khan, 45, from Reston, Virginia was a nonprofit organization manager.
Karen A. Kincaid, 40, was a lawyer with the Washington firm of Wiley Rein & Fielding.
Norma Langsteuerle
Dong Lee
Dora Menchaca, 45, of Santa Monica, California, worked for a biotech firm.
Christopher Newton, 38, of Anaheim, California, was president and chief executive officer of Work-Life Benefits.
Barbara Olson, 45, was a conservative commentator who often appeared on CNN.
Ruben Ornedo, 39, of Los Angeles, California, was a Boeing propulsion engineer.
Robert Penniger, 63, of Poway, California, was an electrical engineer with BAE Systems.
Lisa Raines, 42, was senior vice president for government relations at the Washington office of Genzyme.
Todd Reuben, 40, of Potomac, Maryland, was a tax and business lawyer.
John Sammartino
Diane Simmons
George Simmons
Mari-Rae Sopper of Santa Barbara, California, was a women's gymnastics coach at the University of California.
Bob Speisman, 47, was from Irvington, New York.
Hilda Taylor was a sixth-grade teacher at Leckie Elementary School in Washington.
Leonard Taylor was from Reston, Virginia.
Leslie A. Whittington, 45, was from University Park, Maryland.
John Yamnicky, 71, was from Waldorf, Maryland.
Vicki Yancey
Shuyin Yang
Yuguag Zheng


United Airlines Flight 175, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, was the second hijacked plane to strike the World Trade Center South Tower) with 56 people on board. No alleged hikackers or anyone of Arab name or obvious descent.


Capt. Victor Saracini, 51, of Lower Makefield Township, Pennsylvania, was a Navy veteran.
Michael Horrocks was first officer.
Robert J. Fangman was a flight attendant.
Amy N. Jarret, 28, of North Smithfield, Rhode Island, was a flight attendant.
Amy R. King was a flight attendant.
Kathryn L. Laborie was a flight attendant.
Alfred G. Marchand of Alamogordo, New Mexico, was a flight attendant.
Michael C. Tarrou was a flight attendant.
Alicia N. Titus was a flight atteandant.


Alona Avraham, 30, was from Ashdot, Israel.
Garnet "Ace" Bailey, 53, of Lynnfield, Massachusetts, was director of pro scouting for the Los Angeles Kings hockey team. .Mark Bavis, 31, of West Newton, Massachusetts.
Graham Berkeley, 37, of Xerox Corp. was from Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Touri Bolourchi, 69, was from Beverly Hills, California.
Klaus Bothe, 31, of Germany was on a business trip with BCT Technology AG's chief executive officer.
Daniel Brandhorst, of Los Angeles, California, was a lawyer for PriceWaterhouse.
David Brandhorst, 3, was from Los Angeles.
John Cahill was from Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Christoffer Carstanjen, 33, of Turner Falls, Massachusetts, was staff assistant in the office of information technology at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
John Corcoran "Jay" Corcoran, 44, of Norwell, Massachusetts, was a merchant marine.
Dorothy Dearaujo, 82, was from Long Beach, California.
Gloria Debarrera
Lisa Frost, 22, of Rancho Santa Margarita, California, graduated from Boston University this year.
Ronald Gamboa, 33, of Los Angeles, California, was a Gap store manager.
Lynn Goodchild, 25, was from Attleboro, Massachusetts.
The Rev. Francis E. Grogan, 76, of Easton, Massachusetts, was a priest at Holy Cross Church in Easton.
Carl Hammond, 37, was from Boston, Massachusetts.
Peter Hanson, 32, of Groton, Massachusetts, was a software salesman.
Susan Hanson, 35, of Groton, Massachusetts, was a student.
Christine Hanson, 3, was from Groton, Massachusetts.
Gerald Hardacre
Eric Hartono
James E. Hayden, 47, of Westford, Massachusetts, was the chief financial officer of Netegrity Inc.
Herbert Homer,48, of Milford, Massachusetts, worked for Raytheon Co.
Robert Jalbert, 61, of Swampscott, Massachusetts, was a salesman.
Ralph Kershaw, 52, of Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, was a marine surveyor.
Heinrich Kimmig, 43, chairman and chief executive officer of BCT Technology Ag, of Germany.
Brian Kinney, 29, of Lowell, Massachusetts, was an auditor for PriceWaterhouse Cooper.
Robert LeBlanc, 70, of Lee, New Hampshire, was a professor emeritus of geography at the University of New Hampshire.
Maclovio "Joe" Lopez Jr., 41, was from Norwalk, California.
Marianne MacFarlane
Louis Neil Mariani, 59, was from Derry, New Hampshire.
Juliana Valentine McCourt, 4, was from New London, Connecticut.
Ruth McCourt, 24, was from Westford, Massachusetts.
Wolfgang Menzel, 60, of Germany joined BCT Technology AG in 2000 as director of human resources. He is survived by his wife and one child. Menzel had planned to retire in six months.
Shawn Nassaney, 25, was from Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Patrick Quigley, 40, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, was a partner at PriceWaterhouse Cooper.
Frederick Rimmele was a physician from Marblehead, Massachusetts.
James M. Roux, 42, was from Portland, Maine.
Jesus Sanchez, 45, was an off-duty flight attendant from Hudson, Massachusetts.
Kathleen Shearer was from Dover, New Hampshire.
Robert Shearer was from Dover, New Hampshire.
Jane Simpkin, 35, was from Wayland, Massachusetts.
Brian D. Sweeney, 38, was from Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Timothy Ward, 38, of San Diego, California, worked at the Carlsbad, California-based Rubio's Restaurants Inc.
William Weems of Marblehead, Massachusetts, was a commercial producer.


United Airlines Flight 93, from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California, crashed in rural southwest Pennsylvania, with 45 people on board, none of whom were alleged hijackers or Arabs.


Jason Dahl, 43, from Denver, Colorado, was the plane's captain.
Leroy Homer, 36, from Marlton, New Jersey, was the first officer on board.
Lorraine Bay was a flight attendant.
Sandra Bradshaw, 38, of Greensboro, North Carolina, was a flight attendant.
Wanda Green was a flight attendant.
CeeCee Lyles of Fort Myers, Florida, was a flight attendant.
Deborah Welsh was a flight attendant.


Christian Adams
Todd Beamer, 32, was from Cranbury, New Jersey.
Alan Beaven, 48, of Oakland, California, was an environmental lawyer.
Mark Bingham, 31, of San Francisco owned a public relations firm, the Bingham Group.
Deora Bodley, 20, of Santa Clara, California, was a university student.
Marion Britton
Thomas E. Burnett Jr., 38, of San Ramon, California.
William Cashman
Georgine Corrigan
Joseph Deluca
Patrick Driscoll
Edward Felt, 41, was from Matawan, New Jersey.
Colleen Fraser
Andrew Garcia
Jeremy Glick, 31, from West Milford, New Jersey.
Lauren Grandcolas of San Rafael, California, was a sales worker at Good Housekeeping magazine.
Donald F. Green, 52, was from Greenwich, Connecticut.
Linda Gronlund
Richard Guadagno, 38, of Eureka, California, was the manager of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
Toshiya Kuge
Waleska Martinez
Nicole Miller
Mark Rothenberg
Christine Snyder, 32, was from Kailua, Hawaii. She was an arborist for the Outdoor Circle.
John Talignani
Honor Wainio

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