EU-US secret agreement being negotiated Gillian Perdu - 08.09.2002 14:59
Statewatch press release, 3 September 2002 EU-US secret agreement being negotiated - secret agreement on criminal matters, investigative procedures and joint teams being negotiated without the the European or national parliaments being consulted - Statewatch refused access to full-text of document because: "the interest of protecting the Council's objectives outweighs the interest in "democratic control".. which is referred to by the applicant" Statewatch has obtained a copy of the secret negotiating agenda for an agreement (treaty) between the EU and the US on judicial cooperation in criminal matters which would have major implications for peoples' rights and liberties. It covers the death penalty, extradition, the creation of joint investigative teams and a "common approach to searches, seizures, interception of telecommunications." The draft agreement is going to be discussed in depth for the first time at the Informal Meeting of EU Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in Copenhagen on 13 September - John Ashcroft, US Attorney General, will take part in these discussions. Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, comments: "It is quite unacceptable in a democracy that an agreement should be negotiated with a non-EU state in secret, without the European and national parliaments or civil society having any say whatsoever. This is a primary example of fundamental rights and protections built up in the EU over decades being put up for negotiation by EU governments to meet US demands in the so-called "war on terrorism". The full story and documentation is on: For further information please ring: 00 44 208 802 1882 Website: |