PravdaDa on-line! simon lyonov - 04.09.2002 12:15
Philipsgrad, 04.09.2002 - PravdaDa, your Virtual Gateway to Revolutionary ART = now on-line. Check out/Smurf naar: Dawai, tovarichy!!! In the murky Heartlands of the Dutch Autonomous region of Philipsgrad, famed for a certain manufacturer of electronic household-appliances, is now on-line. PravdaDa = an Art-collective inspired by the Art of the Russian Oktober-revolution. Think of the Era when Poets & Painters created Art 4 the Ma$$e$!!! Mayakovsky, El Lissitsky, Tatlin, Brik, Malevitch...Russian ARTists & Futurists who dedicated their Art into campaigns for alphabetisation of the workers. Read books....Knighy!!! As part of the Atelier-route 2002 in Eindhoven (as this industrial town is known to some in the Neverlandz ;), will present itself 2 the Public from friday 27th of september till sunday 6th Oktjabr!!! This takes place in Het Stroomhuis, or the Power Plant, a former Transformator-building in Eindhoven/Philipsgrad. There will be performances, installations, a Stress Cave, some wicked Techno and delicious vegetarian food from the Mobile Culinary Offensive... Komradz, Genossen, Tovarichy, Kameraden: B there, or B []!!! Slava Trud Narodny Rabotniky Elektritsny & Slava trud PravdaDa! Leve de Arbeid van de Volksarbeiders in het Stroomhuis & PravdaDa!!! daDAzvidanja, C U in the Power Plant. Eindhoven: it's Electrifying! ART 4 the Masses! E-Mail: Website: |