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Aanval op de USS Liberty, 8 juni 1967 j III - 09.06.2002 22:15
Mysterie rond de aanval op USS Liberty in 1967 door het Isaelische leger, opnieuw onder vuur. Gevoelige materie voor het in de VS heersende PRO-Israel sentiment en de belangrijke invloed daarvan op de regering Bush. Congreslid, mevrouw Cynthia McKinney uit Georgia heeft het aangedrurft om het nooit opgeloste mysterie rond de aanval op USS Liberty in 1967 door het Isaelische leger in het congres onder de aandacht te brengen. Maandag 10 June zendt BBC Four (TV) een programma uit met de pretentie de geheimen rond de aanslag op de USS Liberty op te helderen, voor degene die de zender kan ontvangen. Bijdrage van C. McKinney, 6 juni 2002 Meneer de voorzitter, Ik wil de stilte doorbreken rond de tragische aanval die heeft plaats gevonden op de USS Liberty op 8 Juni, 1967, hoewel er intussen 35 jaar is verstreken sinds deze historische gebeurtenis, maar de overlevenden van de USS Liberty hebben nog steeds grote moeite met het feit dat ze hun verhaal nooit hebben kunnen doen. Terwijl er nooit een officieel onderzoek is geweest naar deze gebeurtenis, zijn we van de overlevenden te weten gekomen dat er een ruim 75 minuten durende aanval is geweest door het Israelische leger op de USS Liberty, 34 Amerikaanse soldaten zijn daarbij gedood en een andere 172 gewond geraakt. Met meer dan 85% van de bemannig ofwel dood of gewond hebben ze het op een of andere manier voor elkaar gekregen om het schip drijvende te houden, na bestookt te zijn door meer dan 1000 raketten, geraakt door kanonnen en machinegeweren, napalm aanslagen, en zelfs een directe treffer van een torpedo. Deze niet uitgelokte aanval vond plaats in internationale wateren, gedaan door een betrouwbare bondgenoot. de enige verklaring die de overlevenden en nabestaanden hebben ontvangen is dat het een ongeluk was en niet herkend als zijnde Amerikaans, ondanks het feit dat gedurende de gehele aanval de vlag trots in de mast is gevoerd. Helaas, die verklaring is niet goed genoeg voor diegenen wiens levens door deze aanval zijn aangetast, en het zou niet goed genoeg moeten zijn voor de Amerikaanse bevolking. Laten we niet nog eens 35 jaar wachten voordat we de overlevenden van de USS Liberty een officieel onderzoek geven naar de reden van deze aanslag en ze in de gelegenheid stellen om hun verhaal te doen. We zijn ze meer verschuldigd dan alleen dankbaarheid voor hun offer, we zijn ze de waarheid verschuldigd. () The crewmen of the ship believe that the attack was deliberate, and that the US and Israeli Governments cooperated to hide this fact, with false and rigged investigations and with untrue official accounts. http://www.logogo.net/01quest.htm ´No one ever apologized´ http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=4361750&BRD=1889&PAG=461&dept_id=122116&rfi=6 Israeli Pilot Speaks Up http://www.washington-report.org/backissues/0693/9306019.htm Israel and The U.S. Interest http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/7891/index_usint.html Corrupts and controls the US congress and media http://www.it-select.co.uk/zone0/viewtopic.php?t=53 Y. Rabin´s; there were standing orders to attack any unidentified vessel near the shore, **53$$3412! http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/History/liberty.html USS Liberty Wreath Laying Ceremony, June 8, 2002 Remarks by LCDR John E. Engelberger, USCGR(Ret) We are gathered here today to honor 34 Americans killed during the brutal Israeli attack on the USS LIBERTY, 35 years ago, on June 8, 1967. Many will label this ceremony as anti-Semitic, as has been done in the past, while other memorials to our war heroes nationwide are decorated and honored, particularly on Memorial Day. Is there a fear of the anti-Semitic label here in Morrisville? I think so. Back in 1997 we attempted to locate this Memorial, first at the Library, and then at Borough Hall, but were turned down. Finally, I decided to locate it here on my property on Morrisville´s main street. I requested the then Borough Manager to post a notice of the dedication on Channel 13, but she refused. To publicize the present ceremony we requested that the following message be posted on Channel 13: The Public is invited to come and say a prayer for the 34 fallen heroes killed during the brutal Israeli attack on this virtually unarmed US Navy vessel on June 8, 1967. The posting as "edited" by the Borough is as follows: The Public is invited to an INFORMAL Wreath Laying Ceremony and to say a prayer for the 34 fallen heroes killed on June 8, 1967. We deeply appreciate that the Borough has arranged to display our notice on the Community Cable TV station. However, they succumb to the Wall of Silence that has manifested itself for 35 years, not because they are staunch supporters of Israel, but because they fear the truth will label them as anti-Semitic. I get my share of anti-Semitic charges. To my accusers, I ask: Why wasn´t I anti-Semitic between 1993 and 2001, during the Oslo peace process? With Sharon, Israel will never have peace. You confuse anti-Semitism with anti-Sharonism. To the latter, I plead guilty. But then, so do many of my Jewish friends. () That´s what you get for loving me! x j. III |
aanvullingen | | DEAD IN THE WATER | 10.06.2002 09:37
BBC 4. Monday 10 June 9pm-10.10pm; rpt 11.50pm-1am Sunday 16 June 10.10pm-11.20pm During the Six Day War, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty belonging to its closest ally, the USA. Thirty-four American servicemen were killed in the two-hour assault by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats. Israel claimed that the whole affair had been a tragic accident based on mistaken identification of the ship. The American government accepted the explanation. For more than 30 years many people have disbelieved the official explanation but have been unable to rebut it convincingly. Now, Dead in the Water uses startling new evidence to reveal the truth behind the seemingly inexplicable attack. The film combines dramatic reconstruction of the events, with new access to former officers in the US and Israeli armed forces and intelligence services who have decided to give their own version of events. Interviews include President Lyndon Johnson´s Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara, former head of the Israeli navy Admiral Shlomo Errell and members of the USS Liberty crew. On Monday 10 June we will publish interviews with Admiral Shlomo and John Hrankowski, president of the Liberty Veterans Society. The pair have very different versions of events
Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/documentaries/features/dead_in_the_water.shtml | BBC 4 | 11.06.2002 19:31
Just to let you know, the BBC played it straight down the line tonight. I have limited knowledge on this particular subject but it doesn´t take a genius to figure out the truth having watched the documentary. They went as far as to cover Operation Cyanide in some detail and they left nobody in doubt about the joint US and Israeli cover up. Lyndon Johnson is a bigger bastard than even I gave him credit for. As for Helms - he must have been born of the devil. The Israelis and US government officials are very poor liars indeed - they were the only people interviewed who had to resort to official secrets and nod, wink tactics. Most of them were too cowardly to speak up. The survivors, on the other hand, are one hell of a straight talking and honest group. I hope to God they get some justice before they are all gone. It is very difficult to imagine what their lives have been like since that day. This documentary had a big impact on me. Top marks for the BBC. Regards AT | |
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