solidariteitsverklaring uit Caïro met Occupiers doorgeefluik - 26.10.2011 15:35
op de website van Adbusters (in V.S.) staat een solidariteitstekst voor de Occupy-acties van kameraden uit Caïro (Egypte) gepubliceerd. Laatste paragraaf: By way of concluding then, our only real advice to you is to continue, keep going and do not stop. Occupy more, find each other, build larger and larger networks and keep discovering new ways to experiment with social life, consensus, and democracy. Discover new ways to use these spaces, discover new ways to hold on to them and never give them up again. Resist fiercely when you are under attack, but otherwise take pleasure in what you are doing, let it be easy, fun even. We are all watching one another now, and from Cairo we want to say that we are in solidarity with you, and we love you all for what you are doing. |