No freedom for women in NATO's Libya dearkitty - 06.09.2011 15:27
Er is geen vrijheid voor vrouwen, nu Tripoli is ingenomen door rebellen en hun bondgenoten, de NAVO en Arabische absolute monarchieën. Now that Tripoli, Libya, has been taken by rebels and their allies, oil-hungry NATO governments, there is no freedom for Libyan women. Nederlands: Er is geen vrijheid voor vrouwen, nu de hoofdstad van Libië, Tripoli, is ingenomen door rebellen en hun bondgenoten, de NAVO en Arabische absolute monarchieën. English: Now that Tripoli, the capital of Libya, has been taken by rebels and their allies, Arabian pensinsula absolute monarchies and oil-hungry NATO governments, there is no freedom for Libyan women. Not a single woman sits in the Libyan Transitional Council's government. So far, Libyan women had been free either to wear or to not to wear the hijab. In an interview, a Libyan woman shop assistant, not wearing a headscarf, suspects that now the hijab may become mandatory. And that she will have to sacrifice her freedom for safety. Meanwhile, WikiLeaks and other sources document how torture during the Gadaffi days happened in close collaboration with the secret services of the USA and Britain, the CIA, MI5 and MI6. Read more at Website: |