Climate and energy camp7-14.07.2011Janschwalde.Germany Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV - 08.08.2011 07:35
Info and links More info at english Schedule for the climate and energy camp (August 7-10th) Schedule for the climate and energy camp (August 11-14th) Or download the 2-page PDF version of the schedule. The camp programme and various other useful information are compiled in our camp booklet (PDF). Information on the climate demonstration in Cottbus “Unsere Energie ist nicht eure Kohle” (Our climate, not your business) (Saturday, August 13th, 14:00) can be found here. Workshop descriptions Sun, Aug 7th | Mon, Aug 8th | Tue, Aug 9th | Wed, Aug 10th | Thu, Aug 11th | Fri, Aug 12th | Sat, Aug 13th | Sun, Aug 14th Sunday, August 7th ↑ The energy strategy for the future Organized by the “Spree-scouts” and the environmental group Cottbus e.V,, sponsored by the National Center for Civic Education, Brandenburg. Sunday, 07 August, 11:00 a.m. by bus from the camp, lasts about 7 hours. Registration at the info tent or via E-Mail to Number of participants: minimum of eight participants / maximum of 24 participants Price: 20 € p.P. including lunch (with „climate-friendly“ ingredients from the region!) The tour leads you to the following places: The viewpoint of the open cast mining: Cottbus-Nord and the devastated village Lacoma which show the impact of coal mining Atterwasch: where you will see practical examples of renewable energy sources, organised municipally or privately operated (Atterwasch is a village threatened to be removed with the excavator) The solar power plant Lieberoser Heide – where energy is gained from the sun And we will also give you some information about the Energy Strategy 2020 and its importance for the sustainable development of the Lausitz The lowering of ground water caused by mining and its influence on the regional small lakes Martin Dotzauer The Workshop starts on Sunday, 07 August and will run for several days. In this workshop we will examine the four lakes which lie within the catchment area of the open pit and which have been constantly shrinking in the last 30 years. First, we will deal with some theoretical fundamentals of geology, the „open pit mining“ of coal and the regional water balance. Second, we will roughly map the four lakes to illustrate how much the water level and the water surface level have dropped in the recent years. Finally, the results will be presented in a small summary. If you have a bike and if you are interested in practical environmental research, then you can join us. The workshop will be on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. But if you only want to take part on one day that’s fine with me! Monday, August 8th ↑ Cooking and baking with the sun – building your own solar oven Bettina Monday, 08 August and Tuesday, 09 August, 11:00 am – 2:30 pm A solar oven looks like a wooden box from the outside. When you open the lid and the sun rays get into the glass box, you can bake and cook like you bake and cook with a normal oven at about 150 ° C. A solar oven can be built relatively easily with inexpensive, recycled materials and simple tools. Two days are needed for the construction of a furnace, about four people can participate. Turn of energy policie from below. What can we do? Andreas Schug, Arbeitskreis Klima und Erneuerbare Energien (BUND Berlin) Mon, 08 August, all day long workshop 10 to 30 participants; working in plena, Open Space and small groups. Paper workshop – Creating puppets for actions Regine Dulitz Monday, 08 August – Tuesday, 09 August, starting at 11:00 Press workshop – conception, planning and implementation of public relations for political education, campaigns and actions Stefanie Groll, gegenstrom berlin Daniel Häfner Monday 08 August and Tuesday 09 August 11:00 am- 2:30 pm How do the print media and other media work? What should you consider when dealing with journalists? How do I have to act during an interview? How can messages be placed? How do I write press releases and journalistic texts? What is a media plan? These and other important issues for the strategic and practical PR work are dealt with in a three-part workshop. CCS – technology and risiks Hardy Feldmann Monday, 08 August, 15:30–17:00 Training: anti-coal argumentation Anike Peters, Greenpeace Monday, 08 August, 15:30–17:00 Tar sands Monday, 08 August, 17:30–19:00 Workshop on the extraction of oil sands (in English) Brown coal economy in the Lausitz René Schuster, Grüne Liga Cottbus Monday, 08 August, 17:30–19:00 What’s beyond coal? Martin Dotzauer Monday, 08 August, starting 19:30 Discussion in the Jänschwalde community center, further information at the info tent Tuesday, August 9th ↑ Leading a self-sufficient life and economizing in a globalized world Frank Hildebrand in his Solarhof, Nordweg 7, 03096 Burg Tuesday, 09 August departure from the camp at 10:30, beginning at about 11:00 o’clock Direct experience and understanding of the following systems and solutions: surface water/ potable water production completely differently climate change shown by the example of a sewage treatment involving trees waste water as a source for renewable energy solar mobility has long been possible: have we already missed 115 years? protection of the landscape by short-rotational plantations of hedges and their effect on the agro ecosystem wood chip heating based on renewable wood resources green building construction of reed bed sewage treatment and sewage treatment involving trees for cleaning waste water Organizational details: Round trip by minibus, for free. The number of participants is limited, therefore please register at the Info Tent. With the bicycle to the daylight mine in Lacoma Grüne Liga Cottbus Tuesday, 09 August, 11:00, Registration at the info tent Anti-nuclear movement Tim Nießner, RSB Tuesday 09 August 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm In Germany more and more people are against the use of atomic energy. All the opinion polls show this very clearly. And the people are also willing to take their protest out on the street. The anti-nuclear power protest has grown a lot in recent years and was able to mobilize more and more people. It seems like the government is under great pressure and the politicians of the parties supporting nuclear energy are just talking nonsense. Productivism and capitalism Jan Weiser, RSB Tuesday 09 August 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm „The catastrophe is not what will be but what is there already“ (The upcoming revolt). Why do they praise expensive risk technologies as a solution to the ecological crisis? Because „green capitalism“ is about to establish itself. Anti-nuclear struggles without borders! Tuesday 09 August 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm There will be an exchange of situation, actions and (maybe collective) perspetives on the different countries/regions. Possible topics during this workshop are: plans for the constructions of new nuclear power plants in Poland and resistance of the Anarchist federation Poland Anti-nucleae struggles in Belarus Report from Berlin Plans for a networking meet-up Languages: English (translation will be organized as needed) Wednesday, August 10th ↑ Democratize energy! Public utilities, citizen-owned wind farms and energy co-operatives? Participatory models for the future of energy Mona Bricke, gegenstrom berlin Stefan Taschner Wed, 10 August 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Municipal utilities are among the pioneers of decentralized energy supply which is ecologically reasonable and serves climate protection. At the same time there is also the tendency of many public utilities to participate in e.g. coal-fired power plants to take action against the market dominance of the big four energy suppliers and also to earn money with these investments. In the workshop we will present examples and discuss whether and how the municipal utilities can be successfully brought on the right track – or whether we should rather focus on other, participatory models of energy supply. Kyoto, Kopenhagen & Co. An introduction to the international climate policy Bernd Brouns, gegenstrom berlin Wednesday 10 August 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm „The Kyoto Protocol is dead,“ the former head of the UN Climate Change Secretariat, Yvo de Boer, announced in June 2011. Nearly two years after the big failure of the climate summit in Copenhagen, international climate diplomacy has become deadlocked. What has brought us to the situation we are in today? In the workshop we will review the last twenty years of the UN‘s climate policy: what are the items in the Kyoto Protocol? What have been the issues of the UN climate negotiations in recent years? What can we expect from the climate summit in Durban, South Africa at the end of the year? CCS and international climate policy Timmo Krüger, KlimaGerechtigkeit Leipzig Wednesday 10 August 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm In this workshop we want to find out what are the obstacles that restrain a radical transformation of the societal relationship with nature. There will be first a critical introduction to the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol which are associated with the concept of ecological modernization. Finally, the hypothesis is argued that carbon capture and storage (CCS) plays a key role with respect to the stabilization of ecological modernization, and therefore is also important for the debate over the necessity of the transformation of the societal relationship with nature. SoGeLa – Solar collective in the Lausitz – Regional solar power Wednesday, 10 August, 15:30–17:00 Action climbing for starters Wednesday, 10 August, starting at 17:00 The global movement for climate justice: obituary or outlook? Tadzio Mueller, gegenstrom berlin / CJA Wednesday 10 August 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm A few years ago many of us celebrated the emerging global movement for climate justice as a new glimmer of hope. The summit protests in Copenhagen were supposed to initiate a political movement a la Seattle. What is the situation today? In this workshop we want to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the political movement and try to find an answer to the question: Where are the potentials of climate justice? Thursday, August 11th ↑ Sorbian/Wendish culture in the Lausitz Grüne Liga Cottbus – Steffi Krawcojc a Renej Šejc GRÜNE LIGA, wobswětowa kupka Chóśebuz Thursday, 11 August, 11:00–12:30 A brief introduction to CCS plus development of creative actions Greenpeace Berlin Thursday 11 August 11:00 am – 2:30 pm Greenpeace volunteers from Berlin will give a brief introduction to CCS (carbon capture and storage), the underground compression of CO2. The focus will be on the technical aspects. Then together we want to try to develop creative protest actions against this technology. Agriculture and climate change – How we achieve sustainability? Andreas Keller, Biopoli-Youth education project Thursday, 11. August, 11:00–12:30 Agro fuels – deforestation and violations of human rights Peter Gerhardt, ROBIN WOOD Thursday 11 August 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm VW, Daimler, BMW and Co. lead us into the climate catastrophe with their gas guzzlers. The automobile manufactures argue that this does not have to be the case because now there is the alternative biofuel. But we think that agro fuel in car tanks is the dumbest solution to our future mobility. Stress and burn-out prevention for political activists Uschi, Out of Action Thursday, 11 August, 13:00–14:30 Training for action Thursday, 11 August, starting at 15:00 Trainings for action have become an essential part of the collective and individual preparation for mass actions of civil disobedience. During this training people will learn to evaluate situations and scenarios, how to evaluate their courage and fears and act according to them. This training will enable people to act collectively and determined. Tripod Workshop ROBIN WOOD Thursday, 11. August, 15:30–17:00 Polish coalition „Development Yes, Open-Pit Mines No“ Irena Rogowska, Mayor of the Lubin district and president of the coalition Thursday, 11 August, 17:30–19:00 Big Theatre Night “Machwerk oder das Schichtbuch des Flick von Lauchhammer” Thursday 11 August 8:00 pm A musical staged reading It tells the tragicomic anecdotes about a man of action who does not own a factory anymore, but he has got a helmet, snap hooks and work pants: Flick of Lauchhammer. Released at the age of 60, he walks into the office of Windisch‘s wife and asks: Where‘s the fire? Volker Braun sends his Don Quichote of the Lower Lausitz into the different working world of the 21st Century. In the end, he stands in Neutrebbin Oderbruch at the borehole, where the CO2 is dumped … Contributors: Volker Braun, Jens-Uwe Bogadtke, Tobias Morgenstern Dramaturgy: Thomas Rühmann Director: Thomas Rühmann and Tobias Morgenstern Music: Tobias Morgenstern Friday, August 12th ↑ System conflict: Why renewable energy and coal power plants do not fit together Jürgen Quentin, German Environmental Aid Friday 12 August 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Besides using renewable energy Brandenburg still continues to focus on coal electricity. The feeding of large amounts of flexibly changing green electricity into the public power network has priority by law. This requires highly flexible power plants that can quickly respond to a fluctuating demand for electricity. Coal power plants are not able to do so – for technical and economic reasons. The lack of flexibility of these base load power plants is forcing the operators of e.g. wind farms to reduce their production in windy periods. This conflict between renewable energy and inflexible base load power plants will worsen significantly in the coming years as the share of renewable energy will be more than doubled by 2020. In the electricity system of the future, there is no coexistence of traditional electricity production based on coal and nuclear energy and the electricity production based on wind, solar power, bioenergy, hydropower and geothermal energy. The question will be either traditional energy or renewable energy: for the further dynamic development of renewable energy and large quantities of inflexible coal and nuclear power supplies are mutually exclusive. Geology of the Altmark … …and the interventions und changes by humans in second largest natural gas depot in europe against the background of theplaned CCS. Lothar Lehmann, No CO2 dumps in the Altmark Friday, 12 August, 13:00–14:30 T-Shirt printing workshop Initiative „Cottbus without Nazis“ Friday, 12 August, starting at 15:00 Colors and stencils will be provided, you just have to bring your own shirts for printing. Possible further uses of the natural gas deposit in the Altmark Christfried Lenz, No CO2 dumps in the Altmark Friday, 12 August, 15:30-17:00 Shell2Sea – What is Shell doing in Ireland Leness Falls Friday, 12 August, 17:30–19:00 Saturday, August 13th ↑ Eco-socialism – it‘s possible Klaus Engert, RSB Saturday 13 August 11:00 am – 12:30 pm For a capitalist industrial society, sustainability is poison. The countries of the so-called „real socialism“ can also be not a role model, because the environmental degradation in these countries was not different from the one in the capitalist world. So we need an alternative: eco-socialism. Wind enegy with „Zugdrachen“, a new dimension Peter Tschanz Saturday, 13 August, 11:00–12:30 Mission Earth – Song program by Markus Rüeger Saturday evening Sunday, August 14th ↑ Network café: Renewables in Germany and Poland Katharina Kutzias, gegenstrom berlin Sunday, 14 August, 12:00 Day X – Networking, perspectives, outlook Sunday, 14 August 13:00 Eine Antwort auf english Pingback: English camp booklet and programme now online! | Klima- und Energiecamp in der Lausitz E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: |