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Julian Assange,Wikileaks:Veterans Today Editor Gordon Duff
Tony Ryals - 14.12.2010 04:58

''As for CIA connections..the entire idea is a joke. I had George Tenet
on speed dial and have had for years. He is the cousin of one of my
best friends.''-Gordon Duff,Veterans Today

Gordon Duff must have enough on George Tenet to have him convicted of
stock fraud at the very least.So why doesn't he ? Probably for the same reason he brings Agora Inc stock fraudsrer Lila Rajiva to Veterans
Today,Gordon Duff is an anti American international money launderer.Or as he prefers to describe himself, an expert in international banking.-Tony Ryals

Julian Assange,Wikileaks:Veterans Today Editor Gordon Duff is A CIA,George Tenet Prostitute,So is Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva

''As for CIA connections..the entire idea is a joke. I had George Tenet on speed dial and have had for years. He is the cousin of one of my best friends.''-Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

Julian Assange,Wikileaks:Veterans Today Editor Gordon Duff is A CIA,George Tenet Prostitute,So is Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva

No matter what one thinks of Julian Assange and Wikileaks he and it could in no way be more evil than ex CIA Chief George Tenet who helped W Bush and Dick Cheny et.al. to start their mass murder and probable radioactive nuclear poisoning of Iraq,the or a major 'cradle of agriculture and civilization.
So when Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff bragged about knowing the scumbag and at the same time he told me that Agora Inc or CIA(same difference) connected Lila Rajiva was joining Veterans Today as a ha journalist even though he had just
previously told me she was 'gone',I almost barfed.In a real country of law this Indian
foreign national would be facing plenty of jail time for her involvement with the stock fraud money launderers and murder suspects of Agora Inc who not only employ scumbags like CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen who touted or promoted over the
internet to sell worthless shares of the CIA's In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud called Ionatron that claimed-lyed about having technology to remove improvised explosive devices from roads of Iraq and Afghanistan.
-Tony Ryals

I am asking Sibel Edmonds and Debbie Menon and Alan Sabrosky of Veterans
Today,all of whom I once had respect for,(probably mistakenly),to investigate this
matter and at the least editors and others affiliated with Veterans Today to
disclose any relations however loose with the CIA or other fascist elements of the U.S.
or foreign governments to disclose those relations.And that Major CIA stock fraud aider
and abettor PLACE A NOTICE ON HIS HIS BIO HERE THAT HE HAS �had George Tenet
on speed dial and have had for years. He is the cousin of one of my best friends.�

Veterans Today has been one of the biggest critics of Julian Assange
and Wikileaks but somehing's not right,I mean correct,about them and
their connections with U.S.government,CIA and stock fraud money
launderers such as with George Tenet's pals at Agora Inc..Lila
Rajiva's employment there is proof enough of that. - Tony Ryals

''As for CIA connections..the entire idea is a joke. I had George Tenet
on speed dial and have had for years. He is the cousin of one of my
best friends.''-Gordon Duff,Veterans Today

Gordon Duff must have enough on George Tenet to have him convicted of
stock fraud at the very least.So why doesn't he ? Probably for the same reason
he brings Agora Inc stock fraudsrer Lila Rajiva to Veterans
Today,Gordon Duff is
an anti American international money launderer.Or as he prefers to
describe himself,
an expert in international banking.-Tony Ryals

''I have commented recently at Veterans Today, where the authors are
clearly described, but some of the material there also strikes me as
unduly slanted. And I don�t know how/from whom the site receives its
funding.'' - quote from Lila Rajiva who herself like Veterans Today
editor is associated with either Agora Inc or CIA.In Duff's case a
direct link to corrupt ex CIA Chief George Tenet who is intmately
connected to 9/11 and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq

''Again, as I noted below, I think the Deep Capture website is closer
to the truth than the other site referencing Ryals (causalnexus),
which claims he�s a con man called Joe Cafasso.''-Lila Rajiva

The quote from Veterans Today con artist and associate of CIA
connected stock fraudsters,Lila Rajiva is particularly sick even by
her standards.Her friends at Deepcapture who are nothing less than a
group of U.S.government protected stock con artists and money
launderers are the very ones who threaten to torture and murder for
complaning about their stock frauds.-Tony Ryals

Who killed Rey Rivera? | What's Inside Our Brains
6 Feb 2010 ... Tony Ryals says: March 22, 2010 at 10:58 am. Strange
indeed. ... both Porter Stansberry and Bill Bonner's co-author Lila
Rajiva in the first ...


After some back and forth�and worries about who else writes for it
(Hamid Gul, former chief of Pakistan�s ISI), and whether that might
put me on a no-fly list�� I�ve decided to join Veteran�s Today. I will
be posting there, but the post will be reproduced here as well.It was,
after all, the German military, among domestic groups, which got
closest to overthrowing the Nazis.- Lila Rajiva

This article below from Indymedia and posted on Veterans Today got
more readers than most other Veterans Today articles or blogs.That may
explain why Duff coopted the ICTS International story last Christmas
when Israeli's, protected by skkum like his pal George Tenet,who
'guarded Logan Airport Boston on 9/11/01 allowed the alleged Islamic
'crotch bomer' to board flight 253 from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
that they control to Detroit with his so-called crotch bomb. :

December 8, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff � 140 Comments
INDYMEDIA: WikiLeaks �struck a deal with Israel� over diplomatic cables leaks
Editorial note: For a recent review of the Wikileaks controversy, PRESS ME NOW
�Assange met with Israeli officials in Geneva earlier this year and
struck the secret deal. The Israel government, it seems, had somehow
found out or expected that the documents to be leaked contained a
large number of documents about the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and
Gaza in 2006 and 2008-9 respectively. These documents, which are said
to have originated mainly from the Israeli embassies in Tel Aviv and
Beirut, where removed and possibly destroyed by Assange, who is the
only person who knows the password that can open these documents, the
sources added.�

Gordon Duff's Veterans Today's, Agora Inc's, and thus CIA connected,
Lila Rajiva confuses me(on purpose?) with FBI connected stock
fraudster and money launderer Anthony Elgindy.Gordon Duff has
admitted in email to posted in this blog that he is VERY connected to
ex CIA Chief and 911 murder suspect George Tenet and Tenet is VERY
connected to Agora Inc do to their commn interst in astock fraud,money
laundering and murder.Strange in light of the fact that these are the
types of people she would be much more likey to be involved with than
Lila Rajiva's Original Response On Indymedia:

This is my response to the cyberstalker and stock-basher (with
associations linked to the criminal Anthony Elgindy stock-board
(anthonypacific.com) who�s posted abusive and slanderous rants about
me, and many other people, on Indymedia and other forums:

1. I do not know, have never met, and have never corresponded with
Porter Stansberry, James Davidson, Bud Burrell, or Gary Weiss. Or
Jimmy Wales. I�m certainly not �covering up� for them or for anyone
else at Agora Inc. or at Deep Capture. Many of the allegations/facts
about Agora cited by this poster have actually been taken without
attribution from research first posted at my blog and then twisted
around to suit this poster�s agenda.

2. I did not remove Mr. Davidson�s name from anywhere on wikipedia,
nor have I ever corresponded with Gary Weiss or Jimmy Wales on
wikipedia about Davidson. That can be verified by looking up the
record at wikipedia. I contribute once in a while to comments at Deep
Capture, a site which is highly CRITICAL of Mr. Weiss. I�m not
involved in Deep Capture in any other way, and I�ve never received any
compensation from them for anything.

I encountered and corresponded with someone called �Mantanmoreland�
when I came across his address and comments NOT at wiki, but at some
internet forums like the SEC website, where it was THIS POSTER who
brought his name up:


Lila Rajiva,

the_worm06 said...

Lila Rajiva,

You have again confused me with Tony Ry__s. For your information,
Roberto Villasenor and Tony Ry__s are two different people.

The only thing that we have in common is that we both were sued by
International Scamster(and Israeli govenment money launderer) Michael
J. Zwebner for posting on message boards about his massive scams. All
lawsuits by this individual and his companies have been dismissed. His
company has had its registration by the SEC REVOKED and no longer

Tony Ry__ls used the �wolfblitzzer01″ alias on Raging Bull and I am

Even the novice researcher would know that these are two different people.


Roberto Villasenor

10/19/09 4:27 AM


Funny thing is if you had followed his(Bill Bonner's) advice over the
last couple of years, you'd have doubled your money... - Lila Rajiva
(Wow,how 'conservative'',Agora scumbags normally promise investment
returns in hundreds or thousand of times your investment..The nerve
and what insult after having lost tens of thousands of dollars to them
previously !Furthermore Lila Rajiva neglects to tell us that ex
deceased Agora Inc employee Rey Rivera whose name was used on Porter
Stansberry's Rebound Report died mysteriously while employed at Agora
and that the scammy stocks mentioned in that 'report' for his Agoran
boss Porter Stansberry NEVER 'rebounded' and left investors broke !)

I have never harassed or stalked this poster(Tony Ryals). The opposite
is true. I contacted this poster in 2005 before writing my book with
Bonner, to find out more about allegations he (the poster) had
plastered over the net about Agora. He sent me reams of information
alleging a vast fraud centered around an investment of his with Mr.
Davidson.-Lila Rajiva

Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva emailed me to try and shut me up about Agora
Inc in 2005 at the same that her Agora Inc murder suspect colleague
Porter Stansberry did.



Death In Baltimore:Agora Inc.,Rey Rivera,Porter Stansberry,James Dale
Davidson,Bill Bonner
by Tony Ryals Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2010 at 4:43 PM
 wolfblitzzer0@gmail.com (email address validated)

From the desk of Porter Stansberry:

When my best friend, Rey Rivera, disappeared last year, we had to find
his car (and then his .... Porter Stansberry Baltimore, Maryland
December 21, 2006 ...

December 21, 2006

Porter Comments:The Baltimore sheriff is after me� Another look at
Regeneron� BUD�s huge buyback� �Black� Jack Gifford�s reckoning day�
The Taipan hornet�s nest (oh my�)
Taipan, Agora Financial, The Oxford Club, and Stansberry & Associates
all have a shareholder in common, Agora Inc., which is the world�s
largest financial newsletter holding company.....


Suicide Or Murder? Evidence Reviewed
POSTED: 7:49 pm EDT May 16, 2007
Whatever the cameras saw -- how and when Rivera entered the building
and whether or not he was alone -- remain questions without answers...

A hole in the meeting room roof and Rivera's injuries indicated he had
probably come off the top of the Belvedere -- 14 stories up -- and
crashed through the lower roof, officials said.......

In the fall of 2005, Rivera left Agora full-time and began producing
videos for the company under contract.

Long-time friend Porter Stansberry brought Rivera to Agora. Stansberry
runs one of Agora's newsletter divisions and was mentioned several
times in Rivera's bizarre note..........


Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock money
launderers to Canada

Lila Rajiva a presumed native of India(who Jimbo Wales and his
Wikpedia allow to write her own biography that omits all details of
her or its true past writes with crocodile tears about the Abu Graibe
rape of Iraqis and the financial rape of
Americans is part of the 'naked short selling' lie created by her boss
National Taxpayers Union and Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson who,
along with Canadian penny stock money launderers Grant Atkins and
Brent Pierce in
2002 with their nakedshortselling.com NAANSS or National Association
Against Naked Short Selliing located in the same Blaine,Washington
office where they pumped and dumped Genemax,(named for newwsmax.com
?).Lila Rajiva has acknowledged Agora Inc.'s and thus Ron
Paul's,et.al.'s CIA connections as quoted above.She has also
acknowledged Agora Inc.'s stock fraud operations and connections to
suspicious deaths or murders that includes the mysteriious death of
Agora Inc. and Porter Stansberry employee Rey Rivera in 2006.....

''Last week, one left-leaning Web(indymedia) site reported that SEC
investigators think the CIA-backed venture fund has been steering
money into penny stock "pump and dump" firms in Israel, Dubai and

''But a day's worth of phoning around traces these claims to a tireless
complainant named Tony Ryals, who has been bombarding the SEC and
Internet message boards for years with claims that he has uncovered a
submerged world of In-Q-Tel -linked fraud stretching for Kuala Lumpur
to the Middle East.

''The alleged linkages are bewildering in their complexity and typically
impossible to follow, but conspiracy buffs find them irresistible,
since they seem to echo some of the CIA's worst excesses from 30 to 40
years ago, and by their nature, they can never be entirely disproved.

''WHETHER the SEC has looked into Ryals' charges and found them baseless
isn't known, but thanks to In-Q-Tel and the lengthening shadow of the
CIA on Wall Street, the most improbable of such claims once again have
a whiff of credibility....by Christopher Byron,'The CIA Stinks'
Publication: The New York Post
Date: Monday, May 15 2006
(Note Christopher Byron who was part of NY Post before Rupert Murdoch bought it
in the 1980's left the paper a few months after writing the article
this quote was taken
from.This article that mention me,Tony Ryals, may be found at the
bottom of this post.)


Well I'm certainly not pleased with the international fraudsters,money
launderers and murder suspects Veterans Today and Gordon Duff laud
whether it be Lila Rajiva or CIA 9/11 criminal George Tenet.
- Tony Ryals


Below is my last email from major war and stock fraudster Gordon Duff
defending his and Agora Inc's,and thus the CIA's Lila Rajiva,as far as
I am concerned.Funny he pretends that coming into contact with the CIA
is about as likely as the equivalent of coming in contact with a Martian and
at the same time says his relation to ex war criminal and W Bush 9/11 cover
up artist CIA DIA George Tenet criminal.If our major Veterans Today con artist
Gordon Duff were sincere about his outrage over criminals connected to 9/11 he
wouldn't even waste his time with Assange when he has scum like George Tenet
that he himself is directly connected to by his own admission !:

Not wanting personal attacks on a comment section on international
affairs is simply decent management and common sense.
Lila(Rajiva) came on as a staff writer..resigned then unresigned..(if
that is a word)
As for CIA connections..the entire idea is a joke. I had George Tenet
on speed dial and have had for years. He is the cousin of one of my
best friends.
99% of the people who claim they are connected to the CIA are nuts.
No real person would brag about that.
It is like saying �my sister is a whore.�
g(Gordon Duff,Editor and writer for Veterans Today)

While I felt in light of Veterans Today's preoccupation with Julian
Assange and Wikileaks to the exclusion of so many other more important
matters including scumbags like ex CIA Chief George Tenet who we now
now Veterans Today editior Duff is all to close to
that it was important to post Duff's acknowledgement of those ties as
he does above.However because he has put an obvious criminal mind,Lila
Rajiva, on staff it is important concerned people know what little we
can abouyt her as well - which isn't good !
Below is what a Roberto Villensenor had to say about her for insisting
he and I were one person.She also said I was connected to a stock
scamster named Anthony Elgindy.Acomplte lie so I guess that's what you
must consider when reading Veterans Today.


Re: Psycho-Woman continues to confuse Tony Ryals with the_worm06
By: cybercyber in FAKE
Thu, 22 Oct 09 4:07 AM
Boardmark this board | Franklin, Andrews, Kramer & Edelstein Msg.
21561 of 25751
(This msg. is a reply to 21472 by cybercyber)

well, this moronic fool(Lila Rajiva) has posted the comments by the_worm06
(Villesenor's alias on ragingbull.com UCSY message board where we both
used to post.I posted as wolfblitzzer0 which led to British Israeli
Michael Zwebner (connected to former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and
President Katsav who was later accused of rape by Israeli female
employees)to sue Wolf Blitzer and CNN in Florida for $100 million
believe it or not !But Lila doesn't want the truth she apparently like
the scumbag Duff want to see one of their fellow scumbags like Bud
Burrell with his Rothschild attorney in the UK MURDER ME AS HE
THREATENS - Tony Ryals.:


this is how the_worm06 has responded back to her idiodic statements
made to the_worm06's comments:

the_worm06 said...

16 Your comment is awaiting moderation.


You state that:

�If I confused you with Tony Ry__s, that would be quite easy to do
since you post on the same boards with multiple aliases��

What boards are you talking about?

When you make accusations, please back up your accusations with facts.
The last message boards that I posted on in which Mr. Ryals also
posted were the Raging Bull message boards about 5 years ago. There
are thousands of aliases that also post on those boards - are you
saying that those thousand other people are also Tony Ryals?

Then you also posted the following:

�I will gladly republish my post with a link to your comment. However,
if you got sued by Zwebner for defamation and he got sued too, both
post under aliases (and Ry__s also claims a worm alias - perhaps with
another number), and both post on similar forums, you can�t blame
people for assuming you are the same person.�

The international scam artist Michael J. Zwebner has sued hundreds of
people. Are you suggesting that all these people are also Tony Ryals?

Your factual information used to make these libelous comments about
me, Roberto Villasenor, have such lack of support that the probability
of me owning 1/2 of your assets due to a succesful libel lawsuit
against you is very very high.

I urge you to again begin doing some research on the_worm06 and find
out what happens when you attack the_worm06 in such manner.

good luck to you, for you will need it


Roberto Villasenor

10/22/09 9:02 AM | Comment Link

In fact here are the death threats from the Israeli stock fraud
against Americans called Air Water Corp that claimed to get water from
the air but only stole Americans' dollars to send to Israel.Apparently
that's what Lila Rajiva and the evil Beltway scumbags of Veterans
Today want to.

Investment Chat Board Lawsuits Message Board - Msg: 21756785 - [
Traduire cette page ]
2 Oct 2005 ... Perhaps someone at CNN was alerted the following death
threats on the Yahoo YAKCE board against wolfblitzzer0 and don't want
to be involved ...

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:29 PM, wrote:

I am having a bit of an out of body experience from this. I went through a
short sell issue with 4ccontrols a couple of years ago. we dropped maybe

some of your characters were involved.


also..today..was invited to see the pope..

which, as you know..makes no sense whatsoever.

g Gordon (Duff, Veterans Today editor)
Note that Veterans Today 'reporter' Lila Rajiva is part of the fraudulent
'naked short selling' gang on the internet that includes James Dale Davidson
of Agora Inc as well as Patrick Byrne's Overstock.com that makes threats such
as the one from from the defunct ponzi scheme Novastar Financial that make the
threat below. From my point of view by absorbing Lila into Veterans
Today they are
encouraging these death threats by rewarding Lila Rajiva with a place
at Veterans Today.

''In fact Lila even knowing of these threats,after all those
threatening my life are her friends,
repeats 'he's in Guatemala he's in Guatemala get him''...


Lila at The Daily Reckoning..
Update 6 (September 28, 2010)

I just came across this site,  http://www.goodtimebob.com/poetry.htm
,which hosts some poems and essays from Ryals (see below). From
appearances, it seems to be legitimate and it gives some information
about his motives and background. From scanning through it, I arrived
at the following conclusions:

1. Ryals is, in fact, a small investor/stock trader, who invested
through Schwab.....

Lila Rajiva knows she's lying and that I've told her that it was her
employers at Agora Inc her were greatly responsible for ripping me off
along with the Grin bothers of Israel and a David P Summers a Beltway
banker now running the Virginia Hertitage Bank and before that
Community Bank Northern Virginia.Liar Rajiva knows all that.No wonder
someone named Roberto Villasenor who she claimed was me calls her
crazy.She is criminally insane and apparently Veterans Today l.ikes
its reporters that way.
-Tony Ryals

Richmond IMC:Community Bank Northern Virginia 's David P. Summers Also
Texas Endovasc Penny Stock Fraudster... 10/5/08
29 Jan 2008 ... I only discovered the connection and double life of
David P Summers Wednesday night while per using SEC filings for David
P Summers and ...


The Devious Web (Correction)�

Correction: I have crossed out the section below where I have
incorrectly identified Tony R as someone by the name of Villasenor,
whose postings/m.o. seemed similar to me on many counts. He has denied
it (see comment section). My post resumes after the crossed out
Interestingly, Ry__s also claims he is not Ry__s.

[However, V doesn't deny that - like R__s he uses multiple aliases,
some very similar, frequents the same message boards, and attacks
similar things].

Fair enough. I�ve added a correction. It makes no difference to my
claim about R__ls or about Mantanmoreland, only it leaves me still in
the dark who this person Ry__ls is. - Lila Rajiva



Re: Psycho-Woman continues to confuse Tony Ryals with the_worm06
By: cybercyber in FAKE | Recommend this post (0)
Thu, 22 Oct 09 4:07 AM
Boardmark this board | Franklin, Andrews, Kramer & Edelstein Msg.
21561 of 25751
(This msg. is a reply to 21472 by cybercyber)
Jump to board:
Jump to msg. #
well, this moronic fool has posted the comments by the_worm06 and responded:


this is how the_worm06 has responded back to her idiodic statements
made to the_worm06's comments:

the_worm06 said...

16 Your comment is awaiting moderation.


You state that:

�If I confused you with Tony Ry__s, that would be quite easy to do
since you post on the same boards with multiple aliases��

What boards are you talking about?

When you make accusations, please back up your accusations with facts.
The last message boards that I posted on in which Mr. Ryals also
posted were the Raging Bull message boards about 5 years ago. There
are thousands of aliases that also post on those boards - are you
saying that those thousand other people are also Tony Ryals?

Then you also posted the following:

�I will gladly republish my post with a link to your comment. However,
if you got sued by Zwebner for defamation and he got sued too, both
post under aliases (and Ry__s also claims a worm alias - perhaps with
another number), and both post on similar forums, you can�t blame
people for assuming you are the same person.�

The international scam artist Michael J. Zwebner has sued hundreds of
people. Are you suggesting that all these people are also Tony Ryals?

Your factual information used to make these libelous comments about
me, Roberto Villasenor, have such lack of support that the probability
of me owning 1/2 of your assets due to a succesful libel lawsuit
against you is very very high.

I urge you to again begin doing some research on the_worm06 and find
out what happens when you attack the_worm06 in such manner.

good luck to you, for you will need it


Roberto Villasenor

10/22/09 9:02 AM | Comment Link


Below a threat from thesanitycheck.com anonymous Bob O'Brien who Lila
is connected with through deepcapture.com
and the Overstock.com and Novastar Financial frauds and illegal tock
manipulations that they lyingly blame on 'naked short selling'.


Re: Tony Reveals...
by: ncansd3
Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 07/04/05 11:35 pm
Msg: 319891 of 342767

Guatemala? Tikal is OK. The rest of the place is a mosquito infested
hellhole where you can have someone taken out for $500 bucks to the
right cabby. Come to think of it, Tikal has a ton of mosquitos, too.
And it's rainy season.

Guatemala is the punchline for jolks in Honduras and El Salvador. No
offense to Guatemalans, who are generally very simpatico and genuine.

And you don't even want to see the winner of a machete fight.

Enjoy the Dengue and Malaria and Typhoid and Yellow Fever, Tony. Good
move. Nice choices. Bravo.

Posted as a reply to: Msg 319884 by short_bag_holder

Hey Gordon check out what your fellow money launderer from Viet Nam daze has to
say for you.He'd like to give me an 'out of body experience' as
well.So why do you
pander to Lila Rajiva and Agora Inc,stock fraud money launderers and
murder suspects
and international money launderers ? I consider you as much
responsible for these death
and torture threarts of Bud Burrell against me because they come not
only from Bud Burtrell
and Overstock.com's Patrick Byrne but from Bill Bonner,Porter
Stansberry,James Dale Davidson
and Lila Rajiva's Agora Inc. - Tony Ryals

Below is an email from the scumbag �Major� Gordon Duff as in major
fraud major liar and major scumbag.He should have told us all a year
ago when he all of a sudden began to write about Israelis of ICTS
International (that Christopher Bollyn,Canadian Israeli Barry Chamish
and I had been writing abourt for years)after they allowed the
Nigerian Islamic terrorist to board flight 253 from Amsterdam
Schiphol Airport, that they control, to Detroit ! These Israelis who
are money launderers and murderers also 'guarded Logan Airport Boston
on 9/11/01 and also allowed Richard Reid 'the shoe bomber' to board an
American Airlines flight from De Gualle Airport Paris France shortly
after 9/11.I don�t mind no thanks or recognition for our efforts from
this skkkumbag but the truth is he has used the subject to further his
and the stock fraudster and 911 aider and abettor George Tenet�s
agenda that apparently includes a smear campaign against Wikileaks.He
may or not be correct about Assange�s pro Israel bias but he like Lila
are both in bed with CIA and te worst of Beltway war criminals and
money laundering parasites.That he encourages foreign elements such as
presumed Indian National Lila Rajiva to aid and abet stock fraud and
money laundering with Tenet connected Agora Inc murder suspects is
outrageous.It is Duff's pal George Tenet who is the real danger not
Wikleaks even if you don't like what they leak !
I am asking Sibel and Debbie Menon and Alan Sabrosky of Veterans
Today,all of whom I once had respect for,to investigate this matter
and at the least editors and others affiliated with Veterans Today to
disclose any relations however loose with the CIA or other fascist
elements of the U.S.or foreign governments to disclose those
relations.And that Major CIA stock fraud aider and abettor PLACE A
NOTICE ON HIS HIS BIO HERE THAT HE HAS �had George Tenet on speed dial
and have had for years. He is the cousin of one of my best friends.�

Question is if Sibel Edmonds, who is a contributer of articles to
Veterans Today, is a whistleblower why hasn�t she blown the whistle on
Gordon Duff and Lila Rajiva and their CIA connections by way of George
Tenet and the stock fraud money launderers and murder suspects of
Agora Inc wthat he and they are connected to whose CIA �ECONOMIST�
MARK SKOUSEN PUMPED AND DUMPED Tenet�s and his fraudulent CIA �non
profit� organization and money laundering operation In-Q-Tel�S
fraudulent penny stocks such as Ionatron as well as the CIA�s SRA
International shares among many other frauds and financial thefts
aimed at American citizens ?
Below is from Lila Rajiva�s blog,most of it removed since the emailed
the scumbag Gordon Duff to make him aware of her statements about me
as well as veteranstoday.Not to mention that it is Agora Inc's Bill
Bonner who hired this sleezy con artist with her own Wikipedia vanity
biography to write another scam 'finance' book for him
titled,Mobs,Markets and Messiahs'.The criminals of Agora Inc see
themselves as the 'Messiahs' but they know they are leading small
investors into a stock shares trap in playing that fraudulent role.And
if you are determined not to let them get away with defrauding you
they threaten your life whlie the U.S.government in its fight against
terrorism,and Wikileaks,etc.,looks the other way. The sleazy Lila
Rajiva who may be a RAW agent in cohoots with the CIA for all I know,
if she really is from India,also wrote a book on torture at Abu
Graib.Only thing is if she wrote it it must have been CIA approved.:

Lila Rajiva is a journalist and author residing in Baltimore,
Maryland. She has degrees in economics and English from India, as well
as a Master's degree from Johns Hopkins University, where she did
doctoral work in international relations and political philosophy. She
has taught at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County......
Rajiva is the author of The Language of Empire: Abu Ghraib and the
American Media (2005), published by Monthly Review Press, and the
co-author of Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets with Bill Bonner, published
by Wiley. The first book examines the place of Iraqi prisoner torture
in U.S. culture and politics and is a study of propaganda; the second
book details mass delusions in the markets and politics and explains
why they continually arise. The book accurately predicted the
financial crisis and was awarded the GetAbstract International Book
Award for 2008[1]...................

below from Lila Rajiva's mindbodypolitic.com blog.Oh how cute,Lila
dearest quotes Jack Kerouac to show us how 'cool' and 'American' she
is.But note she goes on to question where Veterans Today gets its
money .Hey Lila dearest and as you probably already knew major bs
he likes you Lila.Duh.....Note Lila has been promising to 'bow out'
for a long time now.Wish she'd keep her promise.......:
Veterans Today by Lila Rajiva
December 11, 2010 // 0 Comments
Posted in: Uncategorized
After some back and forth�and worries about who else writes for it
(Hamid Gul, former chief of Pakistan�s ISI), and whether that might
put me on a no-fly list�� I�ve decided to join Veteran�s Today. I will
be posting there, but the post will be reproduced here as well.
It was, after all, the German military, among domestic groups, which
got closest to overthrowing the Nazis.
Time to Bow Out by Lila Rajiva
October 9, 2010 // 49 Comments
Posted in: Globalization, Ideology, Uncategorized
�Who knows, my God, but that the universe is not one vast sea of
compassion actually, the veritable holy honey, beneath all this show
of personality and cruelty?�
- Jack Kerouac
Updated (December 4)
To all those it concerns: Let me repeat the conclusion of my previous
update, once more, in case it didn�t get through. Try the right way.
Try it. This isn�t moral advice. It is practical advice. When you
continually feed a vortex of negative energy around someone who
harbors a justified contempt for your behavior, but no malice toward
any individual, that energy will destroy all of you, not me��
I have commented recently at Veterans Today, where the authors are
clearly described, but some of the material there also strikes me as
unduly slanted. And I don�t know how/from whom the site receives its
funding. [December 7: I have clarified from the editors at VT that the
site is NOT funded, but survives on writers' contributions and Google
ads. It also runs an employment agency for vets. Kudos to VT for the
courage and integrity to avoid funding that would compromise its clear
and unequivocal voice]��..
Fortunately, you know what they say about fish that can�t keep their
mouths shut? They get caught. And over the three years, I�ve been able
to catch a few fishy folk who lurked around this blog.
Fish one � the disgruntled Mr. T.R.,(i.e.- me,Tony Ryals), whose
history I�ve recounted at the tab Lila at The Daily Reckoning.
Fish Two � attacks on the book and on my articles and wiki page. I
finally figured those were from cyber-vigilantes and assorted liberal
blog mafias who disliked my blogging in support of 9-11, on extremist
Zionism, and on the banking elites.
Fish Three � emails [added: not published on this blog] seemingly
related to my attribution problems with my former employer, and to
other issues arising from my blogging on Agora.
Some of that is recounted at Lila at The Daily Reckoning�..
[Note 1 added: There were also emails and stalking set off by a post
contributed to this blog by Douglas Valentine, on the CIA.
Note 2: I�ve deleted a section here that goes into this incident in
more detail. I�m afraid of setting off the stalker, who, I should
mention, is seems to be an ex-CIA operative. I�ve also deleted the
links placed on my blog by a commenter, since that was what provoked
him. The sexual assault case cited in the comment link has since been
resolved in the stalker�s operative�s favor�.or so, it would seem,
but, meanwhile, what court�s going to give me back my reputation,
peace of mind, career, and privacy, all grossly violated by this man�s
And for what? For posting someone else�s piece on the CIA, a piece
that was then reprinted widely on the net
That brings me to the last point I want to make � which is that female
bloggers attract a very high number of threatening and sexually
intimidating comments......
Naked Short Lie:Agora Inc.,Lila Rajiva,Walter Block:Vancouver
Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock fraud money launderers
to Vancouver...

Paul Geddes, Vice-President, West Coast Libertarian Foundation, Canada
Walter Block Loyola Jesuit money launderer and biggoted racist
against African-Americans allowed to speak


Libertarians Gone Wild: May Event In Vancouver | LILA RAJIVA: The
...12 Apr 2010 ... Tags: Activism, block, geddes, libertarianism,
poliquin, rajiva, reed, ... but now you'll get more time with Walter
Block, Paul Geddes, ...

Pentagon Shooter,Death In Baltimore:Agora Inc.,Rey Rivera,Porter
Stansberry,James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner,Lila Rajiva,SEC


What does the Pentagon shooter John Bedell have to do with Ron Paul,
CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen and the con artists and murder suspects
of Agora Inc penny stock 'holding'(and dumping),'company of Baltimore and
the world wide internet ?
They are all connected to and fans of a deceased idiot Austrian 'economist'
named Ludwig Von Mises.As is women's rights denier Ron Paul's former aid
Lew Rockwell who presents himself as a peace and love kind of right wingnut
while hosting the scum of Agora Inc on his 'Misesian' website that
values gold far above human life......................


Below are lies and torture and death threats from penny stock money
launderer and for all I know someone the skkumbag Gordon Duff knows
from the Viet Nam war and murder era.Maybe they were both young
cowardly money launderers in Viet Nam together but they are certainly
tied together in CIA money laundering and stock fraud against their
fellow Americans now.Lila Rajiva who claims to receive death threats
from her co-author Bill Bonner of Agora Inc where an Agora
employee,Rey Rivera,died mysteriously from a 14 story fall from the
Belvedere Hotel in 2006 when the condominium's surveillence video
failed to work for some reason.The war coward and CIA prostitute
Gordon Duff knows all this however,Must be on of her qualifications to
blog on the corrupt and suspect Veterans Today which is really an
insult to veterans.
Below I place Gordon Skkumbag Duff's name in place of mine.After all
the threat to torture and murder me is comming from someone I can link
directly to Lila Rajiva because she posts on the 'anti naked short
selling' website Deepcapture that Bud Burrell is part of.His death
threats are posted on thesanitycheck.com


Marine Major Gordon Duff, Notorious Basher, NAMBLA member, Serial
Pervert, Convicted Fraud Felon, Confidential Informant
Feb 22
Written by: bburrell
2/22/2008 7:55 PM
AKA Marine Major Gordon Duff has been rumored to be everything from a
transexual imposter, to a serial pervert and worse, to a member of
NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association), to a convicted
felon, to a roll Confidential Informant (the USG never met a felon
they didn't love if he was a roll), and far worse. These many
malicious and vicious rumors are unfortunate even if proven not
precisely or completely true. That is no different than his stories.
He/She slanders with the rough and unhewn skills of a second rate
tabloid journalist, without regard to who he/she harms, and certainly
without resort to facts. He/She should be working with The New York
Times. He/She isn't worthy of a good glass of piss, but no one ever
gets to tell him/her to his/her face, because, surprise, surprise,
he/she is never seen.
I know many would love to have very rough conversation (look up this
in a dictionary) with him/her over about a week, or a month, but it
would be a waste of time in any event. Besides, it would be too much
fun, very undisciplined.
Someday in the future, his/her veil will be ripped away, and the enemy
predators can feed on his/her liver. That would be more fun than a
barrel of monkeys to watch. The clock ticks every moment on this dirt
bag's very existence.
There will be no universality to this outcome. No one will mourn his
loss. John Donne will be damned.
Years ago, I developed a little Buddhist displacement concept called
"My Short List". Being a rather high risk bet for an untimely death,
I took the names of the small number of people I have found to be
without redeeming human virtue, to be used in the last few weeks of my
time, with the plan to send some scouts on ahead to check out the
terrain. Of the nine men and one woman on that list, only two
survive. I can't claim credit for this, since God has beaten me to
them. It is the nature of the physical risks faced by all really
negative borderline sociopaths (the 1% that are so broken they can't
be fixed) that their own bodies tend to turn on them very hard.
Enjoy your perversions while you can. The clock is ticking on your
worthless existence. You have chosen the worst enemy of all, God.
You can't win. Where you are headed, they don't read wills.
Ms. Gordon, With hugs and kisses from all your admirers and detractors, ESAD.
Everyone re-post this link as many places as you can. It is the key
to good search engine positioning/standing and we certainly want to
get to the empty bottom of this barrel of waste that represents Duff's
Copyright �2008 Bud Burrell

Note Bud Burrell runs stock frauds around the world with no problem.He
like the scumbags and 'major' fraudsters and government liars at Agora
Inc and it would appear by association,Veterans Today, are protected
MONEY LAUNDERING AROUND THE WORLD.No wonder the war and stock criminal
and Veterans Today editor lives the life of Reilly in
Germany,Europe,the Middle East,etc..And while Lila attacked one
woman,Jennifer Lake, and her website as being 'anti semitic' for
mentioning that she believed Agora Inc., besides having a Lord William
Rees-Mogg connection,also had a Rothschild connection.Note below that
Bud Burrell who threatens my life at the amusement of scum and sleaze
like Lila and Gordon - he really does have a Rothschild connection by
way of his UK attorney who got his hand slapped by the UK securities
or Britain�s Financial Services Authority.:
From: Clem_Kadiddlehopper5/13/2010 9:57:53 AM

Read Replies (1) of 111651


May 13 (Bloomberg) -- The founding partner of a London law firm will
be fined 400,000 pounds ($591,000) for aiding a multimillion-pound
illegal share scam, Britain�s Financial Services Authority said today
in a statement.

Andrew Greystock, a former investment banker at NM Rothschild & Sons
Ltd. and senior partner of Atlantic Law LLP, will also be banned by
the FSA from working in financial services for signing off on
advertising from four Spanish firms that were boiler rooms, the FSA
said. Around 130 British consumers lost a total of 3 million pounds in
the scam, according to the regulator.


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March 15, 2010

Ms. Rajiva, my reply

Filed under: 1,JLs opinion,manufacturing consent,Protocols of
Zion,Zionism � jenniferlake @ 1:12 am
Tags: Agora Inc., anti-semitism, Lila Rajiva, Protocols of Zion
On March 1st, author/blogger Lila Rajiva,  http://mindbodypolitic.com,
posted a critical piece on a couple-or-three paragraphs I�d written
about Baltimore publisher Agora Inc. Ms R. seems to have hung on every
word, maximizing her �hit� ratio with verbal ammunition, although she
does not give her readers an actual link or title citation to my
article that she quotes, as one might expect a responsible journalist
would do. To make up for her shortfall, the article in question is
�The Debt-For-Nature Scheme� and was not designed as a hit-piece on
Agora Inc. The Agora paragraphs are brief and general within the
context of Debt-For-Nature.

Who is Lila Rajiva? She is Agora Inc. founder Bill Bonner�s co-author
of �Mobs, Messiahs and Markets�. She has a Wikipedia biography
 http://mindbodypolitic.com/about/ listed on her �about� page (here:
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lila_Rajiva ) A native of India (one
assumes from the bio), Rajiva did doctoral work in the US and resides
in Baltimore (and Argentina as well?), and has authored 2 books:
(quoting wiki) �The first book examines the place of Iraqi prisoner
torture in U.S. culture and politics and is a study of propaganda; the
second book details mass delusions and explains why they continually

I wonder why Ms. Rajiva has even bothered to critique me, small fish
that I am. By taking the Agora material out of context and supposing
me a �rookie�, is she making sport of a �soft� target? or did she
perceive an opportunity to weave �spin� according to her credentials
as a somewhat-authority in �propaganda� and �delusion�? I have no
doubt that my regular readers have an interest in unwinding the �spin�
and getting down to fundamentals about real world problems and their
causes. I also don�t doubt that Ms. Rajiva has similar interests, if
she could just figure out which side of the fence she�s on, but that�s
purely my wish. Maybe she knows exactly her position. As it stands,
she straddles fact and fiction and moves the fence when it suits her.

In answer to Rajiva�s March 1 article (with update, 3/06/2010),
 http://mindbodypolitic.com/2010/03/01/more-agora/ the following is my



Reply | Gpduf@aol.com to me
Dec 1
to  wolfblitzzer0@gmail.com
date Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 5:44 PM
subject lila


keep lila communication backchannel

Tony Ryals
Gordon, I'm not sure what you mean but I have much to say and opin about her....
Dec 1
Reply |Tony Ryals to Gpduf

I'm not sure what you mean but I have much to say and opin about
her.Strange that I've come across three Indian women who in my opinion
only pass themselves off as journalists for what I believe are
ulterior motives.They are Asra Nomani,Lila Rajiva and an anonymous
Indian journalist who is supposed to be the present or ex wife of Gary
Weiss.Strange that Lila was involved at least through internet with
Weiss herself and his Wikipedia alias Mantanmoreland who removed my
Wikipedia bio of James Dale Davidson from Wikpedia.Strange that Gary
Weiss and Israeli American Sam Antar fight Overstock.com's Patrick
Byrne about 'naked short selling' when both have lied and posted
misinformation on Wikipedia and elsewhere on the subject and yes BOTH
cover up for and protect James Dale Davidson.Why!?
I can't tell you how bad people like Bill Bonner,Porter Stansberry,Jim
Dale Davidson,the Lord William Rees-Mogg, Lila Rajiva and all the
government approved scumbags and low lifes of Agora Inc have made my
life in thids post 9/11 era. Bud Burrell's lies and threats aren't
funny.I stopped all commnication with many people because of the
Endovasc fraud that besides introducing me to the people above brought
me into so many Beltway scumbags I didn't know existed and some
Israeli ones as well.
Here's an article Lila RAJIVA wrote a while back with the idea of
getting one over on her Agora Inc boss and co-author Bill Bonner who
claims to be founder of Agora but James Dale Davidson of NTU was real
founder and they love the UK elite such as Lord William
Rees-Mogg.Rothschilds etc...She removed it from her site but I'll
repost it on the internet.She was silent re the death of Rey Rivera
even though she was an employee at the time of his death....Can you
imagine any legit or honest reason she would write the article below
and then remove it ? I went to news archives and although I was well
aware of Oxford Club I was totlly unaware of its Goldcor past.She was
correct and news archives confirm it,so why would she remove it accept
for unethical journalistic reason of appeasing or even blackmailing
Bill Bonner ? Neither is a good reason.If I write something I NEVER
request its removal even if I wished I could correct typos.If I had
reason to doubt my pat writing I would add that as an addendum NOT
delete what I previously wrote.Don't you think Lila has an ethical
responsibility to make her aticle below available to the public that
they be warned of Lila's past or present employers ,Agora Inc and
James Dale DAVIDSON,Porter Stansberry and Bill Bonner ? She may not
know what it's like to be a victim of them rather than a beneficiary
of a paycheck from them - but I surely do ! And the U.S.government or
SEC isn't going to protect Agora's victims so Lila's article below MUST return
to the internet as a warning !
I only just read on Lila's mindbodypolitic that she planned to now be
a 9/11 writer.Give me a break.If she gets along so well with CIA,
etc., what makes you so sure she doesn't have RAW connections as well ?
I've even suspected she may be the U.N. employee or 'journalist'
mentioned by her pals at Patrick Byrne's deepcapture.Nonetheless
through Mantanmoreland she has a Gary Weiss connection and she stated
that her internet alliance with him was his anymosity towards me !
Lila Rajiva has never even mentioned what religion she was born into
in India nor how she came to work for a Christian charity.Strange
again.She should devote herself to India's 9/11 and Mumbai and murder
of Hermant Kerkare and the CIA and Headly but I'm not sure she is on
the truths side in that event either.It must be remembered that
Kenneth Heywood and the other Campbell White folks that Hermant
Kerkare was investigating in relation to bombings in India that killed
over 50 people before Mumbai,were like Bud Burrell,from ARIZONA.And
Burrell was part of CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network of
Arizona that pushed penny stocks and the naked short selling lie. Thus
perhaps just a coincidence,but Bud Burrell and the Campbell White
bombing suspectys both use Arizona as a base and appear to be
protected by the U.S.government.Most of the Campbell White Arizona
Christian proselytizers in India such as Jonathan Heimberg also had
some penny stock scam associated with their names.One called Dobbs I
believe had True Religion Jeans connection.Ha Ha.
Note even after writing the article below and with all her petty
financial disputes with Bill Bonner on her website re their scammy
book,'Mobs,Messiahs and Markets',Lila was slobbering all over Bill
Bonner on some scam gold touting website called thedailybell
only a few days ago.My gawd.........
Tony Ryals


Turning Beach Sand Into Gold - The Goldcor Swindle(disappeared from internet)
by Lila Rajiva

Turning Beach Sand Into Gold - The Goldcor Swindle
April 10, 2009
Posted in: Finance
Perhaps the most famous scam of all was Goldcor, which also had links
to other crimes - drug-running and penny-stock hustling�in Florida, of
all places. Florida was also the center of mortgage-hustling and land
speculation, not just recently but historically.
And the Florida crime circuit, like Madoff�s, had its New York outlet.
According to this piece, Fool�s Gold, by Craig Maslow:
�In 1987, Jerold Weinger was the CEO of a Wall Street brokerage
firm crushed under an avalanche of coke.
One of the firm�s partners, six brokers and a receptionist were
arrested in a massive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Wall Street
sweep called Operation Closing Bell. A ninth employee was arrested in
the firm�s Florida office. Partner Wayne Robbins ultimately pleaded
guilty to drug charges, and seven of the eight others either pleaded
or were found guilty of possession, distribution or conspiracy to
distribute cocaine, according to the DEA�s New York office�..
�The firm had been in trouble even before the 1987 busts,
according to a New York Times investigation, which revealed that the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission charged the firm with stock
manipulation once in 1976 and twice in 1981. The firm settled each
charge without admitting guilt, but was ultimately suspended from
underwriting �over-the-counter� stocks for two and a half years��
The final blow came in 1991, when the National Association of
Securities Dealers fined the firm $1.4 million for manipulating stock
prices. The firm was booted out of the association, and its top
officer, Michael Leeds, was banned from the industry�.�
Lila here:
So you see, drug dealing and stock fraud were connected way back in
the 1980s. About when Bernie Madoff began running his scam. And
apparently, the SEC could and did move against some players
successfully. Why not on Madoff then?
Especially when Weinger was no small potatoes. He was connected to
another big-time hustler, Joel Nadel.
The Maslow piece describes one of Nadel�s most infamous schemes:
�The SEC had already banned Nadel from the stock market 20 years
earlier, but now the commission accused him of accepting bribes to
tout worthless penny stocks in his bogus newsletters.
The New York Times, the Boston Globe and several Florida
newspapers ran stories on Nadel in the late 1980s and early 1990s,
culminating with his participation in the Goldcor scandal.
In Nadel�s newsletters, including one from the fictitious �Royal
Society of Liechtenstein,� he praised a company called Goldcor, whose
founders said they invented a process to turn a 20-mile strip of black
volcanic Costa Rican beach sand into gold.
�The sands that are removed from the beach are replenished by
tidal action only after a few days,� wrote Nadel, who was not a
partner in Goldcor. The scam was so elaborate that, according to The
Washington Post, Goldcor�s principals flew prospective investors to
Costa Rica in Learjets so they could visit the company�s laboratories
and watch white-coated scientists turn sand into gold.
In April 1991, the government froze $6.6 million of Nadel�s
assets; in August, Goldcor President Richard Brown was found in his
home with a bullet behind his left ear; in November, a federal judge
ordered Goldcor representative Carl Martin to refund $10.8 million to
investors. An estimated 3,000 investors lost at least $50 million in
the scam.�
The most interesting part of this little history is that the Royal
Society of Liechtenstein was sold off, changing its name to the Oxford
Club, which has been since then a part of Agora Inc.
The Brown death was never seriously investigated, say some SEC
officials, who believe it was a murder.
What�s even more interesting is that Nadel�s Chief Operating Office,
Mark Ford, who was also banned from selling stocks directly as a
result of the settlement with the SEC, changed his name to Michael
Masterson, and followed the Royal Society of Liechtenstein to Agora
Inc., as part of Oxford Club and as a consultant.).

Recent Comments
Agora Again | LILA RAJIVA: The Mind-Body Politic said...
[...] with only one book to his credit� And of course, all this
might have had something to do with this post of mine. Could [...]
12/20/09 4:58 AM | Comment Link
Sucker said...
And Mark Ford (aka Michael Masterson) is still at it with Agora
and its Delray Beach subsidiary, Early to Rise. This is another e-mail
marketing scam. A $500 product that is long on promises and short on
deliverables. The sales pitch is seductive and well worded, but the
value is empty. It�s a shame this guy is still taking people�s money.
01/26/10 10:42 AM | Comment Link
More Agora - Updated 3/6/2010 | LILA RAJIVA: The Mind-Body Politic said...
[...] reporter, Brian Deer); the questionable histories of some
of their senior people (Davidson, Masterson); and some other bizarre
incidents; but in this case, Ms. Lake�s blog seems to have wandered
03/7/10 7:33 AM | Comment Link

Reply | Gpduf@aol.com to me

let me have some time to look this over

and figure out what is going on

i am not involved..she simply asked to put articles online..no relationship

no loyalties

but i will find who is who

g(Gordon Duff Veterans Today)

Tony Ryals

Dec 1

Reply | Tony Ryals to Gpduf

Thanks for your diligence.My life is almost an open book particularly
compared to these shady Beltway connected characters I've found myself
involved with or 'virtually' involved with for about ten years.Like I
said,she accused a Jennifer Lake of being 'anti-semitic' although I
also found a blogger calling Lila 'anti-semitic'.Ha.I actually like
Jennifer Lake's stuff although I'm biased because she has documented
some of my conflicts both with Agora and with David Marchant of
offshorebusiness and offshorealert.
Also Lila purposely has confused me with someone named Roberto
Villasenor,(Who I believe is a stock professional of some kind and
unlike me never mentioned Israeli PM Ehud Olmert's or President Moshe
Katsav's involvement in Zwebner's Air Water Machine fraud) just
because we both posted bad but true things about British-Israeli
scumbag Michael Zwebner on ragingbull.com that led Zwebner to suing
Wolf Blitzer and CNN for $100 million in Florida because of my
ragingbull alias wolfblitzzer0.But you probably know that.She also
tries to link me,a defrauded VERY amateur 'investor',with Anthony
Elgindy ! Can you believe that !? She knows she is lying to defame me
for her bosses at Agora Inc in my opinion.Note also that Lila has
known at least since 2005 when she first contacted me
by email that I was ripped off in a penny stock fraud called Endovasc
related to James Dale Davidson and Agora Inc.. Below she mentions
Schwab while remaining blatently silent about her co-author Bill
Bonner's Agora Inc.'s involvement that fraud nor of course about James
Dale Davidson who she and Porter Stansberry told me, at that time,
that Davidson was no longer part of Agora Inc., (which turned out to
be another Lie-la).
Below is a link to her most recent tirade against me that I only found
a week or so ago and have planned to respond to.Funny she is too
ignorant to realize that I am about the only person in the world,(past
or present I believe), to have written about the Catholic Church's
historic teaching of Aristotle's incorrect four elements in light of
the discovery of atoms and pointing out the pope would, as an average
human, excrete about a pound and a half of phosphates per year or
earth orbit(that Galileo was punished and only recently pardoned for
believing in).She presumably from a non Christian background has no
idea of my family's Christian or Catholic background.My father died of
a heart attack while attending mass on The Feast of Immaculate
Conception,(Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church,San
Antonio,Texas,December 8,1955),so if I want to write about the pope
and conception,or birth control,what's her gripe about it ? Ha.
I used to make visits to see a well known soil scientist named Hans
Jenny at U.C.Berkeley.He was part of a Pontifical Academy of Sciences
group that concluded, in the 1960's I believe,that fertilizer and
other resources were abundant enough to feed an almost unlimited human
population.His last book warned of a potential phosphate war to go
along with oil and water wars,etc..
Tony Ryals


Lila at The Daily Reckoning..
Update 6 (September 28, 2010)
I just came across this site ,  http://www.goodtimebob.com/poetry.htm ,
which hosts some poems and essays from Ryals (see below). From
appearances, it seems to be legitimate and it gives some information
about his motives and background. From scanning through it, I arrived
at the following conclusions:
1. Ryals is, in fact, a small investor/stock trader, who invested
through Charles Schwab and lost money
2. He seems to have had some mental illness and been confined at some
point (by his admission). This might account for the
stream-of-consciousness writing, magical thinking, and emotional
fixation that I previously noted.
3. He reportedly makes his money from a small farming enterprise of
some kind in Guatemala.
4. He seems to have a deep-seated hatred of Christianity and the
Naked Short Lie:Agora Inc.,Lila Rajiva,Walter Block:Vancouver
Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock fraud money launderers
to Vancouver...by Tony Ryals

Lila at The Daily Reckoning..
Update 6 (September 28, 2010)
I just came across this site ,  http://www.goodtimebob.com/poetry.htm ,
which hosts some poems and essays from Ryals (see below). From
appearances, it seems to be legitimate and it gives some information
about his motives and background. From scanning through it, I arrived
at the following conclusions:
1. Ryals is, in fact, a small investor/stock trader, who invested
through Charles Schwab and lost money
2. He seems to have had some mental illness and been confined at some
point (by his admission). This might account for the
stream-of-consciousness writing, magical thinking, and emotional
fixation that I previously noted.
3. He reportedly makes his money from a small farming enterprise of
some kind in Guatemala.
4. He seems to have a deep-seated hatred of Christianity and the
Naked Short Lie:Agora Inc.,Lila Rajiva,Walter Block:Vancouver
Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock fraud money launderers
to Vancouver...by Tony Ryals

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:29 PM, wrote:

I am having a bit of an out of body experience from this. I went through a
short sell issue with 4ccontrols a couple of years ago. we dropped maybe

some of your characters were involved.


also..today..was invited to see the pope..

which, as you know..makes no sense whatsoever.



Tony RyalsGordon, No surprise you ran into some of my characters in
the 'securities' bu...
Dec 2 (10 days ago)
Tony RyalsLoading...Dec 2 (10 days ago)

Reply |Tony Ryals to Gpduf
show details Dec 2 (10 days ago)
No surprise you ran into some of my characters in the 'securities'
business,my characters get around.I was about the only one on internet
or regular news to mention Bawag Bank of Austria,Jewish billionaire
Martin Schlaff,et.al. in regards to Refco and the collapse of Bancafe
of Guatemala and Bancafe International Bank of Barbados.I still want
to do some more on Schlaff,Israeli PM Avigdor Lieberman and the
illusive Grin brothers,(that Forbes erroneously claimed were from the
Ukraine rather than mention their Israel connections a while
If you google 'pope's misconceptions' that should be enough to bring
my Berkeley editorial of 1987 as well as my rhyme of same name to the
top of the Google search.It's actually on the www.malta.indymedia.org
website.In fact the Maltese students who started the site in 2005
abandoned it shortly after I bombarded them with my old political
science rhymes and just left them all on the front page.The Feast of
Immaculate Conception
was created by one of those Pope Piuses I believe in the 1850's.It
would have to be a pretty immaculate conception indeed if if gestation
period was only a couple of weeks but what do I know.......I know
we're strip mining Florida and Idaho phosphates pretty fast,some of
the tailings even have some uranium in the flour apetite rock.Florida
was once part of Morocco or the former Spanish Sahara over 200
million years ago and presumably all underwater which is what led to
the sea life that formed both fossil phosphates and oil in my
opinion.I'll keep an open mind open non biological evolution or
reduction of some natural gas but still I believe a common sea life
formed oil and its related fossil phosphates.And if the pope is used
as a statistical average of a pound and a half of phosphates moving
into and out of his body per year or earth orbit and he's
multiplied(conservatively)by six billion that's a lot of phosphate out
of the body of humanity per earth orbit or year(not counting feed lots
and erosion).Actually I personally handed my writing to the pope's Pro
Nunciate Pio Laghi in the 1980's when he came to Monterey,California
to promote the beatification of Junipero Serra.He
assured me he'd give it to the pope.Ha.
Before I wrote,' The Pope's Misconceptions....',I put into the
statement on the Environmental Impact report on the Santa Cruz outfall
pipe that it was directly related to the impacts of mining Florida
phosphates which are considerable.Scientific American did an article
on phosphates years ago and mentioned the deposits China is now
mining.Oh, and I met my former Congressman Leon Panetta at his office
at the county building in Santa Cruz at the time to bring the Florida
phosphate-Santa Cruz outfall pipe connection to his attention as
I still can't believe the Israeli PM Olmert and ex Pres.Katsav,(later
accused of rape),so blatently aided Michael Zwebner in his UCSY or
AWTI 'Air Water Machine' penny stock fraud.The only reason I became
involved with Zwebner and UCSY was because he had the same 'transfer
agent' as Endovasc - Alexander Walker of Nevada Agency and Transfer
Company'(NATCO).I believe his children now run that 'share money
laundering' operation.
Tony Ryals


 Gpduf@aol.com to me
show details Dec 3 (9 days ago)
Lila is gone.
- Show quoted text -


from Tony Ryals
to  Gpduf@aol.com
date Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 2:31 AM
subject Re: lila
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Dec 4 (8 days ago)
I'm glad of that for veteranstoday and all concerned.
I have been following that NASA news that claims arsenic coud
substitute for phosphorous in the DNA of a Mono Lake
bacteria they discovered.Still must use Adenosine Triphosphate for
respiration and still fits my concept of 'organic inorganic
coevolution'.However that's still amongst the most radical biology
news of my life time if true.
Oh and about 'characters' and strange connections.......

I have known the present Guatemalan U.N. Ambassador Gert Rosenthal and
his wife many years.They used to buy coffee from me for many
years,long before 911 and my blunders in 'investng'.I even showed him
some of my internet posts re stock fraud and once he got sort of
irritated because I kept discussing the lie that was 'naked short
selling'.He has probably seen my post about him in Spanish and once in
English on the internet hinting that he probably knew more about
Bancafe and a Bawag Bank and perhaps Martin Schlaff connection as well
through Refco. Well anyway I only learned that he was born in
Amsterdam and not Guatemala on Wikipedia or somewhere and so it has
occured to me that Guatemala U.S.Ambassador Gert Rosenthal and the
Dutch-Israeli politico Uri Rosenthal,( who is or was also member of
COT that investigates incidents like the 1993 Al Al crash and the
incident on flight 253 for all I know),are probably related.
Also Carl Levin relative is U.S.AMBASSADOR to The Netherlands...I'm
not saying that's profound,just small world indeed.......In fact I
still wonder if the Beltway bankster David P Summers who claimed for
many years to be just a biotech penny stock exec living in Montgomery,
Texas is related to Larry Summers.Anyway it wouldn't be a surprise...


from Tony Ryals
to  Gpduf@aol.com
date Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 2:31 AM
subject Re: lila
mailed-by gmail.com
hide details Dec 4 (8 days ago)
I'm glad of that for veteranstoday and all concerned.
I have been following that NASA news that claims arsenic coud
substitute for phosphorous in the DNA of a Mono Lake
bacteria they discovered.Still must use Adenosine Triphosphate for
respiration and still fits my concept of 'organic inorganic
coevolution'.However that's still amongst the most radical biology
news of my life time if true.
Oh and about 'characters' and strange connections.......

I have known the present Guatemalan U.N. Ambassador Gert Rosenthal and
his wife many years.They used to buy coffee from me for many
years,long before 911 and my blunders in 'investng'.I even showed him
some of my internet posts re stock fraud and once he got sort of
irritated because I kept discussing the lie that was 'naked short
selling'.He has probably seen my post about him in Spanish and once in
English on the internet hinting that he probably knew more about
Bancafe and a Bawag Bank and perhaps Martin Schlaff connection as well
through Refco. Well anyway I only learned that he was born in
Amsterdam and not Guatemala on Wikipedia or somewhere and so it has
occured to me that Guatemala U.S.Ambassador Gert Rosenthal and the
Dutch-Israeli politico Uri Rosenthal,( who is or was also member of
COT that investigates incidents like the 1993 Al Al crash and the
incident on flight 253 for all I know),are probably related.
Also Carl Levin relative is U.S.AMBASSADOR to The Netherlands...I'm
not saying that's profound,just small world indeed.......In fact I
still wonder if the Beltway bankster David P Summers who claimed for
many years to be just a biotech penny stock exec living in Montgomery,
Texas is related to Larry Summers.Anyway it wouldn't be a surprise...
My ex Congressman Leon Panetta turns out to be among the most
anti-democratic,pro CIA money laundering DIA's ever placed in that
position.Note below what ex Rupert Murdoch NY Post reporter says about
both the CIA using penny stocks to defraud Americans and launder the
money into their offshore accounts and about me a victim who has been
fighting it for years.Note also that this article is veeery hard to
find on internet and allbusiness.com appears to have removed its copy
as has siliconinvestor Ibelieve and of course Murdoch's NY Post who
'retired' Christopher Byron within months of writing it....
Tony Ryals


By Christopher Byron
Publication: The New York Post
Date: Monday, May 15 2006

IF former National Security Agency chief Michael Hayden hangs in there
as President Bush 's nominee to head the CIA and makes it to a Senate
confirmation hearing, one of the panel's members should ask him this:

"Sir, please tell the committee how much further you anticipate allowing
the CIA to expand its presence on Wall Street via the private venture
capital firm known as In-Q-Tel, Inc. "...
Launched in 1999 by CIA director George Tenet as a Wall Street venture
fund to finance new technologies for the spy world, In-Q-Tel quickly
found friends on Capitol Hill, where policymakers seized on the fund
as a way to remind constituents that the ghost of Vietnam no longer
walked the land. The attacks of 9/11 gave In-Q-Tel even more stature
in Congress, where the fund came to be seen as an essential element in
the war effort...
A year ago, this column drew back the curtain on a fishy In-Q-Tel
investment, financed out of the black box budget of the CIA, in a
defense-sector start-up called Ionatron Inc.

Run by a longtime Wall Street regulatory violator named Robert Howard,
Ionatron used a cash infusion from In-Q-Tel to promote itself around
Washington as the developer of a laser-equipped, remotely controlled
device the size of a golf cart that could patrol the highways of Iraq,
ferreting out and detonating insurgent land mines ahead of troop

We warned in this space that the technology being trumpeted by
Ionatron was not only unproven, but had been obtained by Howard and
some midlevel researchers at Raytheon Corp. under highly irregular
circumstances designed to persuade a West Coast laser researcher into
turning over his research to Howard's group.

Nonetheless, Sen. Hillary Clinton and her Democratic colleague from
California, Barbara Boxer, quickly embraced the Ionatron program,
which eventually devoured more than $12 million in government funding
before the Pentagon finally concluded last week that the devices are
not reliable and cancelled plans to deploy them...
Because its funding comes from the CIA, In-Q-Tel has been an
irresistible target for conspiracy theorists who charge that the CIA
is somehow linked through it to every penny stock that goes south.

Last week, one left-leaning Web(indymedia) site reported that SEC
investigators think the CIA-backed venture fund has been steering
money into penny stock "pump and dump" firms in Israel, Dubai and

But a day's worth of phoning around traces these claims to a tireless
complainant named Tony Ryals, who has been bombarding the SEC and
Internet message boards for years with claims that he has uncovered a
submerged world of In-Q-Tel -linked fraud stretching for Kuala Lumpur
to the Middle East.

The alleged linkages are bewildering in their complexity and typically
impossible to follow, but conspiracy buffs find them irresistible,
since they seem to echo some of the CIA's worst excesses from 30 to 40
years ago, and by their nature, they can never be entirely disproved.

WHETHER the SEC has looked into Ryals' charges and found them baseless
isn't known, but thanks to In-Q-Tel and the lengthening shadow of the
CIA on Wall Street, the most improbable of such claims once again have
a whiff of credibility....

'Market Take-Down' - by Lila Rajiva blames recent stock market
collapse scandal on 'April,Hitler, Columbine shootings, Waco, 1993 WTC
bombing) and WW II history (Katyn and several other important events
related to the prison camps),.....',but ignores the corrupt securities
fraudsters and money launderers she herself is attached to in Agora
Inc.,the CIA,offshore and Washington,D.C.,etc...I wonder why she
deleted it from her website as quickly as she posted it ? Anyway
anyone who posts opinions on the internet one minute and then tries to
erase or hide them the next can't be trusted.
-Tony Ryals


May 7, 2010

Tags: Finance, manipulation, markets, new world order, Psyops
Posted in: new world order

Well, I know I promised to stay away from my blog. But a 1000 point
drop in the Dow is reason enough to renege on a promise.

I�m going to state my considered judgment that that was no accident.
It looked deliberate (like 2008) and seems to follow on other
deliberate attempts to induce panic�.(not that you need to try very
hard, because the way governments are behaving is panic-inducing

Why do I monger conspiracy thusly?

Let�s review.

In the early part of April, which has occult significance (Hitler�s
birthday) as well as dark overtones from recent history in the US
(Columbine shootings, Waco, 1993 WTC bombing) and WW II history (
Katyn and several other important events related to the prison camps),
we witnessed the �decapitation� of a large part of the leadership of

Poland is a country that has been resisting the economic demands of
the EU one-worlders and rearing its reactionary nationalistic head on
several counts (thus, the devaluation of the zloty).

This was followed by Euro-control over-reacting to the eruption of the
Icelandic volcano and grounding the entire airline industry in most
northern and western European countries, thereby hitting the economy
severely again.

Then there was the Andrew Maguire incident and a frenzy about the lack
of physical gold behind most trades.

Then followed the SEC filing of charges against Goldman Sachs, which
we�re all for, but there�s no denying the �staged� elements of the
case, its tardiness, and its potential to set off more litigation that
could hit the banks badly.

Add in a few other suspicious developments, and malice aforethought
begins to seem plausible.

Someone wants a crisis served hot and fast.

And they will get it.

Over and out�.
- Lila Rajiva


Pentagon Shooter John Bedell,Mises and Death In Baltimore:Agora ...
Pentagon Shooter John Bedell,Mises and Death In Baltimore:Agora
Inc.,Rey Rivera,Porter Stansberry,James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner,Lila
Rajiva, ...

Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock money
launderers to Canada

Senator Carl Levin's,Arlen Specter's 'Naked Short Fannie Mae Theory'
vs JFK 'Magic Bullet' Assassination Theory

Frank Carlucci,Patrice Lumumba, Pluristem and Stock Fraudster Bill
Bonner's Racist Attack On Barrack Obama

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne 's NCANS a Fraud ? : Utah IMC
And as for political clout,Utah's Senator Bennett,(where Patrick Byrne
and Overstock.com is ...... a victim of naked shorting is Patrick
Byrne's ...

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of international
bankers, brokers,market makers...

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

Agora Inc.meets George Tenet in New Orleans,touts penny stock for CIA

Long before Veterans Today or any of its suspect U.S.government
connected right wing reporters said a thing Christopher
Bollyn,Canadian Iraeli Barry Chamish and myself were screaming bloody
murder about Israelis of ICTS International.I also have emphasized
Securacom of Marvin Bush and the Al Sabah royalty of Kuwait who had a
role at WTC,Dulles Airport and were allowed into Los Alamos,New Mexico
nuclear facility for some unnamed 'work'.Of course Kroll and other
'security' during 9/11 need to be investigated.-Tony Ryals

9/11,WTC:Osama bin Laden on FBI Unwanted List;Barack Obama A Skinny Idi Amin ?
by Tony Ryals | 09.12.2009
Tony Ryals

Barack Obama may turn out to be a skinny Idi Amin.I knew of course all
the Zionists and outright mafiosi and rapers of the U.S.economy that
helped fund him and that he was following the Zionist PARTY line that
Afghani peasants caused 9/11 and thus don't investigate the Israelis
Menachem Atzmon,Ezra Harel, et.al., criminals of ICTS International
pro Israeli connections or Securacom of Marvin Bush and the Kuwait Al
Sabah royalty at Dulles Airport Washington,D.C. and the WTC in New
York or the real cause for collapse of the WTC which may well turn out
to be super thermite rather than the planes themselves.But as it turns
out Idi Amin was backed and brought to power by Israeli Zionist war
and financial criminals just as Barack Obama appears to have been !


WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack
Obama Declare 9/11 Official April Fools Day
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/08/2010 - 22:58

WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack
Obama Declare 9/11 Official April Fools Day

As far as I�m concerned 9/11 or
September 11 is now the official Barack Osama Obama and America�s new
April Fools Day..Prepare to laugh till you cry next month as Barack
Osama makes a sick jokes of thousands of mass murder victims.Osama bin
Laden did it now move along folks�And to be fair and balanced Barack
Osama Obama never mentions Odigo and it stock fraudster Israeli CEO
living the life of Reilly in Africa on money stolen from Americans in
stock fraud or Marvin Bush and Al Sabah Kuwaiti royalty involvement in

What do Mansoor Ijaz,Barack Obama,Geert Wilders,NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg,
Asra Nomani,Judea Pearl all have in common besides opening their big
mouths again this
time re the construction pro or con of a '9/11 Mosque' ? They all know
that the two planes
that hit Rudy Giuliani's WTC and now Mayor Bloomberg's 'ground zer0'
on 9/11/01 were
under the 'security' of ICTS International-Huntleigh owned(through
stock fraud) by felon Menachem
Atzmon and his fellow Shin Beit Israeli crime family.They allowed
Richard Reid the shoe bomber who
Daniel Pearl was investigating at the time of his beheading in
Pakistan to board an American Airlines
flight to the U.S.from DeGualle Airport France even though they knew
who he was having facilitated his
trip to Israel on El Al from Schiphol Airport Amsterdam pre 9/11!

I rarely if never agree with Billy Graham's Right Reverend 'Christian'
wingnut son,Franklin Graham.However I agree entirely
with his statement below that freedom of religion in America entails
an obligation on the part of religionists to
respect the right of separation of church and state.I belive the if
America's founderers who wrote the U.S.
Constitution could have foretold the future they would have surely
with their request for separation of church and state.Don't you ?
Oh the Netherlands or Dutch scumbag Geert Wilders who is coming to NY
on 9/11 to curse the mosque has 911 skelton in his closet as well - he
KNOWS that ICTS International Israelis who allowed those two planes
that the U.S.government alledges hit the WTC on 9/11/01to take off
from Logan Boston in the first place are operating or controlling
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and allowed the Nigerian 'crotch bomber' to
board flight 253 for Detroit this past Christmas,December
25,2009.Geert Wilders knows who guarded Logan on 911 was and is in charge of
'security' at his Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam AND THAT
NETHERLANDS...So he is glad folks died at ground zero on 9/11 and thanks to
America's controlled media will land here as some kind of 'anti-islamic
terrorism' hero ! Sick..

* Agora Inc.
* Alan Sabrosky
* Bill Bonner
* Debbie Menon
* Editor Gordon Duff
* George Tenet
* James Dale Davidson
* Julian Julian Assange
* Lila Rajiva
* Porter Stansberry
* Rey Rivera
* Sibel Edmonds
* Veterans Today
* wikileaks

- E-Mail: wolfblitzzer0@gmail.com

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