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International Animal Rights gathering 2002  
MM - 27.10.2010 05:43

international Animal Rights Gathering 2001
"International Animal Rights Gathering 2002;
Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) and fur
8-9-10-11 februari 2002 Amsterdam, Netherlands"

=> same "fur" as among the murder fur lobby and according to some media it blew over from hardened UK animal rights groups to Netherlands.

Int. Animal Rights Gathering In Amsterdam

Latest news Int. Animal Rights Gathering 2002

Maandag (18 maart): anti Fortuyn aktie Bont voor Dieren

("Bont" = fur)

Dierenactivisten 'aanslag' op Frans Molenaar?

antibontactivisten aangeklaagd wegens stalkin

(ADL and fur are mentioned in the same sentence)

DBF valt de bont-industrie in A'dam aan

Vlaggen uit voor de diersoldaat

Persverklaring DBF actie

Killing people to save animals and the environment

Infiltratie BVD

Dutch authorities ignored threats to Pim Fortuyn
leave us alone..? 
MM - 27.10.2010 04:06

Better stay on your side of the ocean; It's known for many years that British intelligence, masonry philanthropists and allied groups are very active activists trying to 're-establish the British Empire'.

Pitty for the good activists, but you've lost the war for control of your movements over there...
animal rights Januar 2002 
MM - 27.10.2010 04:28

Animal liberation, active since 2000...

How about the Animal Liberation movement that blew over to Netherlands in Januar 2002, just a few months before an animal rights activist killed Pim Fortuyn of a right wing civilian movement? That was after special agent Hans Knoop did a successful lobby for the fur farmers foundation and possibly Control Risks and/or Peter Siebelt's ABC security. Immediately after the success of that lobby, Dutch intelligence tapped a phone call of two of his colleague animal rights activists that they wanted to kill Pim Fortuyn. However, he never got protection and was murdered; know and let happen, or maybe even more..?
sherlock - 28.10.2010 20:13

Hard evidence for undercover cop.

For sale on
eminem - 27.10.2010 10:16

Kan die MM niet eens ophouden met onder elk indymediabericht zijn paranoide spinsels te spammen? Alle drie de berichten bevatten niets dat ook maar enigszins met de onthulde infiltrant te maken heeft. Als die betreffende Mark Stone/Kennedy nu op een van de dierenbevrijdingsvergaderingen of acties is geweest horen we het graag, de rest, met name obligate geroep dat vrijmetselaars het britse empire willen overnemen, kan me gestolen worden.
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