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nn - 16.06.2010 17:00

fire is really not the solution and is a dangerous way to make your point. Not only the company is harmed (this is your goal, i get it) but also fireman and people in the neighborhood are possible victums of your action! think about what the possible outcomes are before acting like this.
nn - 16.06.2010 19:18

guns are dangerous to, put still the people trust cops with them?
great action 
nn - 16.06.2010 18:13

Let's see more of those!
niet goed 
Mike - 07.08.2010 17:15

Jullie zijn lekker bezig zo.

Geweld/crimineel gedrag gebruiken om jullie mening (want dat is het) door te drukken. Het lijkt wel of alleen JULLIE gelijk hebben. Zoals amerikanen zeggen "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one". Een mening is per definitie niet "de waarheid".

Hoe zouden jullie het vinden als ik een kraakpand in de fik zou zetten? Ik heb het niet op krakers, dat is mijn mening. geeft mij dat het recht om zo'n pand in de hens te zetten?

Ben benieuwd wat/of jullie gaan zeggen. Jullie kennende (hey, alleen jullie mening is juist toch?) zal dit wel naar de "ruispagina" gestuurd worden.
arsonists from the future? 
;-) - 16.06.2010 16:29

I assume you lot mean the 16th of june (today) and not the 16th of july (next month)?

keep the fire burning....
good action 
nn - 16.06.2010 18:21

off cource fire is dangerous, that doesn't mean it should be prematurely excluded as a tactic. Western societies have known a great tradition of radical left and anarchist arsonist and bombing groups. the weather underground for one.

Good action. bring the war home!
nn - 16.06.2010 19:43

Seriously, the weather underground? If you're going to pick something cool, try the Angry Brigade, not a bunch of people who think having group sex in the back of a van driving down the highway is wevolutionary.
nn - 16.06.2010 17:34

wow this is inspiring stuff to read! Keep up the good work!
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