Manifestation for Italian Pressfreedom, Amsterdam Basta Berlusconi Raiot - 02.10.2009 11:24
Zaterdag, 3 Oktober, 2009 van 15.00 tot 17.00 uur In front of the Italian Cultural Institute Keizersgracht 564, Amsterdam Against the media-mogul trash empire of Berlusconi&Co and his attacks against basic civil liberties and in defense of the Italian freedom of press. We'll bring garbage information that is controlled and manipulated by the Italian Government, such as newspapers, and we'll free the words out of them. With our hands, with cutters and scissors we'll save the precious Italian words from the actual slavery of press and use them to compose poems, slogans, jokes. Then we shall symbolically glue them onto the walls of the institute or distribute them freely to the passengers to their enlightenment and joy. We'll do this all to support the 3 October national day for freedom of press in Italy. You don't have to be Italian to participate, it can also become a precious lesson in Italian language conversations. But do bring a newspaper. Website: |