petitie voor recht op abortus Europa Baas in eigen buik - 08.10.2008 15:43
Sign the petition for every womans right to selfdetermination about her own pregancy in Europe. Abortion is still difficult for women in some parts of Europe, for example for the Polish woman in the case thats described. to sign click on: and go to the bottom of the text. 7 Versions de notre pétition : Anglaise, Allemande, Française, Italienne, Espagnol, Allemande, Polonaise FEMINIST EUROPEAN APPEAL To voice the demand of feminists in Europe for the recognition of the fundamental right of all women in all the countries to have control over their own bodies, the right to information, contraception and free and safe abortion. Alicja's fight is our fight. Alicja Tysiac, a young Polish woman, suffering from a very serious visual handicap, has been refused the right to have an abortion for medical reasons in spite of her handicap. Her story shows the tragic situation of women who, today in Europe, are deprived of these fundamental rights. Alicja has won her trial against the polish government in front of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg that acknowledged the non respect of her individual rights. But she still has to face pressure and threats from the radical catholics. In Poland, but also in Ireland, Cyprus, Malta, Andorra and now in Lithuania, Slovakia, women are facing same restrictions or are forbidden free and safe abortion. In many other countries, like Italy, Spain or Macedonia this right is endangered by the raise of religious fundamentalisms and the pressure of the conservative lobbies. Concerning the sexual and reproductive rights, as well as other rights, we demand harmonisation of legislation about women's rights on the most advanced level and we appeal to the feminists and all women and men of all European countries to write letters, to ask for audiences, to organise delegations to the polish embassy of their countries in order to express this demand. The European feminist movement represents a critical mass and a social force working to build a different Europe, democratic, secular and anti-militarist. Let us join our forces against obscurantism. We call for a coordinated European campaign to gather, ONE MILLION signatures (before the European elections) - year 2009- which will make it possible to directly influence changes in the European policies. |