Indymedia NL
Independent Media Centre of the Netherlands
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Hats off to you! 
Kommon Klown - 17.09.2008 19:11

How wonderful of you to put in that extra effort of waving. I mean I really think that it is unnecessary with that extra work you do for us. I'm thinking of those Bilderberg meetings you attend on our behalf us. I mean we are just common people incapable of making the decisions with the wisdom that you have. So great that all the decisions that are made are kept secret from us. Imagine what that common activists types would make of your brilliant decisions if they knew. It is also great that you have such influence in the sphere of Government decision making, meeting polititions regularly and can appoint our Lord Mayor of Amsterdam. How wonderful. Only you would be capable of making such a decision that would be right for all of us!
clownlijke familie 
nn - 16.09.2008 19:27

beatrix zal wel gedacht hebben laten we prinsjes dag een wat ludiek karakter geven,laten we wat clowntjes inhuren.
Averechts - 16.09.2008 19:07

Tja, ik snap werkelijk niet wat hier zo 'activistisch' aan is. Als je het mij vraagt zal elke malloot die zich vandaag rond het Binnenhof ophield slechts denken: Goh, wat leuk, clowntjes, grappig. Jullie maken onderdeel uit van de algehele mallotigheid, kijk eens hoe vermakelijk minister Plaspoep jullie vindt. Had hem een feestelijke taart aangeboden.
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