Fundraising for a Russian anarchist wounded by nazis the only good fascist is a dead one - 04.04.2008 22:58
A new fundraising drive for Oleg S., wounded 4 years ago Please help to cover medical bill of anarchist and anti-fascist comrade! 23rd of February 2004 anti-militarists and antifascists of Izhevsk were returning from a picket against war in Chechnya. In yard, not far from the central square of Izhevsk, they were attacked by 20 Nazi-skinheads. Shouting "Sieg Hail!" and "White power!", they surrounded two demonstrators and beat up Oleg S. and Aleksander S. with iron bars, both activists were hospitalized. Oleg was diagnosed with damage to his brains and skull, and he spent following 3 months in a hospital. Oleg is still having problems with constant headaches, he also keeps loosing his memory and concentration after 3-4 hours of activity. Oleg is currently studying and working, but is unable to do either of them as actively as he would like to. Oleg spent some time in hospital twice after the incident, but eventually cost-cutting programs of Russian health services lead to decreasing number of places in hospitals, and doctors do not sent him to hospital anymore. Oleg is from a poor family, he has no father, mother is disabled and brother is in school, and thus family may not fund any medical care. Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow financed diagnostics of Oleg in a specialized clinic in Moscow. He was diagnosed encephalopathy of mixed origin two different syndromes. He was written receipts for drugs with overall cost of 24 000 rubles for the following months, that is around 1000 dollars. Help us to gather money to pay medical bill of Oleg! You may transfer us money with help of WebMoney, Euro: E311886845482 Russian rubles: R321197368781 US$: Z260630952047 You may read here how to transfer funds with Webmoney: Alternatively, we may receive money by wire or by bank transfer, if these are better options for you, pass us a note. After transfer, please write to our address abc-msk /at/ riseup /dt/ net and note how much you transfered and when. Thanks for your help! Solidarity is our weapon! Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia (no name of the group to envelope!), abc-msk /at/ riseup /dt/ net ( |