Young antifascist killed in Madrid Rex & Haps - 12.11.2007 18:15
The young antifascist Carlos was killed yesterday (11 november) morning, he was killed after being stabbed by a nazi-skin. The incident occurred at Legazpi metro station, one more antifascist was seriously injured from the same nazi-skin. According to local police 5 persons have been arrested, one supposedly the murderer of Carlos, who was also injured with several other nazi-skins. Young antifascist killed in Madrid The young antifascist Carlos was killed yesterday (11 november) morning, he was killed after being stabbed by a nazi-skin. The incident occurred at Legazpi metro station, one more antifascist was seriously injured from the same nazi-skin. According to local police 5 persons have been arrested, one supposedly the murderer of Carlos, who was also injured with several other nazi-skins. The circumstances of the tragic death was a fascist & racist demonstration announced by the "Las juventudes de Democracia national" (Nazi-party) This party has a legal status as a political party, their demonstration was going to take place with the approval of the head national police in Madrid. This is a serious issue, since the government hereby is accepting Nazi demonstration to take place, -despite the Spanish law against racism & xenophobia. Spontaneous demonstrations took place in Madrid, as-well as other major Spanish cities, to condemn the Nazi violence. In Madrid the demonstration led to fights with the police. There has been a increase of nazi aggressions in Madrid during the last year. Due to this Antifascist groups had decided to confront the demonstrations like the one that took place yesterday. Even after Carlos' death Antifascist attacked the Nazi demonstration, which was being protected by the police. |