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Global Warming Is Scam, Not Science FPF-fwd. Karl W. B. Schwarz - 06.08.2007 10:35
The Earth has gone through climate changes since it formed but there was no mass media in the past to create a fake public scare so certain insiders could line their pockets with trillions of dollars of ill-gotten gain.� You see, we are about to graduate from the bogus Global War on Terror [a Bush � Cheney Really Stupid Idea] to the bogus Global War on Green House Gas [a Clinton � Gore Really Stupid Idea].� That math adds up to only one thing � we have really stupid leaders. [FPF: Bush wants a new 'Kyoto conference' next month.]* GLOBAL WARMING IS SCAM, NOT SCIENCE �� by Karl Schwartz There are times in life to be quiet, and there are times in life to speak out.�This is one of those times to speak out loudly.� I guess I am sort of like George Carlin in that when I see goofy crap it is time to call it what it is.�No sense in mincing words with fools and morons.� Most of you probably know about (and some remember) when Orson Welles did the broadcast in 1938 about a Martian Invasion of Earth (H. G. Wells� novel The War of the Worlds) and many people believed it and freaked out.� That is very similar to what is going on with this Global Warming scam.� Some folks just do not have discernment to separate fact from fiction and that is sad.� I hear Bush is refusing to do anything but stay the course in Iraq.� Something about �if we pull out it will benefit Al Qaeda.�� Well, as I recall there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until Bush showed up and that confirms my suspicion that when a Bush shows up there goes the neighborhood or in this instance the nation.� The man is stuck on stupid and refuses to admit it or atone for his sleazy stupid conduct or his stupid sleazy lies that got us into HIS MESS.� He has destroyed Iraq, a nation that had nothing to do with 9-11, destroyed Afghanistan to take over the Bridas Corporation pipeline (and still does not have that done), losing both wars, and is systematically destroying America. You see, I totally disagree when National Security is the feigned excuse for protecting certain sleazy nationally prominent butts.� THEY ARE NOT SPECIAL AND THEY SURE AS HELL ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW. IMPEACH HIM!� Then try him, Cheney et al as the war criminals they are.� They are an embarrassment to our nation.� Every time Bush opens his mouth his IQ sinks to a lower notch.� At least Nixon had enough patriotism to leave and spare America more of the embarrassment of having him in the Oval Office, but not Clinton or Bush The US dollar is at an all time low against the Euro and still sliding down. �Bush Fiscal Policy is ruining America and gutting you of your net worth every day. �When the Bush Administration talks about how great the economy is look at the weakness of the US dollar and grasp that Bush is bankrupting America with his stupid policies. � He is down to 29% approval rating now and out comes Bush and Chertoff warning of spectacular terrorist attacks this summer in the United States. �Yeah, gut feeling, Bush numbers have to increase somehow and they have to figure out a slick way to stay in Iraq. BOO!� DON�T WORRY ABOUT HIDING FROM AL QAEDA. �THE PROBLEM IS GEORGE BUSH. Many are asking so here is my take on the upcoming elections in 2008.� Back Ron Paul if you want to save America and also vote out of office every last Republican and Democrat Representative and Senator that is up for re-election.� It really is time to flush the toilet in DC.� The Reid � Pelosi led Congress have proven since they were voted into control of Congress that they are not worthy of leadership of America in any office.� None of the Republicans, except Ron Paul, are worth their weight in dirt and neither are any of the Democrats running for president.� To say they �waffle� is being kind.� To say they are liars and reprobates is much more on target.� Send Hillary packing, and Obama, Giuliani, McCain and the rest of the Pretender Presidents home.� Wow, Al Gore says he is running if he wins the Nobel Prize.� For what is anybody�s guess, maybe Most Creative Liar of 2006 or 2007? Do not let the main stream media pick our president.� There are some very serious problems facing America that have to be dealt with now and Ron Paul is the only one that will do that. � I am going to back Ron Paul and urge everyone on this email list or who gets this email from others to do the same. On another �scam� front the environmental whackos are out in full force and all of them ignoring the most fundamental of facts regarding this planet and the Sun that powers this solar system we call home.� I HAVE BEEN IN EUROPE NOW FOR A LITTLE OVER 13 MONTHS WORKING ON A MAJOR NANOTECHNOLOGY PROJECT.� Imagine temperature highs of 65 to 68 in late June and July and at night down to 50 to 55 degrees.� Yeah, global warming is a bitch.� In 56 years I cannot ever recall having to wear a jacket due to being cold in July.� Now we have the British Royals likening this epic battle to save the planet from plant food [CO2 is in fact necessary for plant life on this planet] to that of fighting the Nazis.� Well, that put the DUH in DUMB for me!� ''Perfect example is the simple, indisputable scientific fact that we live in the immediate neighborhood of a Variable Star and it does in fact affect the weather of Earth and all of the other planets in this Solar System.�That is a scientific fact.''� [END QUOTE] - THE REST OF THE VERY INTERESTING 'FOOD FOR THOUGHT' IS AT Url.: http://home.att.net/~south.tower/KarlSchwarzJuly2007x.htm RELATED: * BUSH WANTS A NEW 'KYOTO CONFERENCE' NEXT MONTH - Google 'news' search - Url.: http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Bush+%2BKyoto+%2Bnew&um=1&sa=N&tab=wn * THE STATE OF OUR WORLD IN RELATED LINKS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2ncumy * EVERYBODY ANYWHERE ON EARTH WHO SUPPORTS THOSE INHUMAN ACTIONS IS A CRIMINAL. * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3z3r6 FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars http://tinyurl.com/jf8sl The Netherlands fpf@chello.nl -0- Website: http://tinyurl.com/jf8sl |
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