Appeal: Help out with G8 Indymedia preparations IMCer - 22.03.2007 16:04
The next G8 summit will be held in Heiligendamm, Germany, 6-8 June, 2007. That's less than 3 months away! There are already some media activists and groups preparing stuff but, as Indymedia, we are not doing much yet! People have come to take independent media coverage (in-the-field media centres, dispatch etc.) for granted. These things, however, do not just happen like that! It's volunteers like us who have to do it. And for such mass-scale mobilisations and actions, it would obviously take more than a few, almost burnt-out people to do all that. We are in desperate need for more people to help out with various aspects of the preparations! Things/people needed include: equipment (servers, computers, network etc.); writers; translators; 'dispatchers'; pre-prepared literature etc. etc. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch at: (en) imc-g8 [at] (de) imc-g8-2007 [at] irc: #g8 @ wiki: E-Mail: imc-g8 [at] |