Alberto Tlacael Cilia Ocampo was stopped on the 27th of November of 2006 around 16:10 in the surroundings of the University of Oaxaca while he fulfilled his work of observer. From the moment of his halting he was tortured physically and psychologically by elements of the ministerial police. Mexico D.F., 28 of November of 2006 Alberto Tlacael Cilia Ocampo was stopped on the 27th of November of 2006 around 16:10 in the surroundings of the University of Oaxaca while he fulfilled his work of observer. Commissioned by the Centre of Human Rights Yax´kin A.C. to document the difficult situation the entity is going through, Alberto has been victim of an unjustified halting. From the moment of his halting he was tortured physically and psychologically by elements of the ministerial police. He didn't know himself of his whereabouts until the 16:33 of the following day, 28th of November, moment at which Cilia Ocampo reported via telephone from the agency in which he remains detained. Below the transcription of the brief testimony of Alberto before being interrupted in his call: "Hello, Alberto speaking, I don't know where I am, but I'm a prisoner in an agency of Oaxaca, I was stopped yesterday at 4:00 p.m." He made a small pause and continued: "... the agents who stopped me hood and kicked me, while recording it on video, they said that they were going to kill my parents, cut me in pieces and send one piece in a bottle with alcohol to my family as a souvenir. They kicked me on my ribs, they stepped on and kicked my face all along. They threatened to apply electrical shocks on me". "They accused me of burning cars and buildings. They showed me stones, small bullets, marbles, (...) and APPO credentials, said that I had them in a (...) but those things couldn't even have all fit in there" "With the tortures they forced me to sign that I was from Radio University, that I slept in CU (UABJO), that I attended the marches and the long waits summoned by APPO. They forced to me to say that I made Molotov cocktails and (...), and that in return the APPO paid me 500 pesos a day". "They are pressing me to hang up the phone, they don't let me talk any longer, please let someone bring me food, water and blankets, because we haven't eaten anything since yesterday, and we do not have where to shelter in the cold". Then the call that had lasted only a couple of minutes was cut off because he had denounced the sufferings he was victimized with during his kidnapping. |