After Lebanon: The US, Israel and Palestine Transnational Institute - 05.09.2006 15:00
Sunday 10 September 2006, ABC Treehouse, Amsterdam: The American Book Center, Transnational Institute and Democrats Abroad Present:* After Lebanon: The US, Israel and Palestine * Sunday 10 September 2006 The American Book Center, Transnational Institute and Democrats Abroad Present:* After Lebanon: The US, Israel and Palestine * Israel's defeat in Lebanon is a defeat for the U.S.-Israeli alliance, for Bush's 'global war on terror,' and for the U.S. policy of 'democratization' across the Middle East. It’s the UN’s turn now to try and appease Israel and it’s neighbours. But the continuing threat of more Israeli aggression; the rise of support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and a solution to the Palestine-Israeli conflict more distant than ever, make the UN effort a hazardous one at best. Phyllis Bennis analyses the outcome of the war; the consequences for the US as a player in the region and the potential role for anti-war movements. Phyllis Bennis is a fellow of both the Transnational Institute (TNI, Amsterdam) and the Insitute for Policy Studies (IPS, Washington DC). Phyllis is a journalist specialising in Middle East and United Nations issues. Formerly based at the United Nations, she has worked on US domination of the UN, international interventions and US foreign policy and interventions in the Middle East. She is the author and editor of books on Palestine, Iraq, the UN and the New World Order, her most recent publications are: Challenging Empire - People, Governments and the UN defy US Power (Interlink, 2006)$ Before & After - US Foreign Policy and the September 11th Crisis (Interlink, 2002)$ ABC Treehouse: Voetboogstraat 11, Amsterdam coffee 6:30 pm, start 7:00 pm free entrance, English spoken Contact Andrea Sturkenboom via for reservations For more information on Phyllis and a selection of her articles: E-Mail: Website: |