booklaunch Chaohua Wang Transnational Institute - 01.06.2006 18:24
Chaohua Wang presents her book "One China, Many Paths" Venue: ABC Treehouse, Voetboogstraat 11, Amsterdam Date: 8pm, Friday 9 June free entrance China is a constant topic of fascination or fear in the West, with the world’s largest country now regularly topping the international headlines. But what is the future of China’s growth model? What is the fate of the country’s workers? What are the prospects of a democratic constitution? And what direction will China’s foreign policy take? Chaohua Wang, a leading Tiananmen dissident who is now a noted commentator on the state of modern China, will discuss the country’s current trajectory. She will also read selected passages from her edited volume "One China, Many Paths", offering a vibrant panorama of the contemporary intellectual scene in the People's Republic of China. An impressive collection of essays by Chinese intellectuals. - Foreign Affairs This book is a welcome reminder (so far it is the only work of its kind in English) of the growing diversity of Chinese intellectual thought. - London Review of Books Signed copies of "One China, Many Paths" will be on sale at the event. Chaohua Wang is an essayist and researcher on Chinese literature and civilisation at the University of California, Los Angeles. more info Andrea Sturkenboom Transnational Institute Communications Department tel + 31 20 662 6608 fax + 32 20 675 7176 E-Mail: Website: |