Verkrachting en marteling Mexicaanse politie Rafael - 14.05.2006 21:16
Na een demonstratie in de Mexicaanse stad San Salvador Atenco werd de hele stad een aantal dagen geleden met grof geweld schoongeveegd. Een aantal dagen daarvoor was een 14-jarige jongen van korte afstand doodgeschoten door politiekogels omdat hij een verstopte agent aanwees aan demonstranten. Na een demonstratie in de Mexicaanse stad San Salvador Atenco werd de hele stad een aantal dagen geleden met grof geweld schoongeveegd. Een aantal dagen daarvoor was een 14-jarige jongen van korte afstand doodgeschoten door politiekogels omdat hij een verstopte agent aanwees aan demonstranten. De politie kreeg de opdracht om de opstandige burgers buiten het zicht van de camera's af te tuigen. Langzaam sijpelen brieven van gevangenen naar buiten, zoals deze: Letter from the women taken political prisoner May 3 and 4 in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico, sent from the prison in Santiaguito, Almoloya. Translated by El Kilombo Intergalactico Santiaguito, Almoloya, May 12, 2006 To the population in general: We women, workers of the country and city, housewives, students, etc.; political prisoners since the 3rd and 4th of May of the current year, are enraged by the formal indictment handed down on May 10th. Not only were we insulted, humiliated, beaten, tortured, sexually abused, and raped, but now we are also prisoners and delinquents. We have lived with repression, not only in social struggle, but also in a particular way as women, because if it’s true that the men were beaten the hardest, we were attacked sexually and raped. We were submitted to every type of repression during our detention, first with insults like “you are a bitch,” “goddamn fucking bitch,” “we’re going to rape you like the bitch that you are,” etc.; and then, not content to beat us, for some, unconscious, they threatened to kill or disappear us, even to torture us into giving names and information of our families with the threat to kill them, too. Nothing can heal us of the sexual abuse and rape we suffered; we were touched, pinched, kicked, hit with fists, batons, and shields on our breasts, buttocks, and genitals. While they continued threatening us we were bitten on the breasts, nipples, ears, lips, tongue, etc.; some of us were penetrated with fingers and objects, some were forced to perform oral sex, all of this while they made fun of us as women. In addition to being subjected to this abuse, we continue to be victims of medical negligence. Some of us should have been bandaged and cured since the day we arrived, some of us have vaginal infections, others infections in our wounds, others of us can’t even sit down because of the blows we received, and despite all this we continue in hunger strike, because we will not take one step back in this struggle, because we want justice for all, for everyone, because if we must fight from this prison that is what we will do. We continue to stand in struggle! We demand our liberation! We demand justice for the physical and sexual abuse and rape! May no one be indifferent to the pain that we have lived! Free political prisoners! Sincerely, The women political prisoners, below and to the left, standing in struggle Voor meer achtergronden Politieagenten vertellen anoniem over de orders die zij kregen: Brief van een Chileense journaliste over het geweld: Reporters without borders over het geweld: |