Bil'in belaagd door Israelische soldaten Carla - 02.09.2005 13:54
Op dit moment (mailtje van vanmorgen) wordt het dorp Bil'in, bekend van geweldloze akties tegen de bouw van de muur, belaagd door Israelische soldaten. De situatie is behoorlijk gespannen. Vlak voordat de dorpelingen hun wekelijkse geweldloze demonstratie konden beginnen, trokken soldaten het dorp binnen, vuurden traangasgranaten en rubberkogels af en probeerden de dorpelingen in hun huizen te houden. Hierbij de tekst in het engels: Right now "a siege on Bil'in (...) and the situation is ongoing. Before the village could even begin its weekly nonviolent demonstration, soldiers launched into the village, firing tear gas, rubber bullets and attempting to impose a curfew on residents [for full text of the ISM press release, scroll down] WHY HAVE BIL'IN PEOPLE NOT THE RIGHT TO NONVIOLENT PROTEST WHEN THEIR LANDS ARE TAKEN? With this question, phone, fax, email to everybody who matters; here follow a few suggestions: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Office of the Prime Minister 3 Kaplan Street, P O Box 187 Jerusalem 91919, Israel Phone: +972-2-6753333 Fax: +972 2 6521599 E-mail: AND Minister of Foreign Affairs, Silvan Shalom Ministry of Foreign Affairs 9 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd., Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem 91035 Fax 972-2-5303367 e-mail: Foreign Minister's office - Director General's office - Spokesman's office - Public Relations - American Consulate, Jerusalem Email:, Fax: +972-(0)2- 627-7230 European Union, Jerusalem, Email, Fax: + 972- (0)2-532 6249 UN Special Coordinator, Gaza, Email, Fax: +972-(0)8- 282- 0966 S/SMEC, Office of the Special Middle East Coordinator fax: (+1) 202 647 4808 White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111 State Department Bureau of Public Affairs Comment Line: 202-647-6575 Brigadier-General Avichai Mendelblit - head of the army's legal branch fax: 03-5694370 Colonel Yait Lutstein - legal adviser for Judea & Samaria command fax: 02-2277326 ------- Forwarded message follows ------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The International Solidarity Movement Phone: 02-297-1824 and 057-661-6445 email: ISM MEDIA GROUP — Soldiers have launched a siege on Bil'in this afternoon and the situation is ongoing. Before the village could even begin its weekly nonviolent demonstration, soldiers launched into the village, firing tear gas, rubber bullets and attempting to impose a curfew on residents. Right now the ISM apartment is under siege, mass detentions are taking place. sound grenades and rubber bullets are being fired at close range as the area in which the soldiers has internationals and Palestinians confined to is less than one block wide. The situation is ongoing. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Andrew at ISM media: 02-297-1824 Greta, in Bil'in: 054-201-1548 |