Germany: Summer of Resistance ! zana - 30.06.2005 20:09
All over Germany protest is growing. Last summer each monday 100.000s marched in more than 200 cities to protest against the social cuts planned by the Schröder government. This summer: protests and direct action everywhere...This summer is the "Summer of Resistance"! Protest grows especially at the universities. Universities are on strike, buildings are occupied, thousands and thousands march on the streets... The students protest against fees for studying planned by the government. Up to now, in Germany, studying at university was for free. But the students do not only protest against the planned fees, they protest against the whole Schröder government - and against capitalism. The Schröder government made the biggest welfare cuts in German history, as well as it is responsible for an enourmous cut in the taxes of the rich. There´s a feature on indymedia Germany about the "Summer of Resistance". Just click the following link, u will see how many different actions happen, there are also pics, and so on... The Summer of Resistance has just started. Let´s see what else will happen! |