Iraakse PM Alawi schoot 6 verdachten neer Foreign Press Foundation - 19.01.2005 20:05
Het vrije, onpartijdige, en progressieve Indymedia-NL publiceert 't wél: want het zondermeer neerschieten van zes verdachten door de amerikaanse stropop premier Alawi in Irak haalt het niet naar de collaborerende massamedia. Maar onderstaand zijn twee respectabele kranten die het wel durfden en durven: This was the story as it was published last July by the sometimes respectable ''Christian Science Monitor'': World > Terrorism & Security - posted July 19, 2004: Did Allawi shoot Iraqi prisoners? Url.: And today the Sydney Morning Herald again has the story saying it is confirmed: Url.: IRAQ - US official confirms PM Allawi shot six dead [In many countries people do not expect a strong protest by Mr. Allawi's polical allies and colleagues which - like in the Netherlands - are (past and present) war criminals too - ] January 19, 2005 -A former Jordanian government minister has told 'The New Yorker' that an American official confirmed to him that the Iraqi interim Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, executed six suspected 'insurgents' at a Baghdad police station last year. The claim is in an extensive profile of Dr Allawi written for this week's issue of the magazine by an American journalist, Jon Lee Anderson, the author of The Fall of Baghdad and a regular Baghdad correspondent for 'The New Yorker'. Writing about his research in Jordan in December, Anderson says: "A well-known former government minister told me that an American official had confirmed that the killings took place, saying to him, 'What a mess we're in - we got rid of one son of a bitch only to get another one'." The New Yorker also revealed that Anderson was present during an interview conducted by the Herald's chief correspondent, Paul McGeough, in late June, with a man who said he witnessed the executions by Dr. Allawi. Dr Allawi denied the allegations when they were published in the Herald last July. Anderson writes: "The man ... described how Allawi had been taken to seven suspects, who were made to stand against a wall in a courtyard of the police station, their faces covered. After being told of their alleged crimes by a police official, Allawi had asked for a pistol, and then shot each prisoner in the head. [One of the men survived.] Afterward, the witness said, Allawi had declared to those present, ''This is how we must deal with the terrorists.'' The witness said he approved of Allawi's act, adding that, in any case, the terrorists were better off dead, for they had been tortured for days." [ ! ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [and end - 2005 - The Sydney Morning Herald] Extra from ''Another Day in the Empire'': "Hersh Adds Credibility to Speculation Margaret Hassan was the Victim of a Counterinsurgency Operation" - Url.: FPF-item - "Who framed Margaret Hassan?" Url.: FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars The Netherlands The Dutch author has this far worked abroad for 4 decades for international media, as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! ( Former) US Senator Hollings agrees: Evil triumphs when good men, women and we journalists remain silent: - - Let's fight today, because tomorrow it may be too late... Help the troops come home ! We need them badly to fight our 'governments': HR FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. E-Mail: Website: |