international action day-thessaloniki random - 30.12.2004 21:01
international day of action for the salonika 6 Original Call Out 30.12.2004 02:51 the original call out was by the CNT in spain: (two people - carlos & fernando - originally arrested are from spain) (tranlated (badly) from spanish into english) DAY THE INTERNATIONAL OF MOBILIZATIONS: 8 JANUARY 2005 it organizes actions in your city SUMMIT In June of the 2003 the European Summit of Chiefs of State in Tesalónica is celebrated (Greece). During the days (from the 19 to the 21) that the summit was developed, many people went out to show its rejection made this policy and this world order neoliberal to which ciudadan@s of a has sometid@s to us to l@s foot. It was a day of hard and intense fight. The objective was to prevent a minority deciding the future of all the world-wide population. The demonstrators with their placards and shouts, and the State with their ready police to use all their armament their opposed interests were in the streets of Tesalónica defending. Day 21 of June of the 2003, the manifestation that had been summoned finalized with 130 people detenid@s. Many were identified, intimidated and set free. Twenty-nine left with positions of serious crimes of damages, resistance to the authority, you disorder public, alteration of public La Paz, fires and possession and use of arms. Eight were lead to prison. One of them of American origin was set free the few days because the U.S.A. mediated so that this outside thus. The rest of companions: Carlos and Fernando of Spanish origin, Simón of English origin, Castro of Syria origin, and Tsitas, Jonathan, Michalis and Dimitris of Greek origin were taken to prison. ASSEMBLY At first everything aimed at that in three days the police would free them. But the Greek state through their mass media used these days to deceive the population by means of false accusations, and thus to elaborate a mediatic, police and legal assembly. The seven companions were accused of possession and use of explosives, damages, resistance to the authority, public disorder, possession and use of fire arms and taken to prison because the police affirmed that they carried knapsacks with tirachinas, nuts and molotov cocktails, although in a video during the summit where it saw clearly as to Simón they changed a police to him its knapsack by other than contained molotov cocktails and others. Soon the rest of states was made echo of the version created by the Greek State. This assembly tried by a side to restrain the antiglobalisation movement, for future summits, and by which the Greek State applied its antiterrorist law for the first time. A law that was created under European pressure, putting it like condition so that the Olympic games of the 2004 could be celebrated in Athens. With these facts the Greek state already had coballas to put on approval is law, before the Olympic games. THE FIGHT BY THE FREEDOM The solidarity actions were not made hope. Concentrations, manifestations, actions of protests were summoned, to char them, days, concerts, in different European cities. The 21 of July a day of international fight was summoned demanding the freedom of our companions. Parallelly the lawyer of the seven criminals of the Greek state also towards own so that the these people as rapidly as possible returned to their houses with his friends, comrades and relatives. Day 30 of June a resource appeared that requested the freedom without positions, by the irregularities that had been committed in the haltings and by the contradictory declarations and confused that gave the police. In September of that same year each resource was rejected. They were continued presenting/displaying resources successively that of equal way were rejected. Before the reiterated refusal of Greek justice, and the presentation of a resource before the Supreme Court, the seven companions initiated a hunger strike. Castro began strike the 21 of September and the rest the 5 of October. This strike lasted 53 days, in which our companions were dealed with cruel way on the part of it forces of security of the state and on the part of civil employees of the prison of Diabata where they fulfilled prison preventive. The propi@s doctors of the hospitals publicly denounced the humiliations and abuses to which these seven people were exposed. From outside his comrades, friends, and relatives we supported with actions in solidarity with this strike. The 26 of November the health of the companions was quite delicate, the office of the public prosecutor issued order of which they put to the strikers serum to them in vein, to which they refused in the same way that the resources previously presented/displayed had been denied to them, and that same day around the 15 hours we knew the news the putting in freedom of the seven companions. Its situation was left: - Simón and the companion of American origin was acquitted. - Carlos to the delay of judgment by smaller judgment, than has five years of prison at the most. - Fernando, Castro, Tsitas, Jonathan, Michalis, Dimitris would open an investigation on the haltings. PRESENT SITUATION The situation of nuestr@s compañer@s at the moment is the following one: The investigation that was opened for the haltings has contributed no new data, even so can that to Fernando, Castro, Jonathan, Tsitas, Michalis, Dimitris, also lower the positions to them to misdemeanor (Maximum punishment five years). Carlos and six compañer@s more, of the twenty-nine that was freed after the haltings with positions will be judged day 13 of January of the 2005, their punsihment can ascend to five years. Day 26 of November the joy invaded to us, as it could not be of another way, but the cruel reality of the system returns to remove to us to the street to demand the freedom without positions for nuestr@s compañer@s. DISTRIBUTION OF THE DVD RECORDED DURING THE SUMMIT You can make your order in: Pº Alberto Palaces nº2 Villaverde High (Madrid) CP:28021 Tlf: (0034) 91 797 04 24 Fax: (0034) 91 505 21 83 email: |