Research Survey for Sustainable Clothing Ali R. - 23.08.2004 20:26
The global clothing industry involves several important social, political, economic, and environmental issues. This survey is part of the research for my senior thesis on how the clothing choices of socially conscious, politically active, and/or radically thinking people can be agents of change for the global clothing industry. I am a design student at Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design in London. I am writing my senior thesis on the clothing choices of people who are socially conscious, politically active, and/or radical thinkers, and how these choices can be agents of change for how business is done in the clothing industry. If you send me a photo of your favorite clothes (jpeg or hard copy) along with this survey, you may be included in my photo exhibit at college that will accompany my thesis, AND photo-donators will receive a T-shirt (if you want it). This should only take about 10 minutes-Thanks! Ali Name (only necessary if you are sending photo): Where do you live: 1. How do you obtain most of your clothes? (Buy, borrow, make, steal…..) 2. Where do you obtain most of your clothes? 3. Ideally, how and where would you like to obtain your clothes? (If different from above) 4. If you buy your clothes- how often do you go shopping? 5. Would you label your ‘look’ or ‘style’? If yes- what is it? 6. Are you aware of trends in fashion, and do you follow trends at all? 7. Are you loyal to any particular clothing brands or companies? If yes, which ones and why? 8. Do you avoid any particular clothing brands or companies? If yes, which ones and why? 9. What is your profession/calling/cause? 10. What do you think is the most pressing issue(s) at the moment, or which issue do you spend the most time working for? 11. Please place an X next to any of the following statements that apply to you: I chose to wear certain clothing because I want to: Spread a message to the public___ Reduce my impact on the earth ___ Support politically, socially, or environmentally conscious labels ___ Support my favorite bands ___ Cover my behind ___ Assert my values and beliefs ___ Identify with a style that reflects my values and beliefs___ Not identify with a style that represents values or beliefs I don’t support___ Have a well-made piece of clothing___ Look good___ Spend as little money as possible___ Attract other people___ Other (please explain)___ 11. Which of the above has the MOST influence on what you choose to wear? 12. What is your favorite piece of clothing? Why? Any other comments? Please email or send me a photo of your favorite outfit or piece of clothing by 1 Oct., 2004. Please include your name, and if you want a t-shirt, include your size (S M L XL) and your return address as well. Thanks! OR Ali R. 54c Colvestone Crescent London E82LH ENGLAND E-Mail: |