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| chat | dingsda - 14.07.2004 04:54
chat address: irc.indymedia.org #radio where the former is the server and the latter is the channel. direct link: irc://irc.indymedia.org/radio (requires Windows and probably Mirc) other users can try to get on via http://chat.indymedia.org/ , enter "radio" under "extra channels". Website: http://streamtime.org/ | Artikel over o.a poeziefestival in Fallujah | J2 - 19.07.2004 10:24
leave today, before tomorrow "We will never sell it," he said, "people sacrificed their spirit for Fallujah, one heart, one line, Sunni and Shi'ite for Fallujah!" deel2: Fighting poets http://atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/FG17Ak01.html
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