Correctie | Zapata - 08.07.2004 13:51
Guayaquil is een havenstad in Ecuador. Indymedia Guayaquil is een "sub-collectief" van indymedia Ecuador met een eigen startpagina en is ongeveer een jaar na indymedia Ecuador opgericht. | Engelse teksten | Guido - 12.07.2004 10:07
Enkele Engelse teksten hierover: Ecuador IMC activist assassinated 23 year old Lenin Cali Najera, national leader of the youth of Pachakutik and founding member of Indymedia Guayaquil (Ecuador) was assassinated on the night of June 29th. Lenin Cali Najera was shot in the jugular vein on july 6th. the official version is that he was after refusing to hand over his bicycle, but members of his political organization and his mother believe is was the result of his work for social change. below is the letter published by Pachakutik, the national network of Youth Weaving Together a New Country, a group he was a member of. Youth are not the seeds for tomorrow, we are the fruit of every day, bringing joy to life and to the soul. Lenin Cali Najera is one of these seeds, a friend and companion in struggle, hopes and dreams, who brings joy and courage to keep fighting. LENIN, you are with us and you will live forever! You will be reborn every time we need hope, breath, strength and feelings of liberty. You will make Pachakutik* a reality. You will be with us in our meetings, in our resistance, in our rebel calls, friend. These words are not just another text, they are at this moment our aching, indignant and agitated hearts. It is as if we are holding our breath or squelching a laugh. We, the youth, are your companions in struggle forever?the young men and women of the "Weaving Together a New Country" National Network. This fire that is the unity of Andean communities burns stronger than ever. It is in our dances in our songs and in the work of the GLBT. It will all bear fruit in the construction of the utopia of a new country. Youth Weaving Together a New Country some translated news middle person 08.Jul.2004 21:37 translated from spanish ... see link advertisement for "green card" ... (below in spanish) Family demands that the death of political leader is investigated Julio 02, 2004 While they waved the rainbow flag that identifies the Pachakutik political movement, nearly 30 young people, accompanied by guitar music, paid tribute yesterday to their young leader, Lenin Cali Nájera, 22 years old, who was assassinated by a bullet, last Tuesday, because he resisted when his bicycle was being robbed. Verónica Silva, who arrived from Quito for burial, along with representatives from partisan organizations in other provinces, demanded that the causes of this murder be clarified. "We have been persecuted and threatened for our work, this is why we thought that the Lenin's death was not related to a bicycle robbery", his friend questioned. Rosa Nájera, mother of the young person who was assassinated with a shot to the jugular vein, corroborated with this version given by Lenin's friend, stating that the bicycle was in bad condition and that "the bicycle was some distance from Lenin". "They went to kill him directly and took his wallet, but the girl who was at his side, they did nothing to her", she argued. The woman added that her son Lenin, was the oldest of two brothers and who was in his third year of studies in Industrial Engineering at the Guayaquil University. Neighbors said that the young man was involved with social work. "He worked at two foundations for the rescue of young gang members, also in the program Friends Network", says William Trujillo, friend of the victim. comment op
| nederlands | linkert - 18.07.2004 03:42
Wat hier staat is dat hij in een halsader is geschoten toen iemand zijn fiets wilde stelen. Familie en vrienden zeggen dat te betwijfelen omdat - de fiets in slechte staat verkeerde en niet dicht bij het slachtoffer stond - hij direct werd neergeschoten en zijn portefeuille werd ontvreemd, terwijl een aanwezige vrouw met rust werd gelaten - hij bekend stond als politieke activist Verder zeggen supporters dat ze worden bedreigd en vervolgd om hun werk en daarom niet geloven dat het slechts om een roofmoord ging. | |