thema avond migratie (presentatie+film) Jan-Joseph Stok Alert!/Attac Maastricht - 20.04.2004 11:55
Presentatie+film (In this world) over Migratie 20 april.Maastricht Landbouwelang Vanavond in het landbouwbelang,in Maastricht wordt een presentatie gegeven over migratie+ film "In this world", gratis vertoond.Iedereen is welkom.Begint 19:00, Landbouwbelang, biesenwal 3, maastricht. I would like to inform you that the platform Alert is giving a presentation and showing a movie around the theme: migration. Time:19:00 tuesday 20th april Place:Landbouwbelang, Biesenwal 3,6211 AD Maastricht. Program: 19:00- Presentation on Migration by Conrad Schmidt Bens+ Jan-Joseph Stok 20:00 Movie: In this World,by Michael Winterbottom's Compelling drama-documentary about two Afghan refugees making their way from a refugee camp in Pakistan to London.This movie was awarded the golden Berlin Bear at the International Berlin Filmfestival.This is an introduction to a big debate that will take place tuesday 4th may from 17:00 until 19:00 in the Aula MBB on the topic:migration,with different actors with different opinions. Price: for free!!! PS: please, if you are interested to take part of this event, please send a >email back to confirm, so that we can make sure we have enough chairs for everyone.You can see the poster of the movie in the attachment.Thanks Jan-Joseph Stok. > E-Mail: |