NEW! ELECTRONIC INTIFADA VERSION 3.0 Electronic Intifada - 11.12.2003 12:01
Today, on the International Human Rights Day, The Electronic Intifada, an online educational gateway to information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, launched version 3.0, a major upgrade of The Electronic Intifada website. Palestine's weapon of mass instruction Today, on the International Human Rights Day, The Electronic Intifada, an online educational gateway to information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, launched version 3.0, a major upgrade of The Electronic Intifada website. New features added to the site are a stronger visual design, improved navigation, new search tools, syndicated news from other sites and a "BYTOPIC" directory. Launched in February 2001, EI is produced by a small network of activists with a history of internet and alternative media development. EI proved to be a needed supplement to mainstream commercial media representations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ----------------------------------------------- VISIT THE SITE AT ----------------------------------------------- EI undertakes research and compiles and publishes reference material, commentary and analyses, personal journals from the frontlines of the conflict, media news and critiques, and even satire. The new features on the site address the needs of the site as it has grown, and come in response to feedback from regular EI users. EI will continue to offer information services for journalists and editors, media activists and students of the media, and researchers looking for reference material. The site also provides automatically updating streaming content via its "wire service for websites:" EI Wire. Since the launch of EI, almost three years ago, millions of people all over the world have used the site as a resource for the latest news and in-depth analysis about Palestine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "[EI is] a democratic bombshell, a fascinating look between and behind the lines." -- The Web Review, ITV EI has received favorable reviews in such respected publications as the Washington Post, Financial Times, The Nation, Utne Reader, and the Jerusalem Post. EI's founders are regularly contacted by the mainstream electronic media, such as the BBC, CBC, CNN and dozens of radio stations around the world, to provide commentary and analysis on events in the Middle East. In barely three years, the scope of its coverage has grown -- covering not only the fundamentals of the conflict, but human rights, activism, the pro-Israel lobby, arts & culture, and the good, bad and ugly of the mainstream media. Today EI is recognized as the leading web resource on Palestine. CONTACT: THE ELECTRONIC INTIFADA,, fax. +1 (775) 254-4323 To learn how you can support EI, please visit: If submitting material for publication, please read our Submit Content page: E-Mail: Website: |