GreenPepper Information Issue greenpepper collective - 10.10.2003 14:13
The GreenPepper Magazine is currently looking for Contributors to the Information Issue to come out by the end of november, before the World Summit on Information Society. This is the Call for Submissions. GREENPEPPER is an Amsterdam-based environmental and social justice magazine focusing on direct and autonomist action. To co-incide with the World Summit on the Information Society to be held in Switzerland in December 2003, the theme of the next issue of the magazine is INFORMATION. GREENPEPPER is currently looking for contributions for the INFORMATION issue. Topics to be explored include (but are not limited to) information control and autonomy, participatory / community / pirate media, wireless and opensource media tools, disinformation and public relations, regimes of biotechnology, intellectual property and surveilance and the tactics of resistance against them. For more ideas on possible contributions, see the draft structure included below. Contributions can be written text (800 - 1800 wds) or other visual/print media and must be sent to us by 31 October 2003. More importantly, contributions should be critical, generative of different ways of thinking about these issues, and relevant to those engaged in political and cultural struggles around information and social justice. For more information or to send contributions contact: . If you?d like to send us a contribution, please email a brief (50 ? 100w) description or synopsis to us by 14 October 2003, so we can plan the structure of the magazine and the design team can get an idea what they are working with. We have set up a Wiki page that can be easyly edited and added to. :: draft structure for greenpepper information issue :: :: ideas for possible contributions :: 1. EMPIRE - introductory overview of wsis : neo-liberal trade agenda / countersummit / communication rights - piracy : specific articles/interviews/case studies about information piracy / reasons for piracy / response by state or regulatory bodies. - informational autonomy : what it means / what types of information practices it includes / how and why this approach to information goes beyond the discourse of 'communication rights' and ?civil society' / importance of informational autonomy as sites of cultural/political struggle. - community/micro media resistance : self-organised community experiments in media practice / specific examples exploring how informational autonomy might work. 2. BIOSPHERE - biotech and infotech : connections between the parallel development of biotechnology and information technology / why contesting science and creating resistant practices in this area is important for information activism. - biopiracy and bioinformatics : what are they / international networks of biotrade / enclosure of the genetic commons / current and future developments in this field / possibilities for resistance. - biotech and intellectual property : international developments in genecode patenting and intellectual property regimes. 3. MEDIASCAPE - institutional disinformation : case study on recent war on iraq / role of international intelligence in disinfo / scope for alternative information channels - radio : the importance of the medium / specific pirate / self-organised / internet radio experiments / methods of circumventing legal regimes / practical d.i.y information about small scale transmitting - public relations and the production of knowledge : how PR works / the ways activists can identify and expose PR practices in their struggles. - structures of participation : specific experiments that challenge and broaden the scope of participatory media / ways of making different fields (organic, financial, scientific etc) readable as information by different groups of people. [See draft article by Roberto Lopez and Gui Bonsiepe] - wireless networks : developments in wireless networking / why wireless is important / practical 'how to' information for groups on how to set wireless networks up and use them. - opensource tools : free opensource media tools that can be used by different groups for political practice / appropriation of opensource by infotech corporations / 4.DATA CONTROL - data bodies : the concept of electronic bodies / importance of data bodies as a means of altering debates in this area way from the usual liberal discourse of privacy / relevance of this approach to understand contemporary surveillance and/or border control systems / control of data as means of controlling movement of people. - overview of s.11 surveillance systems and expansion of state power (new laws) : role of the U.S government in co-ordinating extreme international response / specific examples or contributions from groups being profiled and targeted - digital profiling and social sorting : the concept and practice of digital profiling / specific ways surveillance works by profiling and sorting people into differing groups of dangerousness / specific examples of how surveillance reproduces racism in targeting black/arab people and communities. [See Draft Article By David Lyon] - biometrics : a specific analysis of the U.S led worldwide push to introduce biometric identification systems in airports / role of International Civil Aviation Organization and other international regulatory bodies / how biometrics work / who it effects and why / likely developments and consequences of biometric surveillance. Please distribute this call ,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸greenpepper +°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸ CIA-office ´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸ Overtoom 301 +°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸ 1054 HW Amsterdam, NL +°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸ ¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°´°+,¸¸,+°0031 (0)20 6831021 E-Mail: Website: |