Citizen's inspection on Volkel base Sunday Jens Nielsen for "Platform tegen den oorlog" - 26.03.2003 11:43
Join the citizen's inspection of the Volkel military base on Sunday, March 30th, 2003 Citizens inspection on airbase Volkel, Sunday March 30th, 2003 One of the most important reasons that the United States uses as an argument for a war against Iraq is the presumed presence of weapons of mass destruction in that country. The Dutch government has already declared its political support of such an attack. From Iraq is expected absolute openness and disarmament of their weapons of mass destruction are demanded. In the meanwhile, we have here in the Netherlands, on the Volkel Airbase, American nuclear weapons stored. The Dutch government refuses to provide openness about this, let alone demand removal of those weapons. Disarmament should be global, not limited to Iraq. We call on everyone to join the nuclear weapons inspection on Volkel. At the time of the inspection (beginning at 13:00), there will also be a peace vigil at the main gate of the military base. “Food not bombs” from Eindhoven will be handing out free food on the spot. On January 18th there was a citizen's inspection on the airbase. 104 people went into the airbase, a record number! At the same time there was a demonstration, and there were in total about 250 people present. The action was a great success. It would be great if even more people will join on the following inspection. Buses leave from: Amsterdam at 10:15 Sunday morning from the Victoria Hotel (just across the central station) Den Bosch at 12:00 in front of the Central Station Nijmegen 12:00 in front of Central Station For more information: Vredescentrum Volkel, ,tel: 0413-275723, of: 06-23340820 (Mariette) vakvolkel@wanadoo.nlRoutebeschrijving naar Vliegbasis Volkel (how to get there)Deelnemersformulier (participant form)Standaardverklaring (standard declaration)Arrestanteninformatie (information about arrest)Suppport the “Platform Tegen de 'Nieuwe Oorlog'” financially on giro 9474165 t.n.v Platform tegen de 'nieuwe oorlog'. tel: 0413-275723, of: 06-23340820 (Mariette) If you are interested in joining an English-language group for the event, please contact Jens, tel: 0756177011 email, please remove the NOSPAM from the email address Website: |