Please forward this information! | aansteker - 08.03.2003 19:24
Oh and by the way, it would be very nice of people could forward this information in every way possible! This will only work if a lot of people help out, so spread the word! Thanks a lot! | Enlighten me please | M02 - 08.03.2003 23:31
This message is to vague for me sorry, could you give us at least a link? Because for a global project like this there must be a website i would think! (And.. erm.. isnt this a bit enviromental unfriendly...?) | | - 09.03.2003 00:59
and ehhm anyways what day are we talking about? Or is it every day? Wasn't there a call to leave your lights *out* on the night of the Feb. 15 rallies? | I have little info myself | aansteker - 09.03.2003 01:14
I understand some might find this environmentally unfriendly and perhaps even to such an extent they don't find it worth the effort. That's just a choice you make, I guess. But if the surroundings allow, one can think of building a large fire and make into more of a social event. I think there are various ways of making more use of the light than just shining it into the night sky, hoping you are not the only one. As for a website, well, I haven't found one either, and I think all the organising that has been done is just spreading this idea via the Internet. I stumbled across it today and thought it was worthy of spreading, but I am not part of any organisation related to this event. It's because of this that I have no idea whether things are actually put together in relation to the Peace for Light idea. Bad organising? I think so, but I will join in anyway and just thought I'd let more people know, so it would be less of a waste of energy. | as for the latter question | aansteker - 09.03.2003 01:17
Tomorrow evening, which at the time of writing was march 9 | "I stumbled across it today" | M02 - 09.03.2003 01:50
Pardon me, but WHERE EXACTLY was this? This is a NEWS website, and news is usually about something that has happenend. If you are not the source, please mention the source. | Un peu de lumiere | F. Nightingale - 09.03.2003 13:16
I received the following version of this mail from a trusted friend yesterday. Again the original source is unclear, but dates more so. ====================== Bonjour Hello plusieurs correspondant que j'estime digne de foi m'ont transmis ce message que je vous transmet à mon tour un peu de lumière dans un monde qui manque de conscience ne peut faire que du bien bien cordialement à vous Several people I correspond with whom I believe trustworthy passed this message on to me, which I am passing on to you. A bit of light in a world with little conscience can only do good Cordially Comme l'écrasante majorité de l'humanité, vous êtes CONTRE la guerre qui se prépare. CONTRE une guerre programmée, décidée, au mépris des opinions publiques qui se sont clairement exprimées dans des manifestations. Like the vast majority of the human race, you are AGAINST the war that is in preparation. AGAINST a programmed, pre-determined war, in disregard of public opinion that was clearly expressed during demonstrations. Cette guerre, c'est aussi une guerre des IMAGES. : pour "prouver" la présence d'armes chimiques en Irak, Colin Powell brandit une fiole d'eau minérale devant les télévisions !!! This is also a war of IMAGES: to "prove" the existence of chemical weapons in Irak, Colin Powel brandishes a phial of mineral water in front of television cameras !!! FABRIQUONS QUANT A NOUS UNE IMAGE SANS TRUCAGES, INCONTESTABLE, UNE IMAGE QUI REFLETE NOS CONVICTIONS ! LET'S MAKE OUR OWN IMAGES WITHOUT SPECIAL EFFECTS, INCONTESTABLE, AN IMAGE THAT REFLECTS OUR CONVICTIONS ! DIMANCHE 9 MARS, ENTRE 20 HEURES ET MINUIT HEURE LOCALE, ALLUMEZ UNE LUMIERE - AUSSI VISIBLE QUE POSSIBLE, BOUGIE, LANTERNE, LAMPE, PROJECTEUR -SUR VOTRE FENETRE, VOTRE BALCON, DANS VOTRE COUR OU VOTRE JARDIN ! SUNDAY MARCH 9, BETWEEN 8 p.m. MIDNIGHT LOCAL TIME, LIGHT A LAMP - AS VISIBLE AS POSSIBLE, CANDLE, LANTERN, LAMP, SPOTLIGHT - IN YOUR WINDOW, ON YOUR BALCONY, IN YOUR COURTYARD OR YOUR GARDEN. Cette image sera vue du ciel, photographiée et filmée par les satellites et les avions, reproduite par les médias. Elle restera dans les annales de l'humanité comme un témoignage définitif de l'espérance dans un avenir commun à tous les hommes. This image will be seen from the sky, photographed and filmed by satellites and airplanes, reproduced by the media. It will remain in the annals of humanity as proof of the hope in the future shared by all men. CHAQUE HEURE, CHAQUE MINUTE, CHAQUE SECONDE COMPTE pour stopper l'immense armada qui s'est mobilisée. EACH HOUR, EACH MINUTE, EACH SECOND COUNTS to stop the immense armada that has been mobilized. FAITES SUIVRE CE MAIL. TRADUISEZ LE, FAITES LE CIRCULER A L'ETRANGER Contre la main mise sur les images, il nous reste la puissance de l'imagination. FORWARD THIS MESSAGE. TRANSLATE IT, SEND IT TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Against the control of images, we retain the power of imagination. GRACE A INTERNET, L'IMAGE D'UNE PLANETE ECLAIREE PEUT SE TRANSMETTRE COMME UNE TRAINEE LUMINEUSE ! THANKS TO THE INTERNET, THE IMAGE OF AN ILLUMINATED PLANET CAN BE TRANSMITTED LIKE A TRAIL OF LIGHT ! Si la guerre est déclarée avant dimanche, allumez plus que jamais cette lumière, elle témoignera pour toujours que cette guerre se prépare contre la volonté des peuples. If war is declared before Sunday, light this light more than ever, it will be proof for always that this war is being prepared against the will of the people. L'ONU EXISTE, LES MOYENS DE PRESSION AUTRES QUE LA GUERRE EXISTENT, LA DIPLOMATIE EXISTE. THE UN EXISTS, A MEANS OF PRESSURE OTHER THAN WAR EXISTS, DIPLOMACY EXISTS. ALLUMEZ VOTRE LUMIERE DIMANCHE PROCHAIN ! LIGHT YOUR LAMP NEXT SUNDAY!
| no hierarchy no sources | aansteker - 09.03.2003 15:02
I am sorry, but I have no source! I am truly sorry I have no organisations or websites to quote, but does this really make a difference? It seems there IS no classical organisation behind this. If this is too alien for you, label it as anarchistic or something, since it seems to me it's organised without any hierarchy at all. The idea for this event might come from a single individual, who saw how easily and fast ideas spread on the Internet. Websites can give an idea of how widespread an idea is, but it's not really necessary for the spreading itself of the idea. Perhaps this event is organised by everyone who spreads this info and/or participates. Not a classical way of organising, and IMHO not the most effective one, but something tailor-suited for the Internet and interesting at least. I posted this because I have seen these pages used for notifications of several demonstrations. In these cases, apparently, things that were organised were news, where in this case it is not (according to you). Now, perhaps Indymedia has a list of organisations whose backing is needed for such a call to be newsworthy. A bit of a mainstrema media thing, but it's possible. Or maybe the backing of ANY organisation is necessary. In these cases, don't look at the event itself as the news. Look at the nature of the organising as the news. I hope you understand why I don't think sources are necessary in this case. | |