The American Warlord Adam F. Pollard - 29.01.2003 08:36
Een korte schrijft (in engels) over de actueele vooroorlogsjaartelling van een Amerikaner die niet de oorlog in Irak houdt onder... 'I speak this tongue, and so I conquer'; Let this be the battle cry of the English speaking world of the past two centuries. Lets pretend for a moment that the year is 1918, and things are going really well for the good guys (Britain; especially perhaps a more paternal relationship specifically in England, France, and our distant ally-out-of-interests: newly 'Revolutionized' Russia. Further east, in a stretch of land ranging from the territory of the ancient successors of the Roman Empire, the Byzantines, south into the Nile valley, controlling the Suez Canal and thus ancient trade routes, still valuable because of geography, extending east into Palestine, Arabia, Persia (which then included parts of modern Pakistan and Afghanistan) and even western India holding its own headquarters in what is now the its modern relic, the conveniently important Turkey. Well, after a series of treaties and talks in which you mostly listened, and the new rulers of the world handed you down your fate. The great Ottoman Empire, having ruled for over four centuries, would be dismantled, and obscure borders drawn, and many people who are proud of their tradition of being ruled in a religious manner are to be converted to secular governments, or simply divided as spoils between the French, British, Americans and Russians, called 'protectorates' or 'sovereign territories', the latter of which could rule as they pleased, assuming they used the democratic format and proceedure, preferably copying the West to the T. Now fast forward, it's 2003 and 'George II' is trying to crusade into the Holy Land "like his father before him" and free the Jews and Persecuted Christians from the Muslims, and then 'liberate' them into forced capitalism! Okay, I am exaggerating, but how do you think words like 'Islamic Traditionalist', used, as it is often, right next to 'Suicide Bomber' and 'Terrorist' sounds to an Arab, Persian or Turk? Deviation is the engine of human decpetion, exaggeration and omission are forms of lying. Both sides are accountable for peace, both can't docily point a finger at the other to make peace, then lunge at him with full force to knock him down... E-Mail: |