US and German firms supplied Irak Klaus - 19.12.2002 01:13
Iraq's 11,000-page report to the UN Security Council lists 150 foreign companies, including some from America, Britain, Germany and France, that supported Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction programme, a German newspaper said yesterday.,,sw Leaked report says German and US firms supplied arms to Saddam Baghdad's uncensored report to UN names Western companies alleged to have developed its weapons of mass destruction Iraq's 11,000-page report to the UN Security Council lists 150 foreign companies, including some from America, Britain, Germany and France, that supported Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction programme, a German newspaper said yesterday. Berlin's left-wing Die Tageszeitung newspaper said it had seen a copy of the original Iraqi dossier which was vetted for sensitive information by US officials before being handed to the five permanent Security Council members two weeks ago. An edited version was passed to the remaining 10 members of the Security Council last night. British officials said the list of companies appeared to be accurate. Eighty German firms and 24 US companies are reported to have supplied Iraq with equipment and know-how for its weapons programmes from 1975 onwards and in some cases support for Baghdad's conventional arms programme had continued until last year. It is not known who leaked the report, but it could have come from Iraq. Baghdad is keen to embarrass the US and its allies by showing the close involvement of US, German, British and French firms in helping Iraq develop its weapons of mass destruction when the country was a bulwark against the much feared spread of Iranian revolutionary fervour to the Arab world. The list contained the names of long- established German firms such as Siemens as well as US multi-nationals. USA 1 Honeywell (R, K) 2 Spectra Physics (K) 3 Semetex (R) 4 TI Coating (A, K) 5 Unisys (A, K) 6 Sperry Corp. (R, K) 7 Tektronix (R, A) 8 Rockwell (K) 9 Leybold Vacuum Systems (A) 10 Finnigan-MAT-US (A) 11 Hewlett-Packard (A, R, K) 12 Dupont (A) 13 Eastman Kodak (R) 14 American Type Culture Collection (B) 15 Alcolac International (C) 16 Consarc (A) 17 Carl Zeiss - U.S (K) 18 Cerberus (LTD) (A) 19 Electronic Associates (R) 20 International Computer Systems (A, R, K) 21 Bechtel (K) 22 EZ Logic Data Systems, Inc. (R) 23 Canberra Industries Inc. (A) 24 Axel Electronics Inc. (A) Zusätzlich zu diesen 24 Firmen mit Stammsitz USA werden in dem irakischen Rüstungsbericht knapp 50 Tochterfirmen ausländischer Unternehmen aufgeführt, die ihre Rüstungskooperation mit dem Irak von den USA aus betrieben. Außerdem werden die Washingtoner Ministerien für Verteidigung, Energie, Handel und Landwirtschaft sowie die Atomwaffenlaboratorien Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos und Sandia als Zulieferer für Iraks Rüstungsprogramme für A-, B- und C-Waffen sowie für Raketen benannt. China 1 China Wanbao Engineering Company (A, C, K) 2 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd (K) 3 China State Missile Company (R) Frankreich 1 Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique (A) 2 Sciaky (A) 3 Thomson CSF (A, K) 4 Aerospatiale and Matra Espace (R) 5 Cerbag (A) 6 Protec SA (C) 7 Thales Group (A) 8 Societé Général pour les Techniques Nouvelles (A) Großbritannien 1 Euromac Ltd-Uk (A) 2 C. Plath-Nuclear (A) 3 Endshire Export Marketing (A) 4 International Computer Systems (A, R, K) 5 MEED International (A, C) 6 Walter Somers Ltd. (R) 7 International Computer Limited (A, K) 8 Matrix Churchill Corp. (A) 9 Ali Ashour Daghir (A) 10 International Military Services (R) (im Besitz des brit. Verteidigungsministeriums) 11 Sheffield Forgemasters (R) 12 Technology Development Group (R) 13 International Signal and Control (R) 14 Terex Corporation (R) 15 Inwako (A) 16 TMG Engineering (K) 17 XYY Options, Inc (A) UdSSR/Russland 1 Soviet State Missile Co. (R) 2 Niikhism (R) 3 Mars Rotor (R) 4 Livinvest (R) 5 Russia Aviatin Trading House (K) 6 Amsar Trading (K) Weitere Länder Japan: Fanuc (A), Hammamatsu Photonics KK (A), NEC (A), Osaka (A), Waida (A) Niederlande: Melchemie B.V. (C), KBS Holland B.V. (C), Delft Instruments N.V. (K) Belgien: Boehler Edelstahl (A), NU Kraft Mercantile Corporation (C), OIP Instrubel (K), Phillips Petroleum (C), Poudries Réunies Belge SA (R), Sebatra (A), Space Research Corp. (R) Spanien: Donabat (R), Treblam (C), Zayer (A) Schweden: ABB (A), Saab-Scania (R) Erklärung: A = Atomwaffenprogramm, B = Biologisches Waffenprogramm, C = Chemiewaffenprogramm, R = Raketenprogramm, K = Konventionelle Waffen, militärische Logistik, Zulieferungen an das irakische Verteidigungsministerium und Bau militärischer Anlagen taz Nr. 6934 vom 19.12.2002, Seite 3, 36 TAZ-Bericht Website:,,sw |