Sorry...maar... nog 1 keer 9-11 henk - 16.02.2002 19:26
Robert Bauval: ik ben overtuigd dat Al Qaeda erachter zit. Maar wie zit achter hem? (9-11, een levend Tarot spel?) Bauval: All this may imply that there might have been an undetected ´fifth´ target also ´aborted´ on 11th September 2001. Let us see why. The Woman with the Star (statue of liberty) Yes, there´s a distinct ´Egyptian´ radicalism feel about this attack, and Ayman Al-Zawahiri seems to be the obvious connection. I should have added that there´s also an intense ´anti-Copt´ tag on the 11 September attack, which is something Al-Zawahiri has/had a first hand experience in through the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. My conclusion is that the Kabalistic ´design´ of the attack is intended to act as a cultural super-virus to damage the USA from within, so to speak. 11 September was previously a day of hope and joy for the Middle East i.e. signature of PLO/Israeli peace treaty; Coptic New Year; Rosh Hoshanah-Yom Kipur; Messianic hope etc... Now its an awful black day of infamy. It the same effect as having crashed a plane on the Vatican on the 25 December. This sort of intellectual-warfare was used with devastating effect throughout history. If you can´t hurt the ´enemy´ in open conflict, then you attack him from inside. If I´m right about this, then it may give us some way of perhaps anticipating other ´moves´ by the perpetuators of this insane strategy. I´m really convinced that the 11 September attack has ´Kabala´/Scottish Rite written all over it. I´m also convinced it´s Al Qaeda that is behind it. The question, therefore, is: who is behind Al Qaeda?... Well probably never know. Hi all, Last week I posted an article titled ´Satan´s Calling Card´: In which I demonstrated curious links between the star Sirius, the Blazing (five pointed) Star, the various calendars, Kabala and the Tarot of Alistair Crowley, Satan and the Pentagram, Coptic/Egyptian Calendar etc.... and the date of 11 September? Well, check this really bizarre stuff I came across while researching the various symbolism of Sirius/Fivepointed star through the ages: ---------------------------------- "Aleister Crowley "received" Liber Al, or The Book of the Law, in Cairo, Egypt, in April of 1904. He claimed it was transmitted to him by a "preterhuman intelligence" named "Aiwaz" (also spelled Aiwass), the "minister of Ra-Hoor-Khuit," which is to say, the Hawk-headed Egyptian God, Horus. It annonced a New Age for Mankind. The Aeon of Horus, however, was from the beginning intended as a short-lived, intermediary age, existing to set the stage for the coming Aeon, that of Maat, Truth. Another way of saying this would be to posit Horus as manifesting first in his satanic or destructive aspect?8212?that of Force or Strength?8212?in order to purge the Earth, before appearing in his divine and restorative guise, that of Silence and Healing. In the Book of Revelation it is written how "the devil," after being trapped inside the Pit for one thousand years, will "be loosed for a little season, full of wrath for he knows his time is short." Having been trapped inside the Earth-sphere since Moses offered him a deal He couldn´t refuse (making the Earth itself the bottomless pit), Yaldabaoth-Samael-Satan is finally to be released, in the Great Exorcism of the Aeon. The period in which Jehovah/Satan looses His hold upon humanity will of course be a rough one for all. Satan, being loosed in order to be done away with forever, does indeed know His time is short, and so gets busy swallowing up all the souls he can in the time allotted (attempting to fortify his metazon before it is destroyed utterly). Meanwhile Christ, who also shared time in "the Pit" (Sheol) with Jehovah, is to emerge hot on his heels, in order to deal with Satan (who is Himself!). Just so, the negative, destroying Age of Horus/Shiva will be immediately followed by the positive, restoring Age of Horus/Shiva. The manifestly satanic nature of the Aiwaz metazon relates to this understanding: That the process of unleashment/destruction of Satan is in fact His re-ascension and redemption as Morning Star, the brightest Angel and Light-Bringer, Lucifer. In this Hour Satan will submit to Christ and offer voluntary obedience, thus glorifying God as never before in all Creation. This is the prophecy, when darkness embraces the light, and Lucifer returns to the fold. For Jehovah of the Jews to be redeemed, then, He must first recognize Himself as Satan, a devil, and so realize (and admit) that He is not God, humbly taking His place in the ranks of the Angels. The Jewish metazon (Jehovah) is "destroyed" by the Aiwaz metazon (Satan), in order to be reborn, through the Gnostic metazon (Christ-Lucifer), as Horus, Abraxas, or better yet, Astarius, the Twin-God. Hence the Aiwaz metazon is geared above all to giving the devil his due." From: "Aiwass was revealed to Aleister Crowley as his Holy Guardian Angel. This automata of the subconscious is attributed to the Cabalistic number 666, a solar phallic symbol representing the Sun. Aiwass is also Shaitan, from which Satan emerged." From: "A possible example of just such a Sirian communication is LIBER AL, better known as "The Book of the Law". According to Crowley, Liber Al was a received text ,channeled through his first wife Rose(named Ouarda the Seeress by Crowley) while in Cairo, Egypt. The forebodding prophecy of the text was dictated in a rich timber by a higher intelligence which called itself AIWASS, an emissary of the Egyptian Neter, Horus. One passage in the book even asks "is a god to live in a dog?", a possible reference to the Dog Star, Sirius." From: Check also this!!: Apparently it´s all to do with the Pentagram Ritual of Magick and the Thelmic Calendar (?). Do you know of this bizarre stuff??... Website: |