Targeting Videos Part 2 Anonymous - 26.01.2011 16:16
Here I am including targeting behavior perpetrated against me in the United States by the police, FBI and their civilian police partners (Einsatz Commandos), in violation of my civil, human rights, and the law. My purpose for this posting is to demonstrate that the real purposes of 'community policing' are repression, oppression, and persecution, not safety. It should be abolished. video video video 'This article is for information purposes only. Please do not post comments.' Here I am including targeting behavior perpetrated against me in the United States by the police, FBI and their civilian police partners (Einsatz Commandos), in violation of my civil, human rights, and the law. My purpose for this posting is to demonstrate that the real purposes of 'community policing' are repression, oppression, and persecution, not safety. It should be abolished. *Please watch the videos.* I will link to the main article shortly. Website: |