Alert! Radio Patapie - 11.08.2010 20:13
Radio Patapoe is On Air again! Please be aware of any irregularities, in case of serious hazzards: watch the Alarm! The return of Homo Sacer?" FYI and reminder C2000, among others mentioned as one of the involved institutions: The company Sepura: -------------------------------------------------- Not feeding paranoia, but of interest is the emphasis on controlling society ( C2000 in contrast to socialising the control (Patapoe) Nowadays the control of communication means is of primary concern both to governmental and artistic purposes Local politics (gedoogbeleid Gemeente Amsterdam) seems to be overruled by broader and more powerfull structures like commercial and state control apparatus (Sepura & C2000) Free Radio plays a major role in maintaining and propagating an independent expression of citizenship, both intellectually and artistic In Networked Times the lack of free acces to the Ether and to marginalize its allegdly illegal uses thereoff is violating the freedom of expression Because of its marginality not many people care about these issues at all, with the exception of the afore mentioned group which constituents indeed corresponding roughly with Freaks, Artists, Poets, Writers and the like Yours, Andreas Maria Jacobs Andreas Jacobs e: m: 31 6 16 732 018 w: w: On 8 Aug 2010, at 22:36, wrote: reactie van No Border radio, en Air Libre Op zondag 08 augustus 2010 22:14:39 schreef u: In de Amsterdamse ether hebben wij een luisterpubliek in de alternatieve sien van kunstenaars, punks, freaks, dichters, deejays en musici. Ik vraag me af of je beter spreekt over het luisterpubliek of over de mensen die uitzenden? Allez 't is te zeggen dat een radio van kunstenaars, punks, freaks, dichters, deejays en musici misschien ook een breder publiek aanspreekt, of dat de radio een functie heeft voor de gemeenschap. Juust een gedacht... _______________________________________________ Ptp mailing list E-Mail: Website: http://freeteam. nl /patapoe |