Zapatista Communities Evicted For �Ecotourism� Centres Chiapas Solidarity - 02.02.2010 12:38
Zapatistas denounce the eviction and destruction of an indigenous community and accuse the government of aiming to set up ecotourism centres. Zapatistas denounce the eviction and destruction of an indigenous community and accuse the government of aiming to set up ecotourism centres. 'Reforestation' is the pretext used by the authorities to perform the operation against the EZLN support bases. Hermann Bellinghausen, La Jornada Sunday 31 January 2010, p. 7, originally published in Spanish. San Cristobal de las Casas, Jan 30. The Good Government Council (JBG) 'the way ahead' (el camino del futuro), based in the Caracol of La Garrucha, on Friday denounced the eviction and destruction of the indigenous community of Laguna San Pedro, in the autonomous municipality of Ricardo Flores Magon, which took place on 22nd January. The government's explicit intention is to "reforest" the area and establish private ecotourism centres in the Montes Azules, within the area of the biosphere reserve. Website: |