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Bye Bye NATO Update Target Caf� - 17.03.2009 19:49
On the 3rd and 4th of April, NATO will celebrate its 60th anniversary and the preparations for the protest party are already in full swing! Here are the latest updates. NL (EN below): Op 3 en 4 april viert de NAVO haar 60ste verjaardag en de voorbereidingen voor het feestje van verzet verlopen volt! Hier een update met de allernieuwste nieuwtjes. De 2009 NAVO top te Straatsburg en Baden Baden is niet zo maar een gemiddelde NAVO top. Dit jaar bespreken de wereldleiders hun plannen voor een nieuw wereld beleid wat zal inhouden dat er een toenemende militarisering zal plaatsvinden zowel tussen landen als binnen landen. Grensbewaking zal toenemen en de scheiding tussen leger en politie machten zal afnemen. Voor meer informatie zie: http://slash.autonomedia.org/node/11436 Voor de strategy paper zelf zie: http://www.csis.org/media/csis/events/080110_grand_strategy.pdf Wil je hier meer over te leren? Kom dan op 25 maart naar het Target Caf�! (Amsterdam, de Peper, 301 overtoom, 20.00). Voorbereidingen Verzet: Bus: De bus vertrekt uit Amsterdam op 31 maart en komt terug op 5 april. Voor inschrijvingen, plaats reservatie en nadere info mail naar: natogameover[at]gmail.com Er zullen ook bussen vertrekken op vrijdag 3 april. Zie: http://stopdenavo.blogspot.com/ of mail naar: stopdenavo[at]hotmail.com Alle bussen kosten 50Euro heen en terug. Met gebrek aan financi�n kan er voor de eerste bus een korting geregeld worden. Mail naar natogameover[at]gmail.com om dit aan te vragen. Kamp (1-5 april): Er is eindelijke een locatie vastgelegd voor de anti-NAVO kampeerterrein/verblijf plek/village alternatief. Het wordt ��n grote camp (en dus niet meerdere kleine kampjes) dicht bij Straatsburg, in Strasbourg-Neudorf (La Ganzau). Acties: Er zijn steeds vijf spannende dagen van verassingvolle acties gepland!: 1 april (woensdag): Het begint op grote schaal op 1 april met een actie tegen het Europese veiligheidsbeleid: �the new security architecture�. Mogelijk komen er op deze dag ook acties in solidariteit met de activisten in Londen die zich verzetten tegen de G20 en de financi�le crisis met de �financial fool�s day� actie. 2 april (donderdag): Solidariteitsacties met de mobilisatie tegen de G20 in Londen. Acties rond de financi�le crisis. 3 april (vrijdag): Grote dag van directe actie en burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid in Baden Baden. Zowel grootschalige blokkades als autonome acties worden verwacht voor deze belangrijke dag. Activisten zullen de wereldleiders rondleiden en begeleiden naar het Kurhaus Casino voor de geplande Gala avond. Lekker eten in het Kurhaus en dan een voorstelling bij de Baden Baden Opera. Het programma van de wereldleiders is heel krap vanavond, het is dus belangrijk dat iedereen meehelpt bij het houden aan het programma. Er zal een infopoint komen in Baden Baden en ook bussen tussen Baden Baden en Straatsburg. Wil je graag meedoen aan deze acties? Mail dan: block-baden-baden[at]riseup.net en kijk op: www.block-baden-baden.int.tc Vandaag ook het begin van de counter-conference in Straatsburg. 4 april (zaterdag): De NAVO top begint in Straatsburg zelf. Ochtend blokkades, directe acties en burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid (vroeg!), namiddag grote demonstratie, 13 uur. Hiernaast wordt ook een actie gepland om de fotoshoot tussen Merkel en Sarkozy te verstoren (zie onderaan). 5 april (zondag): Solidariteitsacties voor eventuele in hechtenis genomen betogers. Ook voor activisten die al sinds de jaren 60 in het gevang zitten. Ook laatste dag counter-conference in Straatsburg. Voorafgaande van de Straatsburg camp zal er in Freiburg een convergentie centrum zijn (25 - 31 maart). Hier zullen veel trainings plaatsvinden, medics, legal, indymedia enz. Voor meer info zie: http://linksunten.indymedia.org/en/node/524 In de camp zelf zullen er ook geregeld trainingen plaatsvinden in burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid zodat iedereen mee kan doen in de acties van 3 en 4 april. Voor meer info zie: www.block-nato.org. Voor een filmpje hierover zie: www.cinerebelde.org/block-nato-strasbourg-2009-p-85.html?language=en Voorbereidingen Repressie van Verzet: Lang niet alle plannen van de veiligheidsdiensten zijn bekend. Wat wij wel weten is dat het oude centrum van Straatsburg alleen bereikbaar zal zijn voor mensen met een speciaal toelatingsbewijs. Alle markten, scholen, historische monumenten en veel sportgelegenheden zullen gesloten blijven op 4 april. Ook tram en metro haltes binnen de rode zone (het afgebakende gedeelte van Straatsburg) zullen sluiten. De trein tussen Straatsburg en Duitsland zal niet rijden op vrijdag namiddag (3 april) tot zaterdag ochtend (4 april). Twee rode zones zijn op dit moment al bekend: de buurten rond de Palais de Musique et de Congres en rond de Palais Rohan. Waarschijnlijk komen er nog meer rode zones, maar dit is nog niet duidelijk. In Kehl, van vrijdag avond tot zaterdag ochtend zullen de 700 bewoners die de tegenslag hebben om dicht bij de voetgangersbrug �la Passerelle� hun huis niet mogen verlaten zonder expliciete toestemming van de politie en alleen met begeleiding van de politie. De voetgangersbrug �la Passerelle� zal zaterdag ochtend (om 8:30) de locatie zijn voor een fotoshoot met Sarkozy en Merkel. Het wordt misschien de duurste �foto-op� ooit aangezien de hoeveelheid veiligheidsdiensten nodig zullen zijn om Sarkozy en Merkel te beschermen van hun ontevreden burgers. Baden Baden: Om 17.30 ontvangt Merkel alle wereldleiders in Baden Baden in het Kurhaus. Vanaf 3 april wordt de hele binnenstad een rode zone voor iedereen die er niet woont. Er zijn al meer dan 25,000 politie agenten ingelegd voor de week van acties. Roland Ries, de burgemeester van Straatsburg, zei dat de veiligheidsvoorbereidingen veel uitgebreider waren dan hij had verwacht. Voor meer informatie zie: www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,612196,00.html Of kom naar Target Caf� op 25 maart (de Peper, 301 overtoom, Amsterdam, 20:00). Meer informatie: International Coordinating Committee (ICC): http://www.no-to-nato.org/ Block-NATO: http://block-nato.org/index_en.htm Resistance des Deux Rives: http://natogipfel2009.blogsport.de Vredesactie, Belgi�: http://www.vredesactie.be Dissent! netwerk Frankrijk:� http://www.dissent.fr Gipfelsoli: http://gipfelsoli.org/Home/Strasbourg_Kehl_2009 De Internationale Socialisten: http://stopdenavo.blogspot.com/ Internationale Mailinglijst: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nato2009 http://www.globalinfo.nl EN: On the 3rd and 4th of April, NATO will celebrate its 60th anniversary and the preparations for the protest party are already in full swing! Here are the latest updates. The 2009 NATO summit in Strasbourg and Baden Baden is much more than the average NATO summit. This year the world leaders will be preparing their plans for a new form of global governance. This new governance will be based on increased militarization both between countries and within countries, especially in terms of an increase in border control and a decrease in the separation of powers between police and military. For more information about this new NATO �strategy paper� see: http://slash.autonomedia.org/node/11436 For the strategy paper itself see: http://www.csis.org/media/csis/events/080110_grand_strategy.pdf Want to know more? Come to Target Caf� on the 25th of March (de Peper, 301 overtoom, Amsterdam. 8pm/20.00). Protest Preparations: Bus: The bus leaves from Amsterdam on the 31st of March and returns on the 5th of April. To reserve your place on the bus or for more information email: natogameover[at]gmail.com. Buses will also be leaving on Friday the 3rd of April. See: http://stopdenavo.blogspot.com/ or email: stopdenavo[at]hotmail.com All buses cost 50 euros return. If you can�t afford the bus, but would like to go, let us know. Email: natogameover[at]gmail.com Camp (1-5 April): The location of the camp/housing/alternative village site is now known. There will be one large camp instead of several small camps close to Strasbourg, in Strasbourg-Neudorf (La Ganzau). Actions: There are five full days of exciting actions planned!: 1 April (Wednesday): day one of actions starts with a bang with actions against the �new security architecture�. Might also be some actions in solidarity with the UK activists who will be protesting the G20 and the financial crisis with a �financial fool�s day� action. 2 April (Thursday): Solidarity actions with the mobilization against the G20 in London. Financial crisis actions. 3 April (Friday): Big day of direct action and civil disobedience in Baden Baden. Both large scale blockades and small autonomous actions are planned for this day to welcome the world leaders to Baden Baden and to help them find their way around the city, especially to the Kurhaus where the Gala evening will begin with a delicious dinner and afterwards to the Opera for a special performance. The world leaders have a very tight programme this evening, so it is essential that all activists help them keep to schedule as best they can. Want to take part in these actions? Email: block-baden-baden[at]riseup.net and check out: www.block-baden-baden.int.tc Today is also the start of the counter-conference in Strasbourg. 4 April (Saturday): Official start of the NATO summit in Strasbourg. Morning: blockades, direct action and civil disobedience (early!) and afternoon large demonstration (1pm/13.00). Also the action to disrupt the fotoshoot between Merkel and Sarkozy on the footbridge (see below). 5 April (Sunday): Solidarity actions with possible arrestees. Also for activists that have been in prison since the 60s. Last day counter-conference in Strasbourg. Before the Strasbourg camp, there will be a convergence centre in Freiburg (25-31 March). This space will host trainings, discussions, medics, legal, indymedia, etc. See: http://linksunten.indymedia.org/en/node/524 There will also be trainings in civil disobedience at the Strasbourg camp. This so that everyone who wants to can get involved in the actions. For more info see: www.block-nato.org. For a fun film see: www.cinerebelde.org/block-nato-strasbourg-2009-p-85.html?language=en Preparations for Repression of Protest: At this time only some of the �security� plans are known. What we know is that the city centre of Strasbourg will be closed to everyone who does not have a special access pass. All outdoor markets, schools, kindergartens, historical monuments and many sports complexes will be closed on the 4 April. Also the tram and metro stops that are inside the red zone will be shut down. The train between Strasbourg and Germany will not run from between Friday afternoon and Saturday morning (3-4 April). Two red zones are already defined: the area around the Palais de Musique et Congres and the area around the Palais Rohan. There will probably be more red zones, but the exact location of these has not been announced. In Kehl, between Friday evening and Saturday morning the 700 residents of the area near the foot bridge �La Passerelle� will not be able to leave their homes without prior consent from the police and only with police escort. On Saturday morning at 8.30, the footbridge �La Passerelle� will be the site of a foto-op between Sarkozy and Merkel. It has been speculated that it may be the most expensive fotoshoot ever due to the security measures taken. Baden Baden: At 17.30 on Friday 3 April Merkel will receive all of the world leaders in the Kurhaus in Baden Baden. The whole city centre will be a red zone from 3 � 4 April. There are already more than 25,000 police prepared for during the week of actions. Roland Reis, the mayor of Strasbourg, said that the security measures went well beyond his expectations. For more information see: www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,612196,00.html Or come to the Target Caf� on 25 March at 8pm/20.00 (de Peper, 301 overtoom, Amsterdam). More info: International Coordinating Committee (ICC): http://www.no-to-nato.org/ Block-NATO: http://block-nato.org/index_en.htm Resistance des Deux Rives: http://natogipfel2009.blogsport.de Vredesactie, Belgi�: http://www.vredesactie.be Dissent! network France:� http://www.dissent.fr Gipfelsoli: http://gipfelsoli.org/Home/Strasbourg_Kehl_2009 De Internationale Socialisten: http://stopdenavo.blogspot.com/ International Mailinglist: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nato2009 E-Mail: natogameover@gmail.com Website: http://www.globalinfo.nl |
Lees meer over: Agenda europa globalisering militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Security zones | Baden baden - 18.03.2009 12:50
Map Security Zone 1-3 (red) No acces for unauthorized people. Only notably can access this area. The 3 security zones are affecting only the "Kurhaus", "Kurgarten" and the "Dorint Hotel" . Expected to be closed from 1st. to 4th. April (10H). Security Zone 4 (yellow) Secured with security fence. Start of the build up: Thursday morning, 2nd. April, starting at the void part. The security with fences ends Saturday, the 4th April at 10H. To this zone only inhabitants, carers, Staff and visitors after previous announcement AND only in company with the police can access this area. Security Zone 5 (blue) From Friday morning, 3rd April. No restrictions for habitants and guests. No Akkreditation necessary. Selective controls previewed. High Police presence. | legal info for French site | nn - 18.03.2009 17:17
LEGAL CHEAT SHEET � MANIF /ACTIONS NATO COUNTER-SUMMIT � 2009 THE LEGAL TEAM�S PHONE NUMBER: ADVICE: * Before, during and after the protest: stay in groups, never alone ! * Do not forget to always have with you: your identity card/ visa/ telephone card/ paper and pen/ glasses (rather than contact lenses)/ your medication (if necessary). * Leave someone your name, surname, birthdate, and shout it to someone if you are arrested. * Write the Legal Team�s phone number on yourself. * Do not bring a camera or video camera with you: there are teams there to cover the protest. * Avoid taking your personal telephone filled with your contacts and pictures: your friends will thank you! * All products that alter your behaviour (alcohol, drugs, etc.), knives or weapons of any kind are of course factors that aggravate the situation in the case of an arrest. * Bring a scarf or something to hide your face throughout the protest or when close to specific clashes: this is not illegal in France. * Start educating yourself to recognise different types of police (whether in uniform or not). You can often tell those in civil attire because they stay in groups, and observe the situation at the beginning of the protest. The mobile regiments of the Gendarmerie have the number of their unit on their back, such as 1A, 3B (etc.). * Know that a special service of the police (not the General Information) was recently created to infiltrate groups in a friendly manner. * Never forget that there are MANY police in civil attire: Never speak freely in the streets about your protesting and avoid using any names. * Do not hand out stickers or flyers from your organisation to just anybody. The police are not allowed to ask you to take off a sticker stuck on yourself; the same goes for flags or banners. * In the case of widespread, violent repression or other: Always keep cool, be sure to observe the situation, react quickly. * If the police try to target an activist, stop and together create a human chain, keep a united front and remain in solidarity: in this way, a lot of violent repression can be avoided and injured individuals evacuated. * Protect the injured and try to call the Medical Team. * If you are stopped by the police: Stay calm and polite, the police are quick to accuse you of offence(s) �rebellion, insult�. LA LEGAL TEAM During this counter-summit, most of the lawyers assigned by the court will be lawyers from the Legal Team, and will be in permanent contact with the Legal Team, so * If you are stopped and put into police custody, you will not be able to contact the Legal Team. You must ask for �a lawyer assigned by the court�. * If you are presented before a judge after being taken into custody, ask the State-appointed lawyer if s/he is part of the Legal TeamIf not, tell her/him that you want a lawyer from the Legal Team. * If you have witnessed an arrest, notify the Legal Team as soon as possible with the following information Name of the person/ Place/ Number of people put into custody/ Which police service/ Number of police. Describe as best you can what happened and do not hesitate to put it down on paper. Your testimony is important and will only be seen by the Legal Team � in any other case, keep it safe! * If you have been released, notify the Legal Time as soon as possible and produce as detailed a testimony as you can. IDENTITY CHECK / VEHICLE SEARCH * If the police do an ID check, you have the right to communicate with the people around you and to ask them to be your witness, or to telephone to notify those close to you of your �hold up�. * A �pat-down� may be done: This is an external feel of your clothes (not a physical search). * The police have the right to search a vehicle (unless it is a dwelling). The vehicle may be immobilised for up to 30 minutes. * Questioning (PV in France): If you were mistreated make it known on the Report. Do not sign anything you do not agree with. If you do not agree, add what is missing and put a line through the remaining blanks so that there is no clean space to add anything else. If you are not ok with what is written: do not sign! And in all cases, ask for a copy! * If the police are not �satisfied� by the papers presented, they can bring you in to the station for an �identity check�. THE IDENTITY CHECK * It cannot go on longer than 4 hours starting from the beginning of the control (when the police first stopped you). * From the beginning of the check, the police have to propose that you contact one person of your choice, and inform you of your rights to notify the State prosecutor (Procureur de la R�publique). * Do not say anything other than your name. You do not have to respond to any other questions. Simply state �I have nothing to say�. * Police Questioning: The same advice as for the ID check. Always add any police violence that occurred during the control/ the transport/ your time at the police station. * If you give a false identity or if you refuse to give your identity: the police can take your finger prints and picture. If you refuse, this can cost you up to 3 months in prison and �3750. * After 4 hours either you are let go or you are kept in police custody. POLICE CUSTODY * You are placed into police custody if there exists �one or more plausible reasons to suspect that you have committed or have attempted to commit an offence�. * This provides the police with the right to interrogate you, to curtail/impede your communication with others, to further investigate the evidence they have against you. * Length of time: Starting from the moment you were stopped or from the beginning of the identity check, police custody can last up to 24 hours and is renewable. It can last up to 96 hours for �association to a gang� and up to 144 hours for �terrorism�. * From the outset, demand an interpreter where necessary, and be sure to have your rights read to you: the accused offence, the right to notify a member of your family, contact a lawyer and see a doctor. Ask to notify someone close to you; this can only be refused by the State prosecutor. * You are immediately entitled to see a doctor and a lawyer. You may them a second time if your detention is renewed, after the 24th hour of detention. Ask the police officer present. RIGHT TO SPEAK TO A LAWYWER * After giving your civil status (name, surname, date, place of birth), you have the right to remain silent or state �I have nothing to declare�. Anything you say can and will be used against you, and the people you mention. We suggest you remain silent until you speak with your lawyer. * A full body search when in police custody implies being stripped by an officer of the same sex. Only a doctor has the right to practice several full body searches. * DNA sample (buccal swab using a long cotton bud to scrape the interior of your cheek or spitting onto blotting paper): this cannot be done without your permission. If you are arrested for �insult and rebellion� the police do not have the right to take a DNA sample. * Refusing is possible (and advisable!) but it is an offence. The police can take a DNA sample from exterior bodily elements (cigarette buds, hair�) and the results can be used against you in a court of law. Be aware that refusing the buccal swab for your DNA is a militant action against DNA databases. * Throughout the detention, try to stay cool despite physical and psychological pressure from the police: Brutality, threats, intimidation, humiliation, cronyism, etc. AT THE END OF YOUR DETENTION * If you are let go: for the police questioning at the end of your detention, the same advice holds as for the identity check. The police validate the conditions of the detention. It is inadvisable to sign the document in the case of your prosecution. A signed Report can cause problems for your lawyer during your defense. * The State prosecutor decides on whether to prosecute or not. If there is a prosecution, s/he can decide either: o to pursue the investigation: you will be presented to an examining magistrate; o to judge you at another moment: you will receive a convocation, either given to you by a police officer when you are let out of custody, either later at your address ; o to hold a hearing right away: you will be brought directly to the court. * IMPORTANT: if you are presented to a judge at the end of your detention (either examining magistrate or directly to the court), accept legal aid from a lawyer: you can choose a lawyer or ask to see a state appointed lawyer; in the latter case, verify with the lawyer that s/he is in fact a lawyer working with the Legal Team. * You can refuse an immediate hearing: preparing your defense with your lawyer is always preferable, even if this means preventive jail time. Talk about it with your lawyer. * If you have a limited income, you are eligible for free Legal Aid. FOR NON-EUROPEANS * You may be subject to �a warrant or notice of expulsion� and an administrative detention for up to 48 hours. * You can challenge both decisions although during this time you remain under police custody. * You have the right to demand medical assistance, a lawyer, and interpreter and to be put in contact with your consulate/embassy and one person of your choice: ask that this person call the Legal Team, or call yourself. * Administrative detention can be extended by a judge for up to 15 days, and may be renewed once. You have the right to appeal the extended detention. * Request to see the person from CIMADE as soon as possible (a French NGO working with uprooted people, especially undocumented immigrants in France): this NGO can help you specifically with regards to contesting the decision of expulsion and administrative detention. * As during police custody, you must be well treated during administrative detention: do not stand for any violence, neither physical nor moral/verbal. IN THE CASE OF POLICE VIOLENCE * Remember to take pictures of your bruises, cuts, etc. * Keep all stained (with blood) or torn clothes, if the case arises; * With a doctor: (If it is at the Emergency, do not say anything about the facts!) * Be sure to have a detailed medical certificate registered: verify that it contains a description of all your injuries and your complaints. * Always ask for Temporary Work Disability � even if you are unemployed! * When you see a doctor during police custody, make sure s/he is witness to your injuries and records them! If you have no injuries at the time of your medical examination, do not hesitate to ask the doctor to note the absence of injuries on the medical certificate. This can eventually be used as proof that you suffered violence by the police after/during your police detention. * You can press charges (and it is suggested to do so!) * Contact an anti-repression group that works against police violence, police profiling and database collection, etc. FOR MORE DETAILS AND INFORMATION (ON ALL THE AFOREMENTIONED POINTS, ON POLICE VIOLENCE, ETC.), WE SUGGEST CONSULTING THE LEGAL GUIDE AVAILABLE AT THE INFOPOINTS AND ON THE LEGAL TEAM�S WEBSITE. legalteam-strasbourg@effraie.org Source: email
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