vertaling | x - 27.05.2008 11:38
snelle vertaling met Online poolse vertaler: That has happened in night from friday on saturday in amsterdam our cos wstrzasnelo squaterskim światkiem. it defends one of biggest in amsterdam on � � unexpected squat�w Eerste Osterpark straat Sitex mial, illegal and by provoked policje ewikcje. I will begin my trusted colleagues from this that from ocular slyszalem swiadkow. Birthdays had one of in alternative bar place � � Sitex mieszkancow. Police has arrived 5 at daybreak Okolo and for doors zapukali. Neighbors have said from (with) on skarza halas and from one of document zazadali squatersow. As, from (with) in our custom, we do not show they (their) in solidarity with illegal, asked odmowil tlumaczac, it defends home (domestic) tranquility (peace) from (with) in (to) its (his) it him (it) right squacie and it must not be identified nobody. On it for lagging outside him (it) gliniarz wyciagnal. Probably, scrambling is hosted wywolala, bottle has been thrown in which (who) from superior (upper; highest) in gesture of defense of colleague on one of highway pieter gliniarzy. Then he (it) on alarm on that mass dial up (call) he (its; his; it) life appear zagrazajacy gliniarzy. They have beaten persons for unconsciousness 2 and they have lagged all. Case (together; time) 51 persons. acquire all four apartment-house mieszkancow and it is hosted them. As if special department (squad) cure it about 8 for in night on it openings early mobilized eviction empty (hollow) bylo malo ewikcji squat�w dokonal juz squatu. Meeting has proceeded to sunday about 19.00 nearby eased czesci mieszkancow and big groups of people remain , lean which (who) future . Former purpose recovery thing personal Glownym mieszkancow bylo, did not have which (who) time neither from (with) during apprehension opening wziasc soba, as well as pozniejszej ewikcji, they did not expect which (who) completely. If material walked about thing only here, not such important moze bylo but fates of whole belongings here 40 person wazyly okolo. Important equipment not, acquire which (who) in store mozna, but they let's envisage such things as private photos, movies, manuscripts ksiazek, such things for we invaluable moga miec wartosc, never it will be recovered which (who) in (to) the same form case (together; time) lost juz. First of plans building bylo resklotowanie eksmitowanych. In order to we expected on workers special sheet metal barricading ( ) door uniknac uzycia sily sitexem and windows, in order to they have completed work swa. However, police must beside venue seeing far too person cos zweszyc duzo krecacych, because it has arrived soon more, but firm has put few bodyguards with dogs, in order to they defended place. Group ex mieszkancow, that it ( door ) brejkerow wylamuja, group � shielded �, which (who) shields definitively but oust all without on our way that violence (forcibly) intention uzycia miala stana and we debate in given situation all that that come assistance it best make. Opinions (sentences) were divided. From respect, we wanted it from (with) former inhabitants all assistance and it could lose on maximally it, we will make that for they ultimate decision nalezala. After long discussions, we have decided counsels commonly, from (with) during when that happen be make about before protected (taken shelter) building demonstrations company ltd. alarmed it better gliniarze moze, before house of mayor and before city-hall of city. Or with surprises by city center we march czekal. We have left compact (tight) group crying type � not idea hasla wyeksmitujecie, it will survive � Squatting if (or) without know � not chamber (peace) � � sparwiedliwosci bedzie and really not bylo. Stone has been thrown in (to) their directions proceeding near ochraniaczy. On for we szczescie and for they on their purposes of hitting (occurring) not mial, it cure mask in car only wgial. Our things were return � � Wykrzyczane rzadania, in order to check off (note) character and purpose of share (action). Then, we have moved in direction of house � mayor amsterdam Cohena. There in spite of, there were bullet-proof from window-pane after our stones and webs remain so pekniec. Damage but probably, in house our mayor not bylo. Strange me Wydalo, from (with) on demonstration within the confines of days month ago � de � sufficiently police okolo Reclaim street squaterskich bylo duzo, in order to hold on from visit for mayor more 300 person niz, but now in spite of, they have organized protection from (with) for few houses, they have not organized it for disassembling for expensive (dear) house assigned protection zadnej Cohena. We have proceeded for city-hall of city further, where several one-meter long (-m) has not resisted well (window-pane) stones few . Nobody eats on barrier not tsanal, neither on view even. Certainly they will write in press of next day that expect mozna Bylo and this quiet permission eats well (window-pane) from (with) on battering few for tomorrow media nourishment good bylo. Demonstration lasted in (to) inch skonczyla Vrankrijk, most drastic and active club squaterskim. Perpetrator has struck to same unknown evening (in the evening) in corporation several well (window-pane), which (who) is building wlascicielem eksmitowanych. From morning (wound) by lawyer next day and we tried (look) to render remove (return) by under our pressures former things building obecnosc eksmitowanym mieszkancow. Firm eats agreed to it oddac, however, police tried (look) to impose conditions. After long negotiations of three part during when fact came for our scale, arrives from (with) with (from) solidary more and more moment kazda, compromise has managed to elaborate at the end we. We could receive all things with return, we must from building only from afar stanac, in order to place worker dac and machines of he (it) totaling (take away; amount to) and two of we must data podac. Workers served apartment with the aid of elevators after all apartment thing from next windows soon � � dookiennych. Further principally wanami, busses and it eats this cycle with (from) on on nearby ( trailer ) bakficami duza przedzie wywozilismy squaty, which (who) had to store up place it (them). In work of defusing and all helped ladowania. However, it lasted very long. Some good duszki as beloved has Rabia and they have taken care have other that jesc and pic. Everywhere family equipment (assistance) czulo solidarnosc. Meanwhile, electricians have driven up, which (who) have made shares (actions) exponential and they have cut off from street prad, in order to for place zniechecic squatersow resquatowania. However, I must ride prepare about 19.00 from this that assistance familiar juz squatowanie slyszalem, when have broken (have fractured) agreement (convention) less persons worker bylo and they have thrown out things for container duzo. Everything smoothly so szlo and trouble-free, all thought from (with), there will be from (with) for last chamber (peace) so. From former from the point of view of some mieszkancow stress and it will not incinerate (will not sleep) for (after) over 40 hours unexpected situation nawal, rally not strange, from (with) when everything it seemed imitate (manage) on desired rest ok. They waited on it only robole, which (who) from cussedness byc moze, but anybody's things have thrown out active time unfeeling on garbage simply moze skrocic. Besides, when it wanted cat after whole this share of (action of) cat ktos zlapac zaginietego, one of bodyguard he (it) brutally crying odepchnal, has to step up from (with) to building not right . it has frightened cat simultaneously and it after 3 day stress poor chance przekreslil zwierze and probably, at the end trustee (guardian) glodowce moglo odzyskac. Let's have hopes, from (with) this junior (young) year niz kociak as it will be hugged by most faster loving � � mogel byc swa pania and remaining after whole this event not it (him) injury mental zadny. As if we become (stay) in press this all bylo malo oszkalowani, that about all truth enforce I dream write it poswiecil moj. Summing up two (two) beaten for unconsciousness, it recover cats lost from that one 5 else, from that over 10 51 arrested not eased wciaz, over 40 stripped (gotten rid) house, many stripped (gotten rid) personal things. Everything it about about complaint wyimaginowane halas. Police has woken up according to one neighbor , but not squattersi, but they did not hear performance all of remaining thesis sasiadow, because she (it) proceeded in closed bar, where at least two houses it round squaty. Neighbors were for it tray mile , from (with) transport thing zaoferowali sqautersom if such requirement will get (will reach). When we look (look) on this balance battered well (window-pane) few and one is battered this that in comparison nothing bottle meet (face each other) stone destroying they (their) property call violence (forcibly) squatersow.Te mozna. However, I call it behind john ( ) destroy (become spoiled) property sole language powtorze Zehrzanem, they understand which (who) rich. Present in (to) their media we kłamliwych probuja as � � terrorystow, but who is here great terrorist. Rich businessman, which (who) causes speculations, amsterdam becomes from (with) for working class unattainable more and more, if (or) combat for equal for apartment for all right squatersi. I will add comparatively � slowa Vandany Shiwy if (or) terrorist is this demonstrant of black block, which (who) stands against capitalism in this defense of poor world, if (or) it businessman moze, interests (businesses) by which (who), die protect (take shelter) by from hunger millions of people policje? It on � so many (so much) bylo. On write almost spiaco.27.05.08
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