Max Havelaar: as real now as it was then. Multatuli - 21.01.2008 11:20
An extremely inconcenient truth about who controls the world and why. Please email this to as many people as possible, especially to members of parliament and the press and add your own comments. Let nobody ever have to say "Ich habe es nicht gewusst" -- Multatuli -- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Max Havelaar: as real now as it was then. Anyone remember War Games? According to Joshua, war is "a strange game" where "the only winning move ... is not to play". Unfortunately, this turns out to be not entirely true. The real winning move is to meta-play both real-life sides from cyberspace and becoming exetremely rich. In order to understand how to play this game, let's first take a side-step towards SecondLife's economy: "The idea of SecondLife's economy is simple. It's just like a real world economy, except it takes place entirely within the company operated game servers." This story continues: "In that now infamous article I concluded that Second Life's supposed economy wasn't a whole lot more than a typical pyramid scheme, where most of the money paid in by new recruits ends up realized by the organizers and a handful of early entrants. I was promptly assured by any number of the Second Life faithful that I was wrong, and that there were literally thousands upon thousands of real, financially valuable businesses making money, providing jobs, growing at astonishing rates, and redeeming their virtual Linden dollars (L$) for real money. [...] So, Linden Research is selling L$ which they print themselves. Players buy the L$ with real money, but they don't really own the L$ they bought. And, Linden Research uses the LindeX pseudo-Forex exchange market in order to stabilize the redemption rate of these virtual L$ tokens. [...] Without straying too far, we can safely say that Linden Research has taken on the role as "virtual central banker", and "virtual treasury", in minting and distributing their own "virtual currency". (The Second Life economy is built upon a system of "sources and sinks" which, while sometimes cited as a monetary control lever, really more represent the virtual economy's fiscal policy.) " - --::-- Ok. Let's get this straight. First of all, from an economic point of view, the SecondLife economy really is just like a real-world economy. What's more, it actuall *IS* a real-world economy, because this economy does interact with the outside economy since the L$ actually has an exchange rate and it is possible to exchange L$ for "real" dollars. However, the article says, the "exchange rate is not freely set by supply and demand; it is not a floating exchange rate. In recent months, Linden Research has sold relatively large amounts of L$ themselves on their own LindeX market." Ok. So Linden Research basically acts like a national bank, because they are able to sell L$ at any rate they like. After all, the L$ is a virtual currency that is nothing more than a number on a cumputer screen in some server! But hey, that's not fair! Players buy the L$ with *real* money and all they get in return is a number on a computer screen being updated...... Now wait a minute! What would happen if we would replace the real "Federal Reserve" computers with this Linden computer? Now wouldn't that give a tremendous amount of power to company operating the computer? You know, that would mean that, say, Europeans could be tricked into buying (Linden) dollars, but actually getting *NOTHING* in return but the change of a number on a computerscreen!!! And, what's more, the company could then basically all but control *global* fiscal policy, because they would control how many real dollars would be "printed" and since the dollar is the "reserve currency" that is used in the international monetary system known as the "Bretton Woods system" set up in 1944, controlling the dollar means controlling the global fiscal policy! The reason they chose for the dollar with Bretton Wood is the following: "The only currency strong enough to meet the rising demands for international liquidity was the US dollar. The strength of the US economy, the fixed relationship of the dollar to gold ($35 an ounce), and the commitment of the U.S. government to convert dollars into gold at that price made the dollar as good as gold. In fact, the dollar was even better than gold: it earned interest and it was more flexible than gold." So, there we would have an important difference with our Linden-bank and the real fedeal reserve: the dollar is not just "a number on a computerscreen" but it has a fixed releationship to gold, right? Not quite: "In 1971 more and more dollars were being printed in Washington, then being pumped overseas, to pay for government expenditure on the military and social programs. In the first six months of 1971, assets for $22 billion fled the U.S. In response, on August 15, 1971, Nixon unilaterally imposed 90-day wage and price controls, a 10% import surcharge, and most importantly "closed the gold window," making the dollar inconvertible to gold directly, except on the open market. Unusually, this decision was made without consulting members of the international monetary system or even his own State Department, and was soon dubbed the 'Nixon Shock'." So, what is the difference between our computer and the *REAL* Federal Reserve, then? It can't be that you have the equivalent of those "private exchanges" "owned by the businesses which sit at the top of the [SecondLife] economic pyramid" control global fiscal policy, right? Well, it can. The real "Federal Reserve" is actually nothing more then a number on a computer screen, controlled by a handful of privately hold banks that are accountable to *noone*: mms:// So, there we have it: the US "Federal Reserve" is a privately hold company that has the power to sell dollars at any rate they like. Or, as Murray Rothbard puts it in his book 'The Case Against the Fed' "The gold of Americans was confiscated and exchanged for Federal Reserve Notes, which became legal render; and Americans were stuck in a regime of fiat paper issued by the government and the Federal Reserve. Over the years, all early restraints on Fed activities or its issuing of credit have been lifted; indeed since 1980, the Federal Reserve has enjoyed the absolute power to do literally anything it wants: to buy not only U.S. Government securities but any asset whatsoever, and to buy as many assets and to inflate credit as much as it pleases. There are no restraints left on the Federal Reserve. The Fed is the master of all it surveys." Note that it says: "CONFISCATED and exchanged". So anyway, how does the Fed use this magic power that can create dollars out of thin air? Well, to begin with: it raises inflation tax: "Today, the federal government burdens us with one of the most dangerous taxes it can impose -- the inflation tax. When the federal government finds that it cannot afford its out-of-control spending, and is unwilling to directly tax the public, it resorts simply to creating the money out of thin air. Inflating the money supply is the easiest form of financing the government. The Federal Reserve, an unelected and unaccountable private organization, pumps more dollars into the economy whenever it chooses. Because the public is forced to accept these bills, the Fed essentially gets away with legally counterfeiting. We cannot possibly expect the government to control spending when it has a blank checkbook." Since every dollar that goes out of the Federal Reserve is a loan that has to be payed back with interest, this puts everybody and certainly the lower and middle class people all over the world in debt, with the exception of just a few extremely rich and powerful people. To make a long story short: those who control the FED have a tremendous amount of power. One of the people that understood that, was Henry Ford: "It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford According to this article, Ford might be right: "The creation of controlled inflation has proven immeasurably valuable to the banking industry and Federal Government at the expense of the American people. The Federal Reserve grants interest-free (all interest is returned to US Treasury) loans to the government while the citizens have to pay interest due to inflation." Now Henry Ford also was a known anti-semite, who published a lot of material about the so called "Jewish question": "In 1918, Ford's closest aide and private secretary, Ernest G. Liebold, purchased an obscure weekly newspaper, The Dearborn Independent for Ford. The Independent ran for eight years, from 1920 until 1927, during which Liebold was editor. The newspaper published "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which was discredited as a forgery during the Independent's publishing run by The Times of London. The American Jewish Historical Society describes the ideas presented in the magazine as "anti-immigrant, anti-labor, anti-liquor, and anti-Semitic." In February 1921, the New York World published an interview with Ford, in which he said "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on." During this period, Ford emerged as "a respected spokesman for right-wing extremism and religious prejudice," reaching around 700,000 readers through his newspaper.[34] Along with the Protocols, anti-Jewish articles published by The Dearborn Independent were also released in the early 1920s as a set of four bound volumes, cumulatively titled The International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem. Vincent Curcio writes of these publications that "they were widely distributed and had great influence, particularly in Nazi Germany, where no less a personage than Adolf Hitler read and admired them." Hitler, fascinated with automobiles, hung Ford's picture on the wall; Ford is the only American mentioned in Hitler's book. Steven Watts writes that Hitler "revered" Ford, proclaiming that "I shall do my best to put his theories into practice in Germany, and modeling the Volkswagen, the people's car, on the model T."[35]" No need to stress that Hitler was an anti-semite, but Churchill also was: "From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." Now where does that hatred come from? What is this "subversive movement" Churchill talked about. Why did (I assume) reasonable and respectable men like Churchill and Ford develop such a hatred against the Jews? The answer lies in these so called "protocols of the elders of Zion", that are widely considerd as an anti-semite text and were actually used as a tool to blame the Jewish people for a crime they didn't commit, resulting in, amongst others, the holocaust: "The Protocols" (the briefest title by which the text is known) is an early example of contemporary conspiracy theory literature,[1] and takes the form of a speech describing how to dominate the world, the need to control the media, finance, replace traditional social order, etc. It is one of the best known and discussed examples of literary forgery, and a hoax.[2] The text was popularized by those opposed to Russian revolutionary movement, and was disseminated further after the revolution of 1905, becoming known worldwide after the 1917 October Revolution. It was widely circulated in the West in 1920 and thereafter. The Great Depression and the rise of Nazism were important developments in the history of the Protocols, and the hoax continued to be published and circulated despite its debunking." Unfortunaly, these protocols are far from a hoax. They are terrifying, and very, very, very real. The consequences of this are unbelievable, yet they are as true as the terror inflicted on the American people by the aeroplanes that hit the Twin-Towers. What is immensely cruel is that it is *not* the Jews that are the conspiritors, but that the jews have been used as a scapegoat by the lowest scum crawling on this earth. And no, I probably mean not even Adolf Hitler nor Osama Bin Laden. The truth is, that what is written down in the protocols of Zion is *that* scaring that any sain man will do anything in his power to stop it and it is also true that the real conspiritors are still in business. With an ingeniously evil move, they managed to keep their biggest secret by not only publishing it, but actually using it as a tool towards reaching the end-goal described in those same protocols. The mere suggestion that the Jewish (and American!) people were planning to take control of the world was enough to divert the hate and anger of all the people that suffered towards these totally innocent Jewish people. It is out of that anger and carefully orchestrated hatred towards the Jewish and now also American people that the German people and now Al Aaida and the Arabs could be brought to commit the crimes of terror they commited and are committing. Now what could make you so scared and so angry that you would be willing to die for your "fuhrer" or for "Allah"? Read the protocols of Zion and you know. Now who are these people that are responsible for numerous crimes against humanity at an unimaginable scale? The shortest route to that answer is, as always, to follow the money. And that leads us right to the scumbags that are controlling the US government as well as FED and also Europe and God knows how many nations by now, and whose forefathers have done so for a very, very long time: "By 1850, the House of Rothschild represented more wealth than all the families of Europe. Shortly after he formed the Bank of England, William Patterson lost control of it to Nathan Rothschild and here is how he did it: Nathan Rothschild was an observer on the day the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, Belgium. He knew that with this information he could make a fortune. He later paid a sailor a big fee to take him across the English Channel in bad weather. The news of Napoleon's defeat would take a while to hit England. When Nathan arrived in London, he began selling securities and bonds in a panic. The other investors were deceived into believing that Napoleon won the war and was eyeing England so they began to sell their securities too. What they were unaware of is that Rothschild's agents were buying all the securities that were being sold in panic. In one day, the Rothschild fortune grew by one million pounds. They literally bought control of England for a few cents on the dollar. The same way the Rockefeller's went into Japan after World War 2 and bought everything 10 cents on the dollar. SONY=Standard Oil New York, a Rockefeller Company. Frederick Morton wrote in his book, The Rothschilds: "...the wealth of the Rothschilds consists of the bankruptcy of nations." There were other wealthy families in Europe and America, which were allowed to join "the international banking club" such as John D. Rockefeller and John Pierpont Morgan." And before that: "A map of the course of the Symbolic Snake is shown as follows: - Its first stage in Europe was in 429 B.C. in Greece, where, about the time of Pericles, the Snake first started eating into the power of that country. The second stage was in Rome in the time of Augustus, about 69 B.C.. The third in Madrid in the time of Charles V, in A.D. 1552. The fourth in Paris about 1790, in the time of Louis XVI. The fifth in London from 1814 onwards (after the downfall of Napoleon). The sixth in Berlin in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war. The seventh in St. Petersburg, over which is drawn the head of the Snake under the date of 1881." The people we are talking about are known as the "Illuminati" One of the basic tricks they use, is to try and put people into debt (protocol 6): "The aristocracy of the GOYIM as a political force, is dead - We need not take it into account; but as landed proprietors they can still be harmful to us from the fact that they are self-sufficing in the resources upon which they live. It is essential therefore for us at whatever cost to deprive them of their land. This object will be best attained by increasing the burdens upon landed property - in loading lands with debts." And this gives us a clue to the origins of the protocols: "The order of knights, which ultimately disappeared because of the heresy scandal, recently captivated the imagination of readers of the best-seller "The Da Vinci Code," which linked the Templars to the story of the Holy Grail. [..] As their military might increased, the Templars also grew in wealth, acquiring property throughout Europe and running a primitive banking system. After they left the Middle East with the collapse of the Crusader kingdoms, their power and secretive ways aroused the fear of European rulers and sparked accusations of corruption and blasphemy. Accused by an indebted king Historians believe Philip owed debts to the Templars and used the accusations to arrest their leaders and extract, under torture, confessions of heresy as a way to seize the order's riches." And they do so up to this day, all over the world: "We work many different ways, but perhaps the most common one is that we will identify a third world country that has resources our corporations covet, such as oil, and then we arrange a huge loan to that country from the World Bank or one of its sister organizations. The money never actually goes to the country. It goes instead to US corporations, who build big infrastructure projects -- power grids, industrial parks, harbors, highways -- things that benefit a few very rich people but do not reach the poor at all. The poor aren't connected to the power grids. They don't have the skills to get jobs in industrial parks. But they and the whole country are left holding this huge debt, and it's such a big bet that the country can't possibly repay it. So at some point in time, we economic hit men go back to the country and say, 'Look, you know, you owe us a lot of money. You can't pay your debt, so you've got to give us a pound of flesh.'" Convinced? Ok, some more then. John Loftus is a US attorney general that had access to CIA's most secret documents. He shows how closely related Al Qaida is to Hitler. In a way, Al Qaida can be considered to be the last and still active Waffen-SS division: "Here's how you can find all of the missing secrets about the Muslim Brotherhood -- and you can do this, too. I said, "Bob, go to your computer and type in two words into the search part. Type the word "Banna," B-a-n-n-a. He said, "Yeah." Type in "Nazi." Bob typed the two words in, and out came 30 to 40 articles from around the world. He read them and called me back and said, 'Oh my gosh, what have we done?'" [..] Osama Bin Ladin was taught by the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood who had emigrated to Saudi Arabia. (Saddam was also raised by his Nazi uncle). [..] And we have to end the evil in this world. We have to recognize that al Qaeda simply didn't spring up on its own. The evil route was Nazism. The al Qaeda Doctrine is the same as the Arab Nazis held. They hated Jews, they hate democracy, and they hate Westerners for Western culture. Al Qaeda is nothing more than the religious expression of Arab Fascism. We allowed this branch of the Nazi trunk to survive, to flourish, and it has come back to haunt us. We must do a better job. Look at these children. They are our legacy. If we are to keep our children safe, we must teach them the lessons of the past. Every generation should know what these candles mean. Not only that one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the world really happened, but the evil that caused it -- Nazism -- survived because we didn't fight hard enough. We didn't finish the job." Actually, we fought the wrong people at the wrong place for centuries. I don't believe in a God or Allah, but at this moment I wish I did. Then I would pray that whoever reads this understands what this means and that we, the free people of this planet, will have to stand together and make sure this evil gets stopped and that the crimimals will be brought to justice. What you have read has shocking consequences. It means that a lot, and maybe even all, of the major wars that have been fought in the past century have been setup by the Illuminati as a way to reach their goal of total control of the world. There is pretty hard evidence that they financed Hitler, gave him the reasons to commit the holocaust and cashed in over the backs of the Jewish people that worked as slaves in Auswitz. Without them, Hitler would never have had the necessary resources to build his war machine:,12271,1312540,00.html How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president When you take a closer look the order of "Skull and Bones" where lots of presidents and important people belonged to, there can be no doubt that this order really is an order of the Illuminati that are the real Nazi's. Now there are two kind of Nazi's: the ones that have sworn to obey the protocols of Zion, however they might call them, and the ones that are made to believe those protocols are made by the Jews. The first ones are the criminals that need to smoked out of their holes and taken to justice and the second ones are also victims. They are canon-flesh just like the rest of us that is being used in wars all over the world and suicide missions like 9/11. All this means that the world is in great danger to be pushed into a 3d World War within the coming months, weeks or perhaps even days. The Illuminati have their minds set on Iran's oil and they intend to get it. The situation on the stock market closely resembles that of 1929 because the dollar is not covered by gold. Bush already arranged for permission to use the ultimate solution they used before in Japan, if need be. Because of the political climate, it is not possible to do an invasion of Iran right now. But, if enough terror is unleashed on the Jewish people living in Israel or on the American fleet in the area and enough of that is brought into our livingrooms trough CNN, Bush *will* use the ultimate solution if we don't stop him. All you need to do is watch the movie "Obsession" to know that there is a scaring resemblance between what is happening in the middle-east right now and what has happened in Germany. And just like virtually all of the ordinary people were innocent and deceived back then, they are even so today. All those people are being used as canon-flesh to give the "herrenvolk" their power. And then it is good to remember the following. I once heard a story about a Polish soldier dying in the arms of a nurse, Arnhem, september 1944. His last words were: "all men are brothers". And now that we know who are responsible, we have to show them that not they, but *WE* are superior. We are not going to be tricked into killing our brothers any longer. We are going to protest peacefully and silently and no matter how many Marten Luther Kings or Ghandis they might kill, we know who they are now! And we know how to win trough peaceful protest, strike and refusal to obey his orders any longer. Because after all, the "herrenvolk" considers itself to good to actually hold a weapon and fight. All we have to do is refuse to do the Zion's dirty work and refuse to pull the trigger. To identify him and bring him to justice, all we have to do is take the Forbes 500 list and similar lists like that and do the math: "The secret Federal Hierarchal System is revealed by an analysis of the top 100 great American family fortunes. The Forbes Magazine list of Great American Family Fortunes appeared in the October 14, 1996 annual Special Edition entitled: "The Forbes Four Hundred, The Richest 400 People in America". Two short tables are presented in the following document which summarize the wealth of these 100 families into three categories and classifies them by Federal Hierarchal level. These 100 families' fortunes define a range from $430 million to $10,500 million and comprise a total wealth of $124,045 million. The two summary tables mathematically confirm the existence of the hidden Federal Hierarchal System and show: 1) the existence of a clearly defined "pecking order" with a definitive gap between the Upper and Lower classes, 2) *richness* trends characterize the Upper Class and *poorness* trends characterize the Lower Class, 3) the Federal Hierarchy is being abused by an unrestrained Upper Class that is totally out of control, and 4) the Upper Class is heavily infested with cultural parasites." So go to their homes, their companies, their stock-markets and their puppet-governments and protest! But protest in peace, like great men as Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi and Marten Luther King have tought us. We don't have to accept a crash of the stock-market, nor a 3d world-war, nor inflation tax, nor the conscious rape of the poorest people on this planet. Go to their archives, wherever they are, and find out what they have been doing. Why are there so many secrets? We have a right to know who committed these crimes and for what reasons. And remember one thing: they have no real power, because all they actually command are a few numbers on a computerscreen. The real power lies with us, because we are the ones holding the guns and the plows! Now I know this a conspiracy theory, and probably lots of people might simply laugh in disbelieve until they feel the consequences of the coming, orchestrated and intented stockmarket crash. Fortunately, the laughing is natural. Whenever people laugh about something this important, you can be rest assured that in the end you can and will win, even from the Illuminati. After all, it has been done before: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi And also: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln, (attributed) 16th president of US (1809 - 1865) So, who are these people, again? "Some people call you the elite, I call you my base." Let me finish with reminding you, the reader, that YOUR government is doing what it is doing in YOUR NAME. So you better make sure that what they do can actually bare your blessing. Multatuli. Januari 21st, 2008. P.S. I have signed this article using gpg. Someday, I might reveal my identity. I am the only one that possesses the key used to sign this article. ======================= Further information: =======================,12271,1312540,00.html How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power!.html;art141,2426592 "De Rothschild�s kunnen oorlogen beginnen en voorkomen. Hun woord kan imperiums maken en breken." - Chicago Evening American, December 3, 1923 What Congress Does Not Know About Enron And 911 By John J. Loftus, Atty -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFHlHCMmljrH35UtmARAmfrAKCKyaoTLYac9IUCzvjXOZpSJon2pQCfTFi2 VTiaJOAoSj13TgOXQLlHN1w= =8gaX -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- |