Gr8chaoskaravaan gathering in Belgium sistren - 25.04.2007 15:29
short teaser and pressrelease for the karavaan gr8chaoskaravaan07 teaser please not, this presslease is wrote for friday 27th of april Pressrelease: G8 summit: third protest bycicle caravan starts today in Gent/belgium With the slogan “wheels for change- ensure capitalism becomes history” the western bycicle caravan starts as the third of the 5 caravans agasist the g8-summit in Heiligendamm/Germany today its actions with a critical mass[] through the city of gent/belgium. “We count on starting with around 20 people, but we expect that much more people will join!” Sida Singer said “Together we want to set a signal against neoliberalism, exploitation, racism, pollution and everybody who shares our ideas is welcome. We want to raise awareness among the people and let them dream about a livable future for every human in this world, and this is worth fighting for.” During their follwing tour of around 1300 kilometers the activists coming >from different countries will take part in bicycle demonstrations “critical masses”, theatres and other political actions. On the route through cities like Antwerpen, Nijmegen, Gronau/Ahaus, Muenster, Hamburg and Gorleben they will deal with subjects related to the meeting of the G8. These are for instace the racist migrationpolitics of fortress europe, genetic manipulation and exploitation of the earth, and the involvement of the G8 in wars all over the world, for instance in Afghanistan or Iraq. The events and actions are prepared by supporters hosting the caravan at different stations.“We want to use our time together for exchange and to build networks with various local groups from different backgrounds” Paula Farin explains. The cyclists do not want to take part in the whole neoliberal circus and the division of people along racist and economic criteria. They consider the caravan as a place for experiments where they can realize their ideas and ideals (even if only temporarily). The aim is to create a non-hierarchical structure during the ride, allowing people to learn and act in a self-organised manner. The caravan wants to make it possible for all people to participate, regardless of money, bicycle, physical condition or papers. Local Kontakt bycicle caravan info-office Rostock, Knut Rassmussenstr. 8, 18106 Rostock, Tel: 0049-179-6268785 Website: |