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Battle Radio Universidad started -out of air MM - 30.10.2006 22:22
Aanval Radio Universidad begonnen, stroom afgesneden, scherpschutters polite op daken, vele troepen en wegen geblokkeerd door politie/leger Charlie: The big battle will be at the university, and probably today by the looks of it. Helicopters dropping off lots troops in a few stratigic spots on the city edges, highway cops stopping movement supporters outside the city on the main roads (some are sneaking around and heading to the university). Police snipers reported on roof tops around the old markets, local tv station( azteca) reports many foreigenors in appo-always taking pictures and reporting lies about oaxaca govenor and police to foreign news sites. No blood bath-yet-and the big detention center in tlacalula still almost empty-so far. Things could have changed just since I sat down at this slow speed public internet place. More later, but if the radio universidad gets cut off for good ,news will be from cell phone calls from inside the university every now and then. I can't get into the city now except by walking, and that feels like a bad idea right now. Tomás: Radio Universidad stopped transmitting five minutes ago, but they warned there were "compañeros" from the electricity company there to fix "los problemas quer tuvimos ayer" and that we were not to be alarmed -- they'd be back on the air in ten to twenty minutes. Could they have said that under threat? George Salzman: Telephone call from inside the Radio Universidad station about 12:30. Federal Preventive Police completely surrounding the building. The electric power was cut, but they have their auxiliary generator going and are broadcasting. The caller believes there are tanks at the building, but had not personally seen them. Helicopters are above. Even if the people inside wished to escape being captured (my comment) it is clear that that possibility doesn't exist. Earlier this morning, around 7:30 or 8, the Televisa "news" emphasized the government's high priority on taking control of Radio Universidad. --George bron: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oaxacastudyactiongroup/ Vorig Indy laatste ontwikkelingen, zie: Two more Oaxacan deaths =5 + life report http://indymedia.nl/nl/2006/10/39999.shtml @Indy: tijd voor een redactioneel overzicht &stroomlijning van de vele Indy artikelen? |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | DEZE DUBBELE VERWIJDEREN AUB | MM - 30.10.2006 22:39
Ik kreeg de blanco invul velden terug; het leek alsof er niets verzonden was. Daarop de volgende gemaakt, die uitvoerig is met nog een extra bericht. Deze kan dus weg, de nieuwere niet. | |
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