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Oaxaca, gespannen situatie Carla - 04.10.2006 19:56
Op dit moment zijn we met een klein groepje mensen uit Nederland in Oaxaca. We zullen zo veel mogelijk verslag uitbrengen en foto�s uploaden. De situatie is in Oaxaca, Mexico, vrij gespannen. Vanmiddag zal het laatste overleg tussen de centrale overheid en APPO, de vakbond van leraren. plaats vinden. Al maanden houden zij het centrale plein bezet hier oa om het aftreden van de correupte gouverneur en onderwijshervromingen af te dwingen. Ik heb veel foto�s, maar uploaden gaat heel langzaam, dus nu het komt later. Website: http://www.grassrootsprojects.com |
Lees meer over: globalisering Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Foto�s | Carla - 04.10.2006 21:07
een van de barricades hopelijk nu de foto�s | meer foto�s | Carla - 04.10.2006 21:17
nog een barrikade een deel van de bezetters spandoeken nog wat foto�s | weblog | Carla - 04.10.2006 21:26
en je kan via www.grassrootsprojects.com de weblog lezen die gemaakt wordt over de aktiviteiten op dit moment in Oaxaca | nog een foto | Carla - 04.10.2006 21:33
aan het eind van de bijeenkomst Gemaakt aan het einde van de bijeenkomst die vanmiddag gehouden is. Uit het overleg tussen APPO en de Mexicaanse centrale overheid is niets gekomen. In principe zou nu het leger in kunnen grijpen. De inschattingen zijn nogal verschillend, van ingrijpen deze middag tot vannacht tot helemaal niet omdat de bevoling massaal op straat aanwezig is en er nog steeds mensen de stad binnen rijden | Links + nieuwe ontwikkelingen | AaM - 04.10.2006 21:34
Ander verslag vandaag: Steun Oaxaca 04.10.2006 09:38 http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2006/10/39294.shtml Laatste Oaxaca nieuwsthread tot gister: Pres. Fox: knock down the revolt -Oaxaca/Mexico http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2006/09/39184.shtml Verzoek: Photo's uploaden op een site, of gewoon op Yahoo photo's of wat dan ook + alleen de belangrijkste in aangepast kleiner formaat hier? Laatste ontvangen nieuws: (eerder nieuws: genoemde link tot gisteren) " Fwd: Llamado urgente de la APPO a la solidaridad internacional ante la concentraci�n de tropas del ej�rcito Llamado urgente de la APPO a la solidaridad internacional ante la concentraci�n de tropas del ej�rcito Denuncia la concentraci�n de alrededor de 20 mil efectivos en las bases navales en puertos Oaxaque�os Margarita Salazar 3 de octubre de 2006..." Oftewel 20.000 troepen staan klaar in de staat Oaxaca! Received from Nancy Davies: -Any foreigner in Oaxaca should have a back-up plan of who to call in case of difficulties- Neither the APPO nor the teachers attended the meeting scheduled with the Segob for October 4. In a live radio broadcast of an assembly of the Frente Amplia Progresista (FAP) from Mexico City on Wednesday October 4 it was averred that the problems of state ungovernability could be solved promptly after the removal of the powers from the three branches of government of Oaxaca. The departure of Ulises Ruiz is the only non-negotiable demand. The assembly was attended by the PRD elected on July 2 as federal deputies, who are also members of the APPO. It was reaffirmed that the Senate of the Republic has the constitutional right and obligation to remove powers. In a direct question posed by the Oaxaca radio contact, the Secretary General of the PRD was asked if the National Convention would be willing to act as a human shield in Oaxaca. Guadalupe Acosta responded, �Claro que s� � yes. We are inclined to participate. We had information that URO is planning a provocation today to bring in the federal intervention.� He went on to say, �Today our senators requested that Secretary of Marina to not participate in any attack on Oaxaca.� Tomorrow, Acosta said, there will be a national mobilization on the part of the National Convention to defend Oaxaca. => Opnieuw geruchten over een aanval mogelijk vandaag, na wat rustige dagen (Fox heeft juist gezegd tot het laatst alle mogelijkheden eerst te willen uitzoeken). Aan de andere kant lijkt de PRD, Mexico's 1e of 2e partij (afhankelijk van je opinie over de verkiezingsfraude) morgen haar steun uit te gaan spreken over het beschermen van Oaxaca. Als het niet te laat komt. De revolutie groeit! | International appeal APPO; Engl.transl. | AaM - 04.10.2006 22:04
URGENT APPEAL BY THE POPULAR ASSEMBLY OF THE PEOPLES OF OAXACA (APPO) FOR INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY IN THE FACE OF A CONCENTRATION OF MILITARY TROOPS The APPO denounces the concentration of about 20,000 sailors and soldiers in the naval ports of Oaxaca Margarita Salazar 3 de octubre de 2006 Los Angeles, California.- Leaders of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) are appealing urgently at this moment that all national and international social organizations carry out diverse emergency actions to stop the Mexican government from repressing thousands of persons who participate in the popular movement in Oaxaca. Professor Ezequiel Rosales, Organization Secretary of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), and a member of the APPO, called for national and international support to denounce the concentration of about 20,000 members of the Mexican armed forces who are ready to move into the capital of Oaxaca to attack those who are maintaining the strike encampment in the z�calo (city center) in case no negotiated agreement is reached with the Secretariate of Governmental Affairs in the next hours. The call was made by telephone to some 200 persons who that night were carrying out a vigil in front of the Consulate of Mexico in Los Angeles and who had conducted a protest strike encampment at the Consulate since 8:00 that morning. The professor said that Mexican sailors and soldiers are now located in three strategic points of the state, which are the naval bases of Salina Cruz, Puerto Escondido and the Bays of Huatulco and that they are ready to move into the capital of Oaxaca at any moment. "Oaxaca is living a virtual state of war", the teacher commented, then added that a military display of this kind has not been seen in Mexico since 1994, when the Zapatistas (in Chiapas) took up arms. "We will resist, we will defend the z�calo", the leader said, and added that the APPO has reinforced its barricades throughout the city, especially those that are located in the historic center and which are, he said, "truly walls" of self-defense. "We have no weapon except the weapon of reason", he clarified when a local television reporter repeatedly asked if the occupiers of the z�calo would respond to presence of armed forces. "We believe that we would do so in legitimate defense", concluded Rosales among the shouts of demonstrators who moments before had prayed that "the hearts and minds of the government officials would be touched so that they would not repress the people." Rufino Dom�ngues, general coordinator of the Indigenous Front of Binational Organizations (in LA) declared himself - as did dozens of persons during the entire day - against the use of force by the government and added that any initiation of violence would be the responsability of the State headed by Ulises Ruiz Ortiz and the Mexican president, Vicente Fox. | |
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