Jovenes Trabajadores tegen �verantwoorde soja nina - 03.09.2006 23:07
Zoals eerder bericht heeft de 'Round Table on Responsible Soy', georganiseerd door WWF, dit keer in Paraguay, voor veel discussie gezorgd. Er is in Paraguay een brede oppositiebeweging op gang gekomen die zich sterk tegen de �verantwoorde soja� keert, bestaande uit organisaties van boeren, arbeiders, vissers, jongeren, en NGO�s. Een voorbeeld hiervan is de onderstaande verklaring van de Jovenes Trabajadores, vertaald in het engels. Nu de conferentie afgelopen is, zal moeten blijken of er uberhaupt enige steun vanuit de Paraguayaanse milieu- of sociale bewegingen is geweest voor het �ronde tafel� proces. De sojateelt in dit land, achtergebleven in bijna dictatoriale omstandigheden en geregeerd door dezelfde partij en kliek als onder Stroessner, leidt als nergens anders tot geweldadige landconflicten, onderdrukking, en gezondheidsrampen. Er is daarom veel kritiek op het idee dat �verantwoorde�,�duurzame� of �groene� soja (als al mogelijk)hier vandaan zou kunnen komen. Communication of Solidarity We address public opinion to express the following: We totally disapprove of the so-called " Second Round Table On Responsible Soy " (irresponsible, murderous and expulsive) meeting that will take place in the Yacht y Golf Club, a very luxurious hotel ( meeting among the few. And what about the many ?? ) from the 31st of August to the 2nd of September... We totally reject the plan to use our country and our lands as elements for accumulation and profit for just the very few. We put forward, and defend, that the land belongs to those who work it and not those who are exploiting her without regard for the consecuences, as they are leaving thousands of people in misery and generating an ever growing exodus of fellow peasant men and women, feeding the poverty belts around cities which is having an incalculable negative consequences for social development. We experience in our own flesh the madness felt by the population in the face of such cruel abuses while without alternatives it is normal for them to have to eat the same soy in their communities. We reproach the massive distribution of soy based products which arrive to schools and communities with their supernutritious food discourse, we consider that, because of our capacities and in spite of our social condition, we don't qualify to be compared to the cattle in Europe for whom this massive monoculture production is destined and which leaves rich pickings. the time has come that we stop believing these masqueraded discourses presented by the big NGO's and business who pretend to have a social responsability. We consider that under the supposed goal of defining production, processing and trade as responsible, answering blablablaed gobbledegook criteria which attends to the economic, environmenal and social NGOs like WWF, Solidaridad, Guyra Paraguay and IDEA, with muti-national corporations like Unilever, Andre Maggi Group, Banks like ABN-AMRO and sectors like CAPECO, CAP and AAPRESID are nothing more than the abuse and the manipulation towards a dishearted population facing an ever increasing poverty who has no alternatives and who surrounded by such brutal, cruel and inhuman acts, 'aproves' of it amid their ignorance. We express our most brotherly solidarity to all those compa�eros and compa�eras from the social organisations, we consider that there is nothing to take away from you anymore, that they even took your fear away. Full frontal struggle is the only way through which we will destroy this social system, so unequal and unjust, and we shall eradicate this governement so full of personal interests, who shows totally clearly how it doesn't care about the population unless when it finds anything out it can steal from us. For a country were the economy is sustained by solidarity, trust and production of the land for local distribution and consumption, with seeds and tools for all. For a country where transnationals are not the ones who impose their production model and their market. For a free country, sovereign, without ties nor dependencies, where all families produce and consume without fear or atrocious results. Only sector unity will take us to the final victory!!!! We ask to those who receive this mail to distribute it, it just takes a few minutes, human life does not have a price as they want to make us believe. Grupo de j�venes Trabajadores / Group of Young Workers Tet� Pyahura Fernando de la Mora, Paraguay, August 2006 Website:, |