Debate on the WSF Mumbay in Groningen christian, alert/attac groningen - 02.02.2004 09:52
alert/attac Groningen organises on wednesday the 11th of February a debate on the outcome of the last WSF. alert/attac organises in cooperation with the Centre of development Studies: �ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR WORLD PROBLEMS� a debate on the World Social Forum in Mumbay Date: 11th of February 2004 Time: 19.30 � 22.00 h Place: Zernikezaal, Academiegebouw (Broerstraat 5, Groningen) The fourth World Social Forum (WSF) took place from the 16th until the 21st of January in the Indian city Mumbai. During these five days representatives of social movements, NGOs, labour movements, progressive intellectuals and many others have discussed alternatives for democracy, development, the welfare state, water privatisation, capitalism, war and many other issues. Alert is interested in the Social Fora development and the alternatives for political vision and political reality it produces and therefore we organise a debate on this topic. Questions which will be tackled are: What is the relevance of the WSF in the current political context? Which alternatives were produced during this WSF? How can these alternatives contribute to solving the important issues in the world? We invited for this debate four speakers: Frank van der Valk - NOVIB Joost Janmaat - IKV Olivier Hoedeman - CEO and Peter Waterman - Political scientist and �WSF specialist� The debate will be in English. You are all more than welcome! For further information please email to: E-Mail: Website: |